SVG Accessibility Task Force Teleconference
04 May 2016

See also: IRC log


fesch, AmeliaBR, shepazu, rich, Brian, chaals
Leonie, Watson


<fesch> agenda https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-svg-a11y/2016May/0005.html

<scribe> Scribe: AmeliaBR

Naming graphics roles

FE: This came up on the mailing list, does anybody want to revisit the prefix graphics-*?

RS: No, I think we've already discussed this enough.
... (to Amelia) Have you made any changes yet?

ABR: I've pushed change graphics-doc to graphics-document. I've started on the change to the table of mapping roles, but it hasn't been pushed to master.

FE: Any other comments or discussion with respect to graphics-document instead of -doc?

(no one comments)

ABR: If anyone finds any cases that still use graphics-doc, please make a pull request.
... for the actual role mapping, that should be ready for next week.

Update on Authoring Guidance

FE: Doug has been discussing with chaals, but it's not up yet.

DS: Should be online next week.

SVG Features At-Risk

FE: We need an update on features which might affect us & tests we create.

<Rich> Note: there is the link to the HTML-AAM issue for the <svg> element: https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/347

ABR: At SVG2 meeting it was decided that any new features with no implementations should be officially marked at-risk.
... warning authors, prodding implementers

FE: What's the timeline for SVG 2?

ABR: Trying to get CR as soon as possible. We won't be removing features between now and then, but marking things as at-risk makes it easier later on if we have to remove them before moving to Recommendation status.

DS: Specifically, CR by end of June.

FE: Any features other than multilingual title/desc we should be aware of?

ABR: tabindex is important for accessibility, allows DOM/reading order to be independent from painting order, but I don't think that will affect any of our tests.

Current Actions

<fesch> https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/svg-a11y-tf/track/

FE: There's a lot of discussion about ARIA Action 2044 (presentational roles), not sure if there's anything we need to discuss

ABR: I think the discussion is mostly editorial, main decisions that affect our specs have already been made.

FE: Action-2002, Is this still relevant?

ABR: Action is still relevant, but the changes that are required are not as described in that note. Need to update based on the current understanding of presentational roles.

FE: Rich's Action-2003 is related, needs to follow up with the main ARIA spec

RS: Yes, but still need to look into how native semantics interact

FE: Action-2004, clean up title/desc

ABR: I think there are still a few items there that I need to handle

FE: How will this be affected by multilingual title/desc being removed?

ABR: I think our wording is sufficiently vague, it just defers to rules in SVG 2 for selecting the correct alternative

FE: Action-2008, by Doug, any updates?

DS: No, not this week

FE: Charles has Action-2020, follow up with WCAG re role none and title/desc

CMN: I've pushed off the due date, I'll follow up.

FE: Action-2021 looks like a duplicate on Rich re presentational roles
... and Action-2022, update graphics roles mapping on Amelia

ABR: Still working on it.
... Brian had discovered a section in graphics role spec that needs to be updated given issues with presentation/none https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/354/files
... I'm going to suggest adding more nuanced text instead of just removing it, need to draft wording.

<fesch> http://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/aria/graphics.html

<fesch> http://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/aria/graphics.html#introduction

FE: I added an extra bullet point with the Graphics roles spec, in the introduction

ABR: that looks fine. Any work on the other changes to that section we discussed last week?

FE: Not yet, I can add it in.

trackbot, end telcon

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.144 (CVS log)
$Date: 2016/05/04 18:40:39 $

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Found Scribe: AmeliaBR
Inferring ScribeNick: AmeliaBR
Default Present: fesch, AmeliaBR, shepazu, rich, Brian, chaals
Present: fesch AmeliaBR shepazu rich Brian chaals
Regrets: Leonie Watson
Found Date: 04 May 2016
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2016/05/04-svg-a11y-minutes.html
People with action items: 

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