18:04:59 RRSAgent has joined #svg-a11y 18:04:59 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/04/27-svg-a11y-irc 18:05:01 RRSAgent, make logs ab 18:05:01 Zakim has joined #svg-a11y 18:05:03 Zakim, this will be 18:05:03 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 18:05:04 Meeting: SVG Accessibility Task Force Teleconference 18:05:04 Date: 27 April 2016 18:05:05 chair: Fred 18:05:07 AmeliaBR has joined #svg-a11y 18:05:11 RRSAgent, make log public 18:05:17 scribe: Rich 18:05:28 present+ AmeliaBR 18:05:42 Topic: Any news or things to add to the agenda 18:05:47 present+ Brian 18:06:02 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-svg-a11y/2016Apr/0030.html 18:06:21 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-svg-a11y/2016Apr/0029.html 18:07:14 Topic: Authoring Document 18:07:42 Doug: Charles and I met a couple weeks ago and we talked about the structure. 18:07:54 Doug: I am working on a new outline over the old one 18:08:08 Doug: I am going to put it in the SVG repository 18:08:29 Doug: I chatted with Fred about it and he pointed me to authoring guidance for ARIA. 18:08:40 Doug: I suggested it was not the right format for ours 18:08:51 Doug: It might be appropriate for data visualization later 18:09:09 Doug: I will be sharing a link to a github repo. for it 18:09:29 Doug: I would like to put this on the agenda for next week and I would like people to review it. 18:09:37 Fred: Who can edit it? 18:09:53 chaals: I can. 18:09:58 Doug: I want to do it all with pull requests 18:10:08 Doug: I can take email 18:10:26 Amelia: it provides lasting documentation and discussions related to it 18:10:40 q? 18:10:40 Fred: can you send out an email notification ahead of time? 18:10:43 Doug: yes 18:11:06 present+ chaals 18:11:09 Topic: Last Meeting’s resolution 18:11:28 Fred: this is child vs. descendant 18:11:30 Where an element has role=none or role=presentation and has a 18:11:32 descendent title or desc element, user agents must ignore the role. 18:11:33 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-svg-a11y/2016Apr/0014.html 18:11:35 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-svg-a11y/2016Apr/0016.html 18:12:03 Fred: This should say that it has s child title or desc 18:12:16 Amelia: yes 18:12:44 RESOLUTION: Just fix it treating it as a typo 18:12:58 Amelia: your email of April 12th ... 18:13:10 Corrected resolution text would be: Where an element has role=none or role=presentation and has a direct child title or desc element, user agents must ignore the role. 18:13:59 +11 18:14:17 q+ 18:14:25 Fred: I will let Joanie I corrected our typo 18:15:22 RESOLUTION: Where an element has role=none or role=presentation and has a direct child title or desc element, user agents must ignore the role 18:15:35 ack Doug 18:16:31 Fred: Originally, I wanted role presentation and none to be like a gold hammer where the person would know it would not show up in the accessibility tree 18:16:45 ack shepazu 18:16:55 Fred: That did not work due to exceptions like adding a tabindex 18:17:09 Topic: Action 2044 18:17:22 https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/action2044/aria/aria.html#override_presentation_none 18:20:06 Rich: I will be looking for comments from Amelia and other on this over the next week 18:20:35 Topic: Action 2021 18:20:42 Action-2021 18:20:42 Action-2021 -- Richard Schwerdtfeger to Work role=none/presentation into ARIA spec -- due 2016-04-20 -- OPEN 18:20:42 http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/svg-a11y-tf/track/actions/2021 18:22:11 Discussion here: https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/347 18:22:11 Topic: default native host language semantics for the SVG element and how to process 18:22:22 https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/347 18:23:03 Rich: What do we do if it is empty? 18:23:29 Amelia: it is empty in terms of the accessibility tree such as a uniform image 18:23:44 Amelia: We don’t want to map it to group in the long run 18:24:22 Amelia: Group does not make sense 18:24:58 Amelia: The mappings will be in the be in the graphics-aam 18:25:16 Amelia: the SVG mapping spec. will refer to the graphics-aam 18:26:19 Rich: Steve Faulkner has said HTML needs to point to the SVG specification for the element 18:27:24 Rich: I am speaking to Joanie about the mappings 18:29:14 Action: Amelia update the SVG AAM and SVG2 to use the new graphics roles 18:29:15 Created ACTION-2022 - Update the svg aam and svg2 to use the new graphics roles [on Amelia Bellamy-Royds - due 2016-05-04]. 18:32:38 Rich: We need to lock down SVG2, HTML 5.1, ARIA 1.1, and the Graphics ARIA module first and then the AAM shall follow 18:33:27 Amelia: We need to have agreement on the ARIA role mappings and the AAMs will expose them 18:34:33 Fred: On the github issue then I guess we go ahead report that we are moving graphics group to graphics document - defer to SVG for SVG related semantics and mappings 18:35:06 Fred: Leonie, was there any contention to graphics docs not having children? 18:35:36 RESOLUTION: No issues with switching to using graphics-doc over the ARIA group role 18:36:17 RESOLUTION: No issues with graphics-doc not having children 18:37:03 Topic: How should we in the graphics module give a preview for a more complex set of graphics roles in the future? 18:37:18 Fred: Judy asked for the status of this 18:38:14 Fred: I talked about the basic plumbing being taken care consistently first 18:38:38 Fred: Any issues with putting this in the inroduction 18:38:38 This specification defines the core roles that would be used in all structured graphics or diagrams. Future work will expand on this framework to enable more detailed annotation of data-rich graphics such as charts or maps. 18:39:35 (Those are relevant comments from current spec text.) 18:40:06 Rich: The intent of this specification is to work in harmony with SVG2 and ARIA 1.1 to get consistent working accessibility infrastructure, on par with WAI-ARIA and HTML5.1, across all the major browsers. 18:41:46 The intent of this specification is to work in harmony with SVG2 and ARIA 1.1 to get consistent working accessibility infrastructure and keyboard support, on par with WAI-ARIA and HTML5.1, across all the major browsers. 18:42:58 Action: Fred make changes to the Introduction regarding this release of the graphics module and future releases 18:42:58 Created ACTION-2023 - Make changes to the introduction regarding this release of the graphics module and future releases [on Fred Esch - due 2016-05-04]. 18:43:38 RRSAgent, draft minutes 18:43:38 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/04/27-svg-a11y-minutes.html Rich 18:43:47 RRSAgent, make log public 18:44:33 zakim, bye 18:44:33 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been AmeliaBR, Brian, chaals 18:44:33 Zakim has left #svg-a11y 18:44:39 RRSAgent, make minutes 18:44:39 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/04/27-svg-a11y-minutes.html Rich 18:44:51 AmeliaBR has left #svg-a11y 19:13:00 fesch has left #svg-a11y 20:02:28 Rich has left #svg-a11y