15:05:32 RRSAgent has joined #interledger 15:05:32 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/04/20-interledger-irc 15:05:55 chair: AdrianHB 15:06:56 Karen_ has joined #interledger 15:07:20 scribenick: AdrianHB 15:07:35 [Evan is presenting a talk he gave at WWW2016] 15:07:41 present+ ShaneM 15:07:47 Zakim has joined #interledger 15:07:58 evan: have been working on use case demos on top of ILP to test things and prove the value 15:08:08 zakim, this is Interledger Protocol Community Group 15:08:08 got it, ShaneM 15:08:18 present+ ShaneM 15:08:20 zakim, who is here? 15:08:20 Present: ShaneM 15:08:23 On IRC I see Karen_, RRSAgent, padler, djg, Dimitri, ShaneM, emschwartz, justmoon, jtremback, zmanian, AdrianHB, evhub, xavier, stevenroose, tarcieri, danmiller 15:08:40 ... looked for images for presentation but had to filter based on usage rights 15:08:44 present+ AdrianHB 15:09:16 ... what the image search does is actually look for creative commons licenses 15:10:13 ... many people use pirate bay etc to download content via torrents but there are streaming service emerging as alts 15:10:42 ... which are of course legal vs torrenting (which is only piracy because there is no way to pay for the content) 15:11:12 ... we need a license that is like CC but supports paying the content producer 15:11:35 ... [shows requirements for new strawman license] 15:11:45 ... project is based on WebTorrent 15:12:28 ... vision is an ecosystem where torrenting is legal because everyone is paying for their content 15:13:24 ... [DEMO: Five Bells Wallet Client] - https://github.com/interledger/five-bells-wallet-client 15:13:43 ... simple wallet client for ILP 15:13:59 ... bootstraps ILP users (as opposed to core developers) 15:15:48 ... [DEMO: Instant.io + Interledger] - https://github.com/emschwartz/webtorrent-ilp 15:17:11 ... allows someone to upload a file with a license file embedded 15:17:23 ... downloaders pay the uploader and content producer 15:17:48 ... ILP allows this to be done without worrying about currencies and interoperability of payment networks between participants 15:18:28 ... [Shows a downloader getting a file] 15:18:58 ... note that second downloader is now paying the other downloader as they are seeding the file too 15:19:28 ... [Shows wallets of participants] 15:19:38 ... note how the payments are rolling in real time 15:20:03 ... ILP is efficient enough to facilitate very small payments and between different systems 15:20:20 ... no need for all participants to pick a common payment network/system 15:20:55 ... ILP is a payment standard designed to be used by other standards 15:21:19 ... it is open and neutral so it doesn't force anything built on top to use a specific network 15:22:23 jaime-ez has joined #interledger 15:22:35 hi, got questions 15:22:48 Does the recipients wallet client need to be online? 15:22:55 ok, no iĺl just write 15:23:37 ... the wallet provides a good starting point for developers that want to use ILP 15:23:52 jamie-ez: do you need to be logged into the wallet to be paid 15:24:27 @jamie-ez - there is a lot of background noise on your line 15:24:35 evan: not to be paid 15:25:19 jamie-ez: how does the sender provide permission to their ledger to send the funds 15:26:02 evan: right now it is based on the reference implementation of the ILP ledger (five-bells) but it could be updated to use any ILP-capable ledger 15:27:00 evan: auth into the ledger is not defined by ILP. The ledger needs to support ILP and then provide a way to auth sending transactions in whatever way it wants 15:27:07 yes 15:27:59 emschwartz: show "magic"! 15:28:15 (if you haven't already) 15:28:37 https://github.com/interledger/magic 15:28:43 dmitri: have been hands-on with the crypto-conditions 15:28:54 ... working well so, so far so good 15:29:10 ... may be concerns about long fulfillments (time to unpack) 15:29:42 ... figuring it out 15:30:29 justmoon: wrt length of fulfillments, there is a fixed ratio between the string and binary encodings so you can enforce your limits up front 15:30:46 dimitri: that will be something we'll investigate 15:32:18 python implementation at https://github.com/bigchaindb/cryptoconditions 15:33:26 justmoon: we haven't forgotten about routing. After establishing crypto-conditions test suite we'll focus on routing 15:33:57 ... plan is to move to a model more like the Internet stack. I.e. routing at the switch (connector) not sender 15:34:31 ... we already tried moving pathfind and the size difference is already bug 15:34:52 evan: working on the wallet client and thes routing changes is making it a lot less complex 15:35:10 ... will make implementations in many languages easier 15:35:47 ... plan is to make it easier for devs to pick up Interledger with minimal knowledge of the underlying prototocl 15:38:02 dimitri: is it possible to get the presentation to share? 15:38:02 evan: will send to the list 15:38:26 dimitri: in our impl we are JSON based so we made a lib to serialize between JSON and string formats for conditions 15:38:47 ... also is it possible to add issues or PRs 15:39:44 rrsagent, make minutes 15:39:44 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/04/20-interledger-minutes.html ShaneM 15:39:49 rrsagent, make logs public 15:40:12 zakim, who is here 15:40:12 ShaneM, you need to end that query with '?' 15:40:16 justmoon: YES! 15:40:17 zakim, who is here? 15:40:17 Present: ShaneM, AdrianHB 15:40:19 On IRC I see jaime-ez, Zakim, Karen_, RRSAgent, padler, djg, Dimitri, ShaneM, emschwartz, justmoon, jtremback, zmanian, AdrianHB, evhub, xavier, stevenroose, tarcieri, danmiller 15:40:28 no thanks, sorry for the noise and great work! 15:40:44 no problem :) 15:41:01 ShaneM, got it thanks 17:48:00 Zakim has left #interledger