WAI Coordination Call

13 Apr 2016

See also: IRC log


Katie_Haritos-Shea, fesch, chaals, allanj, AWK, Judy, lisa, Janina, George, Kim
fesch, Judy


<Judy> changes in response to last questions; stay every-other-weekly?

<fesch> scribe:fesch


congrats on pre-CSUN publications; any further post-CSUN debrief?

<Judy> https://www.w3.org/WAI/

jb: pubs announced on WAI home page... thanks for all the work getting that out
... a lot of work for Michael Cooper - as you look ahead pre TPAC, if you can get publications out several weeks ahead of TPAC it helps
... questions?
... congrats on the pubs and all the work done

any update on needs for upcoming cross-review of documents?

jb: list a lot of docs for review...
... are there any groups that intend to review the drafts?

<Judy> https://www.w3.org/TR/2016/WD-low-vision-needs-20160317/

js: most of 1.1 is feature complete... testing may expose issues

congrats on pre-CSUN publications; any further post-CSUN debrief?

update on Accessibility Conformance Testing discussions underway

jb: had two meetings on auto WCAG - automated WCAG community group
... taking an normative path, with testing procedure
... calls every other week on Thursday - approach for normative testing - automated testing for WCAG 2
... lead to framework for semi-automated or automated testing, scalable to take in ePub...

<Judy> https://www.w3.org/2016/04/07-auto-wcag-minutes.html

george: setting up call to discuss software development

jb: also interest from trusted tester program...
... looking at different approaches to integrate test proceedures

Katie: was involved in first meeting...

jb: looking for folks to join that... looking at task force... may be best approach
... anyone need info on this?

accessibility of passwords

js: problem with password is - authors don't always use use input type = password, so password role has been proposed

<Judy> s/integrate test procedures/develop a set of authoritative test procedures/

js: password is at risk, may move to ARIA 2
... several concerns, we feel it doesn't do damage... may need more modern mechanism

jb: internal work by Wendy Selzer aspirationally focused on killing passwords... see if we can get Wendy to meet with APA
... good to know if where issues are? Low vision, cognitive...?

ls: proposal centered around vision impaired (AT), but cognitive issues with passwords too
... when you have long passwords, can be unusable... security space issues - copying, memory... security questions... these kinds of things block people out
... you could use alternatives, like biometrics, not relying on the person's, but rather on other methods, people should have options...
... folks with a cognitive disability often write the passwords on paper, easy to compromise
... huge security problem

<Lisa_Seeman> https://rawgit.com/w3c/coga/master/issue-papers/privacy-security.html

ls: coga sees this as quite important

jb: Janina are the specifics being addressed in feedback?
... have you been looking at password security problems?

ja: haven't noticed it, but as we bring this up....

jb: add this to the things you are thinking about?

js: the deeper conversation will happen post ARIA 1.1

jb: different modes, two modes of authentication - ie use of mobile phone....

ls: in COGA we have a different use case on safety, someone with cognitive disability are venerable online to abuse
... safety is way beyond password

jb: safety is an important issue, but a different issue, how well written up is safety?

ls: we have an issue paper on safety

<Lisa_Seeman> https://rawgit.com/w3c/coga/master/issue-papers/safety.html

jb: coordinate with Janinia/APA

status update on accessibility issues in CSS

js: there have been several meetings with CSS/APA/ARIA and what is emerging is clear - YAAM problem


js: CSS - injecting content, rearranging stuff (read order)... ЯAAM will help, looking for folks, ARIA needs to be part of that.... timeline post ARIA 1.1 have been collecting issues
... we are generating a list of issues...
... research task force may be helpful
... may be best practices as well as AAM
... need to continue to show where the problems are?

jb: are you going through Chris Lilley or straight through the group?\
... quick aside - where Janina was saying that the password issue wasn't ready to recruit folks yet...
... when ready drop into a interest group... coordinate how it will happen
... anything else on CSS accessibility?

WAI task force updates, progress, participation needs?

jb: Kim, at CSUN some people expressed interest in the mobile area

kim: can always use people

jb: do you have a clear focus?

kim: yes
... need people, have a lot of stuff...

jb: need to get technical people?

kim: somewhat true

<Judy> scribe: Judy

fred: for SVG accessibility, it will be feature complete in June, to sync with ARIA 1.1
... or even before. The only changes we need are to keep it updated.

jb: wondering how much review you're getting, and testing by implementers, or building test suites

fred: Joanie Diggs is working on multiple aspects of testing, and that gets built into nightly builds
... and we have a test script that builds a JSON file and does some automated testing, generates PF file
... some feedback from Apple, but at the level of commits, after Joanie submits

jb: do you need other implementers?

fred: I think Rich has pinged Microsoft (Edge), Google (Chrome), Mozilla

jb: charles you have some implementation possibilities?

cmn: we're mostly focused on stuff that already works, so we an do some testing but I don't see a high likelihood of driving implementation

jb: any concerns or updated feedback welcome

<fesch> scribe: fesch

jb: due to time not planning on checking in on task forces....
... does ePub or low vision want to say something?

george: I plan on attending - bad travel schedule - will try

<Kim> https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/mobile-a11y-tf/wiki/Main_Page

kim: have a coordination section, would like input on... have history page points to history we had... take a look

<allanj> https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/mobile-a11y-tf/wiki/Main_Page#Coordination

kim: coordination is 3rd section

updating liaisons to WAI IG

jb: have liaison to WG, putting fred and chaals as backup

<Judy> https://www.w3.org/2016/03/02-waicc-minutes.html

jb: low vision - liaison to WIA, interest to task force level

ls: if Katie wants to be liaison ... that is fine

jb: Katie do you want someone to liaise with

katie: all it is to share

ls: if that all it is - I will do it

update on WCAG2 straw models task force & discussions

andrew: not officially a task force... JF and a few other folks are discussing it and trying to put forward some models...
... have a wiki page for folks to think about the models, having a discussion in the interest group
... we in the data collection phase - not sure how it will work out - big question is about normative extensions - or a WCAG 2.1 versioning
... a lot of similarity in models, ultimately what is published - would be the same - just issue is around how the info is packaged

jb: super long straw model thread.... where should people post comments if they jump in now?

andrew: hard, best way to start - is start... just jump in

katie: a drawback of doing everything all together, may slow things down... but could work together to get everything out

<chaals> [have to leave on time folks, sorry]

andrew: very wary of saying a TF is ahead or behind.... they may have taken different approaches...

<chaals> [+1 to AWK. Task forces move at different rates as they work on different parts of their different tasks…]

<allanj> +1 to andrew

andrew: we don't know which will get consensus
... we don't know if we could coordinate task forces.... may be folly...
... not in favor of one doc with everything

<janina> +1

<Judy> JB: notes +1's to Andrew's comments from chaals, jim, janina

ls: consider - it can take a while to come around to the idea of COGA... lots of prejudice... if we go the extension model we could get some ground breaking results

<Zakim> AWK, you wanted to disagree with the TFs being in radically different states of completion

ls: I don't know if adoption for COGA is as easy or smooth as low vision

jb: need to adjust EO work?

ls: I like extension, but it may be up to someone to include an extension or not - if they exclude it we could argue that they are being exclusive - and extension allows us to make good standards

jb: please put the comment on list

upcoming publications, messaging?

<Judy> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-cc/2016Apr/0006.html

jb: please look at Shawn's message, and let us know what your up coming pubs are... if you have a central repository a link would be welcome..
... next meeting in 2 weeks
... next meeting April 27


<Judy> title: WAI Coordination Call

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.144 (CVS log)
$Date: 2016/04/13 20:06:07 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

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This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.144  of Date: 2015/11/17 08:39:34  
Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/

Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/jd/jb/
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Succeeded: s/use/also interest from/
FAILED: s/integrate test procedures/develop a set of authoritative test procedures/
Succeeded: s/having to do with passwords/aspirationally focused on killing passwords/
Succeeded: s/about/about?/
Succeeded: s/YAMM/YAAM/
Succeeded: s/YAAM/ЯAAM/
Succeeded: s/x/Chris Lily/
Succeeded: s/Lily/Lilley/
Succeeded: s/may not have bandwidth/we're mostly focused on stuff that already works, so we an do some testing but I don't see a high likelihood of driving implementation/
Succeeded: s/model/model thread/
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Inferring ScribeNick: fesch
Found Scribe: Judy
Inferring ScribeNick: Judy
Found Scribe: fesch
Inferring ScribeNick: fesch
Scribes: fesch, Judy
ScribeNicks: fesch, Judy
Present: Katie_Haritos-Shea fesch chaals allanj AWK Judy lisa Janina George Kim
Got date from IRC log name: 13 Apr 2016
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2016/04/13-waicc-minutes.html
People with action items: 

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