See also: IRC log
pedestal: vlad
<behdad> yo
<scribe> scribenick: rsheeter
Looking for pictures with color and awesomeness people
Vlad: mobile perf? (which action ?)
kuettel: started, looks good for woff2. Need to capture and share.
<trackbot> action-116 -- David Kuettel to Decoder performance analysis on mobile devices -- due 2016-04-06 -- OPEN
Vlad: A visual explanation of overall time consumed (load, decompress, etc) would be nice to have
(discussion of what data we want and how we might obtain it; item due date pushed out)
<trackbot> action-172 -- Chris Lilley to Register font media types -- due 2016-04-30 -- OPEN
Vlad: seems to be moving along nicely
<trackbot> action-186 -- Roderick Sheeter to Try time (decode) and size for null glyf/loca xform vs regular vs woff1 -- due 2016-03-16 -- OPEN
Me: Have first draft but suspicious of one set of #'s, wnat to poke more before publishing
<trackbot> action-199 -- Khaled Hosny Ghetas to Investigate how we actually verify at tests, particularly how we verify internal handling. -- due 2016-03-30 -- OPEN
(no update, push date for now)
mustLoadFontCollection - test looks fine; might be worth adding a note that no UA actually supports at this time
Vlad: might be good to discuss at TPAC
- I read the test as meaning it would be OK to unshare the tables as long as the result was a valid collection. Maybe clarify that there should be no change in which tables are/are not shared?
jfkthame: maybe that's OK specwise even if it's an inefficient implementation
I think there was discussion of how this would actually be verified. Maybe one simple way would be just by looking at the transformed length and flags? - it should have these X flags and be Y bytes smaller type of deal.
(discussion of The Validator)
mustCheckLSBAllGlyfTables, mustNotApplyLSBTransformForOTC
Marked for attention but seem fine
Vlad: because I snuck them in
while you were not looking
... That leaves us with just implementation for tests )
Vlad: ATypI will be good for our
group. TPAC will offer a chance to chat with other groups, such
as with CSS about fragments and collections.
... and the wooorld of tomorrow
... js api for deeper access to fonts, subsets, loading, etc
might be a fun area to explore.
... Further suggestions welcome, including going outside
current charter
behdad: maybe something about variations, css, better compressing them?
kuettel: unicode-range issues
might be fun to chat with css group about
... so are we definitely doing both? (atypi, tpac)
vlad: strongly recommended
... last call
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.144 of Date: 2015/11/17 08:39:34 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Found ScribeNick: rsheeter Inferring Scribes: rsheeter Default Present: Vlad, RSheeter, behdad, kuettel, kenlundeadobe Present: Vlad RSheeter behdad kuettel kenlundeadobe jfkthame Found Date: 06 Apr 2016 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]