19:55:46 RRSAgent has joined #crypto 19:55:46 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/04/04-crypto-irc 19:55:48 RRSAgent, make logs public 19:55:48 Zakim has joined #crypto 19:55:50 Zakim, this will be CRYPT 19:55:50 ok, trackbot 19:55:51 Meeting: Web Cryptography Working Group Teleconference 19:55:51 Date: 04 April 2016 19:57:25 engelke has joined #crypto 20:02:34 markw has joined #crypto 20:03:06 jimsch has joined #crypto 20:03:34 we are indeed doing the phone call 20:04:04 Zakim, pick a scribe 20:04:04 I don't who is present, hhalpin 20:04:24 present+ markw 20:04:33 \me name: whatever they said 20:04:34 hhalpin: Told engelke how to scribe 20:04:44 ... whatever they said 20:05:36 hhalpin: We need to get some resolution 20:06:04 ... we do not know the opinions of Microsoft and Mozilla. Even Google is divided on this. 20:07:23 ... Agenda from Viginie is status on the tests (hhalpin can give quick update) 20:07:29 topic: test status 20:07:38 ... had test the web forward training last week. Had three volunteers on call. 20:08:02 ... Encountered some Windows bugs, but got it working. 20:08:13 ... Netflix and Mozilla would like to do another training. 20:08:54 ryan hurst: Had opportunity to meet with a bunch of people on tests last week. 20:09:23 ... Jim will take on the import tests. 20:10:18 jimsch: Has not had much time. Dividing work into bite-size chunks, but out of office for next two weeks. 20:11:18 hhalpin: Next topic: open bugs. ASN.1 encoding thread issue. 20:12:03 ryan hurst: Spoke to a few people. Keeping ASN1 support makes sense, but what exactly does that mean. 20:12:41 ... A profile for pkcs8 and spki is palatable, but need to work out what would be acceptable. 20:12:55 ... profile would need to be documented. 20:13:31 ... ASN.1 encoders and parsers have not historically been strong on interoperability, so we need to define what is needed in that area. 20:13:44 ... I think it's totally possible. 20:14:47 hhalpin: Virginie posted an ambitious schedule for remaining work. 20:15:13 ... We may have three to four months to get this handled in order to meet schedule. 20:15:37 ryan hurst: Less concerned about W3C schedule than making sure it's right. Schedule 20:15:53 ... is important, but secondary. Six months seems possible. 20:16:23 ... Need participation writing tests from several people to finish in that time. 20:17:57 markw: Still have outstanding task of moving things to GitHub. 20:18:14 hhalpin: Hopefully will be done by next meeting. Already halfway there. 20:18:48 ... Other issue is key discovery note published. Everything okay with that? 20:19:24 ... Going to reach out to Mozilla to make sure they attend the next call. 20:19:36 ... Is this call time still acceptable? 20:20:02 ryan hurst: Every two weeks is okay once people are writing tests. 20:21:23 hhalpin: The big remaining issue is the ASN.1 profile. 20:21:40 ... See you all in two weeks. 20:22:07 thanks for scribing engelke! 20:24:07 RRSAgent, draft minutes 20:24:07 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/04/04-crypto-minutes.html hhalpin 21:33:42 ale has joined #crypto 21:39:45 Karen has joined #crypto 22:54:58 tantek has joined #crypto