13:55:27 RRSAgent has joined #dpub-loc 13:55:27 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/03/23-dpub-loc-irc 13:55:31 Zakim has joined #dpub-loc 13:55:45 Meeting: DPUB IG Locator TF call 13:55:56 Chair: Ben De Meester 13:56:00 rrsagent, set draft public 13:56:00 I'm logging. I don't understand 'set draft public', ivan. Try /msg RRSAgent help 13:56:10 rrsagent, set log public 13:56:45 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-digipub-ig/2016Mar/0087.html 13:57:26 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:57:26 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/03/23-dpub-loc-minutes.html ivan 13:59:28 bjdmeest has joined #dpub-loc 14:00:04 rdeltour has joined #dpub-loc 14:00:42 Present+ Ben_De_Meester 14:01:15 present+ Romain 14:01:27 Present+ Ivan 14:01:29 lrosenth has joined #dpub-loc 14:02:21 testing 14:03:33 REgrets: Bill 14:03:47 Present+ Leonard 14:05:22 scribenick: bjdmeest 14:05:45 scribenick: rdeltour 14:06:02 topic: issue #22 14:06:05 https://github.com/w3c/dpub-pwp-loc/issues/22 14:06:38 ben: this is about manifest retrieval from the package. For now there is a note. 14:06:49 ivan: right. I think we can close it. 14:07:31 ben: OK, issue close. 14:07:39 topic: issue #9 14:07:42 https://github.com/w3c/dpub-pwp-loc/issues/9 14:07:49 ben: we shouldn't make things more complicated than they are. 14:07:58 ben: maybe we can just remove that section. 14:08:22 ivan: I agree 14:08:31 leanard: right, just remove it 14:08:44 ben: ok great, let's close this. 14:09:00 ivan: ben, will you take care of the editing? 14:09:03 ben: yes 14:09:16 topic: use cases 14:09:27 ben: we identified some issues, haven't put them on github yet 14:09:52 ben: romain, I can go through the minutes and just add them to the github tracker? 14:10:31 scribenick: bjdmeest 14:10:40 rdeltour: some discussion, not yet clearly defined 14:10:49 ... maybe we can define them within our group? 14:11:03 ivan: this group could contribute to that effort 14:11:10 ... of the general pwp issues 14:11:31 rdeltour: there is some overlap, e.g., the ones from leonard and nick 14:11:46 ivan: if there are overlaps, I don't think that is a problem 14:12:07 ... several use cases that lead to similar requirements, re-enforces those requirements 14:12:49 rdeltour: in terms of process: ben, you can go over the minutes and aggregate all mentioned use cases in one document 14:13:36 ... to the mailing list or as a new issue 14:13:47 ivan: issue tracker might be better 14:14:16 rdeltour: maybe all current use cases can be merged into one bigger ues case 14:14:28 ... that's up to you 14:14:41 ... we can possibly merge smaller use cases into bigger ones 14:16:09 ivan: if you can try to abstract the use cases from the previous discussion, then that would be a big help 14:16:47 scribenick: rdeltour 14:16:58 topic: breadcrumbs 14:17:00 http://w3c.github.io/dpub-pwp-loc/#breadcrumbs 14:17:31 leonard: interesting idea, but it makes an assumption that you can change a PWP 14:17:51 ... in the first case (teacher adding annotations) there is potentially changes to the PWP 14:18:01 ... inside of what we consider the PWP 14:18:19 ... I think we have to assume that we can't, that a PWP is unmodifiable 14:18:27 ... everything needs to be done externally 14:18:43 ivan: I think it's not an assumption 14:18:57 ... I agree that there are cases when this is not impossible 14:19:12 ... there is a possibility that the manifest itself is outside the PWP 14:19:46 ... there has to be a note that the mechanism relies on the fact that the manifest can be modified 14:19:51 leonard: yes 14:20:27 ben: I was wondering if we had to limit this to the fact that the PWP shouldn't be changed 14:20:33 ivan: you don't change a PWP, you create a new 14:20:47 leonard: but it's predicated on the fact that you have the right to do that 14:21:08 ... but really you only need to modfiy the manifest without touching the PWP 14:21:31 ben: for instance a publishers create a PWP with embedded video and you want to modify this PWP to reference to youtube video 14:21:41 ... you create a new PWP but maintain the breadcrumbs 14:21:50 ivan: I think we all agree here 14:21:55 ben: ok 14:22:26 DanielWeck has joined #dpub-loc 14:22:58 ivan: if we don't have anything left on the agenda I'd like to discuss something 14:23:08 ... at some point we should discuss how we see the evolution of this document 14:23:17 ... I have the impression we're close to an end. 14:23:29 ... it's not clear to my mind what to do with this document when it's finalized 14:24:05 ... we have 3 interrelated documents: PWP, UC&R, locators 14:24:14 ... I'd like to head how do you see that 14:24:24 ... that may lead to editorial work 14:24:37 leonard: I agree that at some point we have to figure out that problem 14:24:45 ivan: should I share my views? 14:24:49 leonard: yes 14:25:11 ivan: my feeling is that we should converge to have 2 docs, one is the UC doc and the other is PWP 14:25:18 ... on the long term 14:26:00 ... that means that you should take over the use cases part of PWP into the UC document 14:26:11 ... then the PWP doc becomes a more technical document 14:26:20 ... includes what we did for locators 14:26:37 ... and the section we have on SW (reworded to make it more agnostic) 14:26:41 leonard: makes sense 14:27:04 romain: I like the approach 14:27:39 ivan: when you and Heather start editing the UC doc, we have to start working on ripping off the PWP document 14:27:50 leonard: maybe bring the discussion to the larger group? 14:28:23 ivan: ben you'll probably be asked to summarize our TF work to the larger group, we should propose it at this time. 14:28:49 ivan: if the locators work is "done", the next big thing is to look at what is the manifest and what information is needed there 14:29:06 leonard: I do agree on that 14:29:27 ... but I'm wondering how we address the manifest without addressing the package issue. 14:29:41 ... but otherwise I do agree that the next big thing is the manfiest 14:33:54 bye! 14:33:55 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:33:55 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/03/23-dpub-loc-minutes.html bjdmeest 14:35:19 rdeltour has left #dpub-loc 15:34:06 dauwhe has joined #dpub-loc 15:58:31 dauwhe_ has joined #dpub-loc 16:07:52 Zakim has left #dpub-loc 16:12:11 rrsagent, bye 16:12:11 I see no action items