Device APIs Working Group Teleconference

17 Mar 2016


See also: IRC log


Tobie_Langel, Dom, Anssi_Kostiainen, Andrey_Logvinov


Minutes approval

RESOLUTION: Minutes from March 3 2016 are approved https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2016Mar/0017.html

Battery Status

<anssik> migrated the spec from Hg to Git: https://github.com/w3c/battery -- now accepting PRs!

Generic Sensor API

Tobie: I brought up two weeks ago a question with regard to whether the sensor-poll starting should be split away from creating a new sensor instance
... which generated a useful discussion
... the split-off helped me make more sense of the intricacies in this space
... I completely rebuilt the polyfill I have to be as close as possible to spec language, and am now turning that polyfill into spec language
... and consulting people on some of the low-level aspects of the platform
... I'm really liking where this is leading
... a much more precise description with fewer surprises
... but it is taking more time than I had hoped
... I was hoping to be done today, but that won't happen; I still need to deal with some corner cases in error handling and time outs

Anssi: when can we publish?

Tobie: I chatted with Dom today about this
... we can publish as any time

Dom: indeed, via echidna we can publish despite the starting moratorium

tobie: some interesting points emerging today
... now that we have a start method to start polling the sensor
... I kind of like that the state moves from activated to active based on the first reading of the sensor
... the question arises when there is an error, what does that mean? it's harder problem than I expected
... e.g. if the underlying hardware sends an error, is it a fatal error or not?
... AnneVK suggested to wait until we have implementation feedback on the
... it could be sensor specific

Dom: I would guess it is indeed sensor-specific; it probably also depends on the error types as well

tobie: how does that relate to our promise-based flow?

dom: if the error means that you can't read from the sensor, the promise should be rejected

tobie: OK, I could see how that would integrate with the algorithm: a fatal error reject the promises, other errors are emitted as error events

dom: might be confusing to have both error events and promise rejection

tobie: yeah, but you might need it e.g. if the sensors can't keep up with the requested frequency

dom: interesting use case; not clear if there are many such cases or some specific ones that we can put into the generic spec
... we can probably tackle fatal errors as a starting point, and see if we need reporting for other type of errors

tobie: sounds good, will look at that approach
... I've opened a few other issues on which I would want feedback
... AnneVK suggested that one of the issues should wait for cancelable promises, which sounds reasonable
... a recent change in DOM on hires timestamp will simplify our spec
... will try to push for a draft tomorrow

Vibration API

Anssi: I need to update the spec based on the privacy discussion

WakeLock API

Andrey: I've reviewed the spec against the privacy & security questionnaire
... we identified the need to add a privacy & security section to the spec

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

  1. Minutes from March 3 2016 are approved https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2016Mar/0017.html
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.144 (CVS log)
$Date: 2016/03/17 14:36:03 $