See also: IRC log
chair: Tony
scribe: hhalpin
Note I've sent the email out to the mailing list.
Tony: JeffH will likely not be
... he populated the status of the items from the f2f
... it was populated as of yesterday
Here's the open issues from JeffH:
Tony: We can go through the
status of them
... although I believe no new work has started
... we can go onto document merge update
dirkbalfanz: JeffH started by
converting to bikeshed
... isn't really that much of a change
... basically concated them with a few exceptions
... in the signature docs all the explanations of how the
extensions work
... not just for the signatures, but for everything
... so that was moved into its own doc (i.e. out of middle of
the signature) and into boilerplate
... and when there was a sentence it has an intro,
... so there's one big session with the API, then a section on
signature format, and then a format on the attestation
... and then there's a section on extensions
... JeffH thinks its fine
... so now we delete the three separate subdocuments
Tony: Normative text was not lost?
dirkbalfanz: No, I changed things only in terms of cross-references and making sure the normative references were all correct
<jcj_moz> I did a review as well; I'm not 100% through the merge - about 80% by line count - but so far I haven't found anything unexpected
dirkbalfanz: so I changed some
paragraphs, conformance etc.
... so we changed conformance to be a union of conformance of
the older 3 docs
rbarnes: Its' in doc-merge?
dirk: Yes, and since the older
sources are still there
... its easy to see what happened
... so if you go through Respec source to bikeshed source, you
can see what the changes are
... for example I didn't change line-breaks, diff should be
pretty clean
... I think we can get rid of 3 docs and start working on
merged documents
rbarnes: Let's have 2-3 people review after pull request for merged doc, do a second pull request to delete 3 original subdirs.
dirkbalfanz: Yes
... I did them both
... but make sense to separate
vgb: Where should I look?
dirkbalfanz: See doc-merge
Tony: Issues on status of the
merge so far?
... Create the pull request after the meeting
Dirk: Getting an error, PR error
wseltzer: Issue that we need to
enroll you
... will fix it
Note I'm seeing Dirk Balfanz as 'part of W3C' organization...hmmm
dirk: Seems error
<dirkbalfanz> Pull request for the merge is here:
jcj_moz: I can set up Travis
<scribe> ACTION: jcj_moz to set up Travis [recorded in]
<trackbot> Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel.
jcj_moz: Will set that up the latter part of the week
tony: Thanks Dirk, that gets us
on its way, once the pull is satisfied
... Mike can review the pull request
... I've seen the naming issue come up
... I've not seen any recent issue
vgb: I've not been here last couple days
<rbarnes> we are apparently a very just WG
vgb: so, I feel the question we
left out should we aim to produce something and then build in
extensibility mechanisms
... so if for example, there's a tweak to signature format, we
can incorporate
... a new format
... in the spec, or we can do it via a new enum
... rbarnes supported a new enum
... additional changes in the future if we go that route
... I can't give you an intelligent answer if we go via enum
... at this point
rbarnes: From a developer's
perspective is there's changes a developer can ignore they
should not have to change the API
... let's focus on that level of abstraction
... let's not nail down definition of these classes, so that if
any attribute gets added
... in an attestation format, then we don't have change the API
per se
... as generic as possible but not more generic
... vgb, what extensibility affordances are you worried we need
to add?
vgb: One potential thing the
various fields in the client hash are y in a particular way,
that's not versioned
... suppose we are to change how that stuff is hashed, the API
has not changed but the signatures format has versioned
... or if we add UI interaction hint
... from a code perspective you have to add this new
... should we consider that a versioning change
... or on some particular kind of hardware you will just
encounter errors?
rbarnes: Opinions?
jcj_moz: When you make that kind
of change to hardware it seems it should be different version
of spec
... its a new kind of enum
vgb: But it could be functionally
... it just needs one parameter that s otherwise optional in
rbarnes: So would you need a capability discovery?
vgb: I.e. do we need
... so we need different versions
rbarnes: Can we flag this and
punt to move on?
... chose a generic name for the moment?
... when would that change
How about re "native" API implementations? "Web" is generic and liked by W3C, but we don't want developers having to change doc reading if we can get one API that works well between native and Web
rbarnes: We can just use "Web" as a generic
dirkbalfanz: Note vgb has 3 different levels of abstraction, what level are we?
rbarnes: We have these spots called "FIDOCredential"
dirkbalfanz: Generally
... sometimes its the API, but sometimes there's very specific
things being referred to
... shall we go through ALL of them and replace FIDO with
another placeholder?
rbarnes: Yes, that's right
... so we can replace FIDO2 with something that's functionally
Tony: We may have to do something
where we keep FIDO as a conformance spec
... so it may make sense to keep the term FIDO in certain
... so we don't want a FIDO-certified credential to be open for
... so we'll have to keep the name FIDO in some particular
rbarnes: That may indeed be
... but its fair game tor FIDO to have conformance to a
... so we could imagine that being a browser?
Could we give a shot a separating anything FIDO-specific from just the generic use of the term "FIDO"
sampath: Maybe we could go through these and keep a generic placeholder, and see where we need to eventually pass through?
rbarnes: jcj_moz, since your new, could you give this a shot?
jcj_moz: Happy to go for that
<rbarnes> ACTION: jcj_moz to take a pass through the spec and make some recommendations w.r.t. "FIDO" usage [recorded in]
<trackbot> Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel.
felipe: Hi, this is Felipe from
... so the question from outside FIDO, are we identifying the
format of the signature in this spec
... then we should not have the spec refer to FIDO
... as its an outside spec
<rbarnes> +1 to felipe_bbg, we also own the signature/assertion format
felipe: so its a reference from
this to FIDO
... or from FIDO to this
Tony: We need to keep this
something developers understand
... developers are already concerned.
... would you be interested in going through the spec and
seeing where ugh?it goes thro
... seeing where a generic name goes through?
I'm going to state that we also want to make clear FIDO and W3C are working together, and we need to acknowledge this in the introduction to the document
scribe: and for things that are FIDO certified
<apowers313> yes, FIDO will do certification
scribe: I think it makes sense to keep the name.
<apowers313> we are happy to let W3C reference our trademark, so long as it uses the (R)
Sounds like a question to throw to FIDO how they want their name used?
<wseltzer> wseltzer: Trademark holders need to protect their marks as designations of source
dirk: We don't want to end up in
a place where Chrome does WebAuth and Firefox does WebAuth and
they don't have interop on authenticators
... are people arguing that for level of genericity?
... RPs should know how to verify that kind of signature
<wseltzer> wseltzer: so they (and we) wouldn't want to put the trademark into a W3C spec where W3C has change control
dirk: rather than another kind
rbarnes: Sounds like right level to me
sampath: We have this use-case we
want to work, you use Firefox on Windows
... you register on your passwordless login using the
... re bluetooth
... something happened
... you got a key register, you should be able to go to Chrome
on a Mac
... and login using the *same* iphone
... so the WebAPI semantics should be identical
... so the hop to the iphone
... which is done over FIDO should work
rbarnes; Maybe that's too ambitious
scribe: but at the WebAPI layer
we need to make sure the API looks the same across those
... then the folks that tie together the lower-level stuff can
define the right kind of typing
... to make sure those messaging
sampath: Note this is already
happening with U2F wrt Firefox and Chrome
... so we should make sure this works
Tony: So inagine tomorrow you
wanted to throw out WebAuthn
... how do you distinguish between formats
Everyone who is dialing in, please type "present+ yourname" into IRC
We've had some bad luck re starting our first meeting with DST hits the USA, so I hope we haven't thrown Europeans off too much
vgb: I would like to agree with how Dirk scoped the problem
<dirkbalfanz> That was just me dialing again from another phone.
vgb: so we will have to make sure
its got interop
... in theory and in practice
... optional makes it hard
... so lets keep narrow focussed
I'd like to say the question may that we see some authenticators that FIDO does not certify but we want interop with (i.e. 'weak' credentials come to mind)
if that is the case, then it makes senes to keep it generic and use FIDO for the names of credentials that normatively must be FIDO certified
Would be an interesting question for FIDO
<Zakim> wseltzer, you wanted to discuss TM, again
apowers: I don't think they'll be a trademark issue, althogh we can discuss in FIDO
wseltzer: As the lawyer in the
room, happy to have this conversation
... but we would probably not want to use a trademark as name
of method or API element
... as we don't want to be saying 'the only way to satisfy this
is a third-party certification'
... but we can make normative references to FIDO
... so we want to match ways trademarks are normally used
Tony: Anyone have issues with
going down the bikshed route?
... not hearing any, we will continue down bikeshed route
<rbarnes> my impression is that bikeshed is what the cool kids are doing
seems to be THE future
<wseltzer> rbarnes: Friday, May 13
Tony: We'll have a one-day
meeting at the MS office
... room for about 150
<wseltzer> [in Berlin]
<wseltzer> hhalpin: that's after a 3-day FIDO meeting in Berlin
<wseltzer> ... we'll have a registration
<wseltzer> ... we can encourage people who are considering membership to observe the meeting
<wseltzer> tony: FIDO 2.0 meeting currently scheduled Tuesday (we tried to move it, but couldn't)
<wseltzer> ... WebAuthn scheduled for Friday
Tony: Note Tuesday is the FIDO 2.0 meeting would have to stay an extra 2 days
Given there's no objections to that date, I'll make a registration form.
Tony: JeffH has tried to tag each
... if people could take a look at the 39 or so issues that are
out there
... make sure they are tagged right
... work with JeffH to get the tags in order
... and then we'll go through these issues the next meeting
<wseltzer> hhalpin: if we can go through these issues, get in good shape by F2F, we can push out a FPWD
I'd like to add the F2F's objectives should be to have these issues basically resolved so we can push out a First FPWD
<wseltzer> rbarnes: FPWD is a good objective for F2F
rbarnes: end of the agenda
<wseltzer> hhalpin: meeting time is 1pm Eastern time; US is currently in Daylight Savings
Yep, we'll update the calendar invite
So we have a So have a two week window where there's a 5 hour difference and then back to normal 6 hour difference
So meeting is 6:00 PM CET for 2 weeks, then 7:00 PM CET
trackbot, end meeting
<trackbot> Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel.
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.144 of Date: 2015/11/17 08:39:34 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/docmerge/doc-merge/ Succeeded: s/has changed/has not changed/ Succeeded: s/to the future// Found Scribe: hhalpin Inferring ScribeNick: hhalpin WARNING: Replacing previous Present list. (Old list: Felipe_Moreno, harry, cbrand, keiji, JeffH, adam_powers, rbarnes, nicolagreco, Vijay, Bharadwaj, Microsoft, alexei_goog, Hubert, A., Le, Van, Gong, PayPal, jcj_moz, Sam) Use 'Present+ ... ' if you meant to add people without replacing the list, such as: <dbooth> Present+ jcj_moz, felipe_bbg, hhalpin, wseltzer, dirkbalfanz, juanlang, alexei_goog, samsrinivas, nadalin Present: jcj_moz felipe_bbg hhalpin wseltzer dirkbalfanz juanlang alexei_goog samsrinivas nadalin vgb axel Adam Powers Regrets: rbarnes WARNING: No meeting title found! You should specify the meeting title like this: <dbooth> Meeting: Weekly Baking Club Meeting Got date from IRC log name: 16 Mar 2016 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: jcj_moz[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]