Web Performance Working Group Teleconference

03 Mar 2016

See also: IRC log


Ilya, yoav, plh, todd


Resource Timing


<igrigorik> preview: https://rawgit.com/w3c/resource-timing/continuous-idl/index.html

Ilya: looked an interesting approach
... left some comments

Todd: *bodySize and nextHopProtocol doesn't seem to be implemented

Ilya: maybe in Firefox

<igrigorik> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1154309

plh: stable is 44

Ilya: it's marked for 45

plh: cn we ship HRT, PT, RT, NT, and UT as a batch?
... at least a subset of it

Todd: we'd like all UAs to implement the most recent RECs, but they'll implement whatever they can

plh: I'll make a proposal



<toddreifsteck> https://github.com/w3c/beacon/pull/27

Todd: I'm ok with fetchBeacon

Ilya: method = POST, body nil as default
... headers?
... make sense to have but still needs to think
... fetchBeacon doesn't return anything...
... return true/false
... which indicates if it was queued

Todd: yes, would be exact same. we validate method/headers/body and return true if ok

Ilya: would developers expect a Promise, ie should we return a resolved Promise?

Todd: added async code on unload seems like a bad idea

Ilya: should we cc Domenic to look at this?
... or Anne
... we should consider aligning with Fetch on the return value

Todd: ok
... re headers, should we keep it?

Ilya: I think it's fine
... Fetch will set some of the headers for us
... so should be optional

and we're passing it through

Todd: I'll sort it out later today



Yoav: while implementing and testing preload, ran into fonts
... crossorigin attribute got in the way

Ilya: you're trying to preload a font
... link ref=preload crossorigin href=http://same-origin
... crossorigin is meaningless here

Yoav: not sure about that
... let's assume that for now

Ilya: if the browser issues a 3xxx to another origin
... then the crossorigin becomes relevant

Yoav: agreed
... for non-redirect, they should match

Ilya: if the rec is to always have crossorigin attribute and the response from same-origin
... will that match my @font-face?

Yoav: asking to put crossorigin on same-origin is weird.

Ilya: this may trigger different cookies behaviors

s/type/as/ attribute

<igrigorik> https://github.com/w3c/preload/pull/59

Ilya: I got confused while trying to fix the spec and I'd like to restore the old logic and introduces as

Yoav: if you change from one image format to an other, should we trigger a new request?
... because we're changing the client logic?

Ilya: ok. type only afects if it got triggers in the first place

Yoav: if you want to trgigger a different download, you should change something else, type won't be enough
... if it was fetched type won't matter

Ilya: checking the html spec...

Yoav: I filed some bugs around that

Ilya: html has 2 items for type
... and we're mirroring that

<igrigorik> https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-link-obtain

<igrigorik> https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#link-type-stylesheet

Ilya: ok, will drop the first point from the PR
... but we'll keep both type/as

Tp[oc: Reporting



Plh: I'll set up the repo for automatic bikeshed generation

ILya: new CSP spec is using it
... I'd like to push out the first draft to get feedback

Todd: it's a subset of NEL

plh: are ok to adop and publish a FPWD?

Todd: looks fine

Yoav: fine



Todd: when you're up in Seattle and be around a whiteboard

Ilya: ok


Ilya: we are currently scheduled for second day for keynote
... looking to reschedule on first day
... full day meetup thing seems unlikely
... option: move keynote on first day and do a BOF in the evening
... option 2: during lunch hour, they have office hours. we could do office hours after our keynote
... but setup isn't the best
... option 3: find a meeting room but we would compete with other scheduled meetings

yoav: 1 & 3 sounds reasonnable. 1 sounds the best
... 2 doesn't sound productive

Todd: +1 to Yoav

Plh: ditto

ok, preference is 1, 3, 2

Next meeting

March 23rd, 10am PT?

plh to check

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

  1. publish as FPWD
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.146 (CVS log)
$Date: 2016/03/11 21:06:05 $