15:48:57 RRSAgent has joined #html-media 15:48:57 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/03/01-html-media-irc 15:48:59 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:48:59 Zakim has joined #html-media 15:49:01 Zakim, this will be 63342 15:49:01 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 15:49:02 Meeting: HTML Media Task Force Teleconference 15:49:02 Date: 01 March 2016 15:49:35 present+ paulc 15:53:45 ddorwin has joined #html-media 15:59:31 MattWolenetz has joined #html-media 15:59:34 jdsmith has joined #html-media 16:00:22 present+ ddorwin 16:00:29 BobLund has joined #html-media 16:00:42 present+ MattWolenetz 16:00:52 present+ jdsmith 16:01:59 davide has joined #html-media 16:02:41 present+ markw 16:02:46 plh has joined #html-media 16:02:54 present+ plh 16:03:04 Zakim, who is on the call? 16:03:04 Present: paulc, ddorwin, MattWolenetz, jdsmith, markw, plh 16:03:07 markw has joined #html-media 16:05:04 subject is "RE: Media Extensions WG Editors meeting, Tue Mar 1" 16:05:10 BobLund_ has joined #html-media 16:08:44 scribe: plh 16:08:57 Topic: . MSE and EME issues: how do we spend the next 3 months? 16:09:12 BobLund has joined #html-media 16:09:47 Paul: we went from mid-40s to 28 on open issues for EME 16:09:59 ... but we haven't made much progress on MSE at all 16:10:28 ... can we divide the issues into v1 and v2? 16:10:37 https://github.com/w3c/encrypted-media/milestones/V1 16:11:29 Matt: for MSE, quite a few of issues are in V1 16:11:53 Paul: we have a couple of accessibility items filed in January 16:11:58 ... filed by plh 16:12:02 present+ davide 16:12:03 ... didn't get attention 16:13:11 Matt: my goal is to work on the stream work, because of mixed content 16:13:27 ... if mixed content doesn't happen soon, it's a mute point for MSE 16:14:05 ... issue #22 16:14:28 ... right now, MSE doesn't work with mixed conent 16:15:27 ... stream is #14 16:16:05 Jerry: I also support taking on #14 16:16:49 Jerry: we should be careful not to have breaking changes in v2 16:17:29 Paul: we should put forward a call for consensus to the group to push some of the issues to v2 16:18:04 ... so the editors need to go through the issues and get consensus on which ones are v2 16:20:47 plh: unless we get the implementations updated for appendStream by mid-June, we can't ship a REC in September with appendStream in it 16:22:26 Matt: for #14, appendStream needs to make it work with current version 16:22:47 plh: we can mark it as risk 16:23:05 Paul: only at risk was the total frame 16:23:48 ... so we'd have to move to the next process or do the old process mojo 16:26:26 Paul: what about EME? v1 vs v2? 16:27:14 David: biggest one is the key rotation with initData 16:27:20 ... we tried to move it to v2 16:27:28 Key rotation is ISSUE-132 16:28:04 ... some are registry items 16:28:05 https://github.com/w3c/encrypted-media/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+no%3Amilestone 16:28:54 Paul: Travis is working with Alex on the key rotation issue 16:29:26 ... your questions on that decision are quite apropos 16:30:49 plh: for initData, same thing. unless we have implementations by mid-June, that's a v2 16:30:58 InitData Issue-149: https://github.com/w3c/encrypted-media/issues/149 16:31:06 Jerry: I'm looking at ways to postpone things to v2 16:32:26 Paul: I'd like to see a strawman proposal of what's in v1 and v2 16:32:34 ... for MSE and EME 16:32:44 ... so that we know where to draw the line 16:32:56 ... so that plh has this evidence for the AC meeting 16:34:36 ... please let me and plh know if some of the issues can be addressed by the team 16:36:14 Paul: get agreement on which issues are v1 and v2 16:37:51 plh: for v1/v2, we need the spec and implementation updates 16:38:05 ... if we can't get the list within 2 weeks, we might have to do calls to get it 16:38:42 Paul: I wanted the v1 and v.next and the summary in my hand 16:39:36 Paul: adding a comment to explain why v.next would be good as well 16:40:47 ?: posting a summary of the line in the sand would be helpful 16:41:10 Topic: Testing and implementations 16:41:23 Matt: still pending within Google 16:41:52 Paul: maybe copy Alex Russell 16:42:16 ... but we still have a deficit on the testing 16:43:58 plh: I'm asking Yosuke to make progress on the test suite 16:44:54 Mark: if you want to stay in v1, you'd need concrete proposals and concrete implementation plans 16:48:20 David: we do have tests for EME 16:48:31 ... they are clearKey and only webm 16:49:29 Paul: don't we need some content? 16:49:58 David: there is content indeed and that can be used 16:50:01 yosuke has joined #html-media 16:50:28 David: writing the tests is the bulk of the work 16:51:18 Jerry: I can see what we can do to help 16:51:49 Paul: could david and jerry take the question of EME testing offline? 16:52:33 jerry: ok 16:52:58 Mark: we can propose some content if necessary 16:53:15 ... would need to work with some of the drm providers 16:54:10 Topic: MSE and EME dependencies 16:56:36 plh: I'm asking Yosuke to look at the dependencies 16:56:45 Paul: are we ok on WebIDL? 16:57:25 David: we have iterable https://www.w3.org/TR/WebIDL-1/#idl-iterable 16:58:38 plh: as far as I know, we're good on WebIDL 16:59:17 Topic: next checkup 16:59:33 Paul: I'll propose to meet in 2 weeks unless we have enough data 17:00:39 rrsagent, generate minutes 17:00:39 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/03/01-html-media-minutes.html plh 17:14:18 davide has left #html-media 19:05:15 Zakim has left #html-media 21:12:21 robink has joined #html-media