10:50:29 RRSAgent has joined #wot-comm 10:50:29 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/02/17-wot-comm-irc 10:54:21 Karen has joined #wot-comm 10:57:25 Yingying has joined #wot-comm 10:57:31 Hi Kaz 10:58:54 Hi Karen 10:59:23 As noted, sending regrets for today. I need to work on the Web Authentication press release and Molly is now doing IoT Comms 11:03:36 joerg has joined #wot-comm 11:04:35 hi kaz, do you have the webex pw? 11:06:08 dsr has joined #wot-comm 11:06:17 zakim, code? 11:06:17 no conference has been identified yet, dsr 11:11:07 Soumya has joined #wot-comm 11:11:16 present+ Soumya 11:11:53 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wot-comms/2016Feb/att-0001/00-part 11:12:17 present+ Kaz, Dave, Joerg, Reynier(?), Yingying 11:12:42 topic: IoT World USA, Feb 2016 11:12:53 yingying: Dave's action to contact Molly? 11:12:57 dsr: had a chat 11:13:11 https://www.w3.org/2008/pr-firm/wiki/MCStrategy_2016/wot 11:13:36 dsr: at the bottom of the above wiki 11:13:49 ... there are links to the sales sheet and banner 11:14:15 -> https://www.w3.org/2008/pr-firm/wiki/images/a/a9/Wot_sell_sheet.pdf draft sales sheet 11:14:37 -> https://www.w3.org/2008/pr-firm/wiki/images/a/a7/WOT_banner_sticker_DRAFT.pdf draft banner 11:15:05 jhund has joined #wot-comm 11:15:17 dsr: Kevin Fuse working with Molly for the logo of WoT 11:15:41 reynier: just joined the audio 11:15:48 s/Fuse/Hughes/ 11:16:25 dsr: one follow up 11:16:37 ... @@@ from the German office 11:16:46 IoTW Berlin 19-20 Sep 2016 11:17:12 s/office/office for/ 11:17:18 We hope to have a stand and talk at the Berlin event 11:17:36 s/@@@/Georg/ 11:18:00 I would then fly to Lisbon to TPAC plenary day 11:18:01 topic: any other events 11:18:04 q+ 11:18:09 q+ 11:18:23 soumya: have one idea 11:18:39 ... IEEE IoT conference in Western Virginia 11:18:47 ... one of the big events 11:19:09 http://wfiot2016.ieee-wf-iot.org/ 11:19:24 dsr: opportunity for us to speak there? 11:19:25 soumya: yes 11:19:43 s/Virginia/Virginia on 12-14 Dec. 2016/ 11:20:03 dsr: possible to have Jeff Jaffe, the W3C CEO 11:20:07 soumya: good 11:20:15 ... special session or tutorial may be possible 11:20:23 ... good to have a session 11:20:25 Soumya is on the program committee 11:20:42 soumya: having pc calls every 2 weeks 11:20:54 Action: Soumya to introduce Dave to the IEEE IoT conference committee 11:20:56 Created ACTION-29 - Introduce dave to the ieee iot conference committee [on Soumya Kanti Datta - due 2016-02-24]. 11:20:57 ... normally run a special session 11:21:04 q? 11:21:10 ack kaz 11:21:32 -> http://www.interop.jp/ Interop Tokyo event 11:21:44 kaz: an event in Japan in June 11:22:27 ... kind of like a CES in Japan 11:22:38 ... June 8-10 11:22:43 ... in Makuhari 11:22:47 ... we can get a booth 11:22:52 Kaz - WF-IoT 2016 is in Reston, VA - http://wfiot2016.ieee-wf-iot.org/ 11:22:58 ... also a meeting room for a mini f2f or mini plugfest 11:23:17 s/West Virginia/Reston, VA/ 11:23:34 yingying: should we add these event to the list? 11:23:35 dsr: yes 11:23:48 ... and I have another one 11:24:10 preset+ Johannes 11:24:56 WWW 2016 W3C Track https://www.w3.org/2016/04/w3c-track.html 11:24:58 present+ Johannes 11:25:15 Thursday 14 April in Montreal 11:25:17 s/preset+ Johannes// 11:25:28 dsr: Marie is organizing the W3C slot 11:25:36 s/slot/track/ 11:25:47 ... sending a message to the list to collect ideas 11:26:05 ... people giving talks can get one-day pass 11:26:11 joerg: can do demo? 11:26:14 dsr: could do 11:26:29 ... but how easy to do demos is to be considered 11:26:43 joerg: more communication style would be beter 11:26:47 s/beter/better 11:27:30 A session can either host 4 talks (20' each + 10' questions total) or hosts 5 talks (15' each + 15' questions total). If you feel that you have enough "meat" to fill in 2 sessions of 90' each, then I will be happy to give you these 2 slots: 11:27:30 - Thu. 14 -- 13:30 - 15:00 11:27:31 - Thu. 14 -- 15:30 - 17:00 11:27:54 dsr: could get the above slots instead of the morning one 11:28:28 ... would like a short title list 11:28:42 ... first question is how many people are interested 11:28:56 ... so far, myself about the abstract 11:29:09 ... and Louay, Frank 11:29:19 ... and Soumya on connected vehicles 11:29:27 ... Sebasitian 11:29:34 ... Mike Paciello 11:29:40 q? 11:29:44 ack d 11:30:49 kaz: there is no slot for Automotive itself... 11:30:59 johannes: some talk on plugfest? 11:31:09 dsr: we can expand the slot 11:31:14 johannes: can send a proposal 11:31:41 soumya: already finalized the visa letter? 11:31:54 dsr: Yingying is in charge of invitation letters 11:31:56 soumya: ok 11:32:05 q+ 11:32:28 https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/F2F_meeting_2016,_April,_12th_-_14th,_Montreal,_Canada 11:32:57 dsr: above is the Montreal f2f meeting page 11:33:17 reynier: next f2f meeting in Montoreal? 11:33:21 dsr: yes 11:33:42 reynier: relevant conferences on the wiki 11:33:51 ... how to make decision where to go? 11:33:56 q? 11:33:56 ... what is the criteria? 11:34:04 ... kind of big list 11:34:43 dsr: we have a long list 11:34:54 ... the staff can attend a few 11:35:03 ... but the Members potentially can attend 11:35:07 ... and we welcome that 11:35:26 ... this TF could help 11:35:32 ack kaz 11:36:13 kaz: Soumya, are you thinking about the W3C Vehicle API as well for the W3C Track? 11:36:21 soumya: yes, that is the part of the talk 11:36:48 kaz: great 11:37:25 yingying: for these events/conferences, would be better to add the info to the W3C event calendar 11:37:34 dsr: we should let the Comm Team about that 11:37:39 kaz: +1 11:37:51 yingying: Montreal and all? 11:38:04 dsr: staff and Members representing W3C 11:38:23 ... e.g., if Soumya is presenting some work on W3C, we can add it 11:38:35 q? 11:38:51 topic: Liaison Statement from OMA CD to W3C on GotAPI and DWAPI 11:38:58 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wot-comms/2016Feb/0000.html 11:39:14 yingying: liaison letter from OMA 11:39:35 dsr: Bryan made a presentation on GotAPI in Sunnyvale 11:39:41 ... not sure about the next step 11:40:29 kaz: we already have liaison with OMA 11:40:32 https://www.w3.org/2001/11/StdLiaison 11:40:38 ... so we can use that path 11:41:07 ... and we might want to start with Bryan 11:41:14 dsr: would be the best 11:41:53 kaz: and if needed, we can extend the liaison with OMA for the WoT topic 11:42:30 action: Dave to contact Bryan to ask for his advice on OMA liaison re WoT 11:42:31 Created ACTION-30 - Contact bryan to ask for his advice on oma liaison re wot [on Dave Raggett - due 2016-02-24]. 11:43:19 -> http://w3c.github.io/wot/landscape.html TF-AP landscape 11:43:41 kaz: fyi, Mohammed from Orange was assigned to contact Bryan for OMA liaison 11:44:37 ... so maybe we can CC Mohammed when we contact Bryan 11:44:41 dsr: good idea 11:45:19 rrsagent, make log public 11:45:34 rrsagent, draft mintues 11:45:34 I'm logging. I don't understand 'draft mintues', kaz. Try /msg RRSAgent help 11:45:38 rrsagent, draft minutes 11:45:38 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/02/17-wot-comm-minutes.html kaz 11:45:57 dsr: we should add one more topic on ISO 11:46:09 ... we've got a request for comments 11:46:20 s|ISO|ISO/IEC| 11:46:27 ... review of some architecture 11:46:34 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wot-ig/2016Feb/0051.html 11:46:50 s/some/reference 11:46:54 use cases request: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wot-ig/2016Feb/0053.html 11:46:59 joerg: what is your expectation? 11:47:05 ... not really clear 11:47:18 dsr: could discuss the architecture 11:47:52 kaz: btw, there is no attached liaison letter with the message 11:48:08 dsr: maybe due to the ML setting... 11:48:43 ... would take an action item to update the attachment 11:48:52 Action: Dave to upload ISO/IEC attachments to the wiki and provide a link 11:48:52 Created ACTION-31 - Upload iso/iec attachments to the wiki and provide a link [on Dave Raggett - due 2016-02-24]. 11:49:07 (the attachments were stripped from the archive) 11:49:36 kaz: should one of the TFs work on that? 11:49:39 ... or the whole IG? 11:49:53 dsr: IG has not been working on architecture 11:50:02 joerg: that's why wondering 11:50:42 ... would see their domain model which was the basis of the architecture 11:50:59 ... what would be the good reaction to them? 11:51:17 dsr: would look into possibility with other groups as well 11:51:28 joerg: activities in Asia? 11:51:50 dsr: one of our Members in Korea may be involved 11:52:35 kaz: thought Mr. Matsukura from Fujitsu was working on some architecture idea 11:52:59 ... also we're generating some basic architecture 11:53:02 joerg: yeah 11:53:28 ... what is done by ISO/IEC might be more abstract architecture 11:54:09 dsr: work item within the draft charter on architecture 11:54:26 ... so would discuss architecture during upcoming calls 11:54:33 s/what/but what/ 11:54:59 kaz: part of the TF calls? 11:55:10 dsr: maybe a separate topic 11:55:25 joerg: Kajimoto-san might be interested 11:56:05 ... we should ask him for opinion about possible relationship with the ISO/IEC work 11:56:15 s/might be interested/may have some opinion/ 11:56:29 rrsagent, draft minutes 11:56:29 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/02/17-wot-comm-minutes.html kaz 11:57:12 reynier: who would contact Kajimoto-san? 11:57:28 kaz: can talk with him after Dave's uploading the attachment 11:57:36 reynier: good 11:57:57 topic: WoT F2F meeting plan (April, July) 11:58:19 joerg: would go back to the first item 11:58:32 ... one sentence on WoT 11:58:52 dsr: proposed a text with Molly 11:59:06 ... not final version, though 11:59:37 reynier: would suggest the number of magnitude for IoT 12:00:02 ... in 2020 there will be 50 billion of IoT devices 12:00:09 ... that kind of number 12:00:25 kaz: for the sales sheet? 12:01:30 reynier: would check it again, but the sales sheet doesn't mention concrete number 12:01:40 ... would help if we add concrete number 12:02:14 -> https://www.w3.org/2008/pr-firm/wiki/images/a/a9/Wot_sell_sheet.pdf draft sales sheet 12:02:29 joerg: also references? 12:02:43 reynier: one of the people from Taiwan 12:02:54 ... mentioned the nature of the commercial value of IoT 12:03:05 ... huge amount of values 12:03:08 Re ISO/IEC liaison, Jonathan Jeon (ETRI) has previously posted emails and should be in the loop 12:03:45 reynier: is that ok? 12:04:08 joerg: please send the information by email 12:04:21 ... and our colleague can add that to the sheet 12:05:11 ... would see current draft sales sheet 12:06:01 scribenick: dsr 12:06:12 (kaz needs to move to another call) 12:09:28 Dave: will work with UQAM on registration & payment for the F2F 12:09:45 Dave to send details of host contact to task force leads 12:12:55 Joerg: can we arrange for 10-20 people to meet on Sunday to work on the plugfest preparations 12:13:21 Dave: that’s something we can discuss with Roger @ UQAM 12:14:05 If that doesn’t work out we can arrange a room e.g. in a hotel 12:14:32 Yingying: please keep me in the loop on the logistics planning as this will be helpful for Beijing F2F 12:15:14 Topic: testimonials 12:15:51 Yingying: so far I’ve received two submissions and will add those to the web site 12:16:14 Joerg: suggest a further reminder and another week 12:17:14 Dave: once we have some testimonials showing, that should encourage others 12:17:44 Joerg: we want to start with some commercial testimonials 12:18:19 Yingying: what about testimonials from IoT industry alliances and SDO’s? 12:18:39 Joerg: we should include this in our outreach to those organisations 12:21:05 Joerg: this is related to the next agenda item on liaisons 12:21:37 https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Tracking_and_collaborating_with_IoT_industry_alliances_and_standards_development_organizations 12:22:34 Dave will work with Yingying on inviting testimonials from external orgs. 12:22:59 Joerg: this will depend on the prior collaboration agreements we have 12:24:30 Topic: improve/add liaison organizations of W3C in liaison page 12:26:16 Dave is working with Stefan Hoppe on a draft collaboration with OPC Foundation and an entry for our liaison page 12:26:41 action: Joerg to reach out to OIC for the WoT IG Montreal F2F 12:26:41 Created ACTION-32 - Reach out to oic for the wot ig montreal f2f [on Joerg Heuer - due 2016-02-24]. 12:27:39 Re OPC, the idea we’re discussing is a common framework in respect to semantic interoperability and security 12:28:01 Topic: AOB 12:28:29 Consumer Electronics Magazine, IEEE - http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punumber=5962380 12:28:42 Soumya I am interested in providing WoT related articles. 12:28:57 This magazine is aimed at consumers 12:29:23 Any comments? 12:30:26 Soumya: I will circulate the draft within a week or so. The publication date is in July 12:30:40 Joerg: could this be done within our task forces? 12:31:17 Soumya: I can first circulate the draft to the task force leaders first and to Joerg and Dave 12:31:30 s/first and// 12:31:45 s/leaders/leaders, and/ 12:31:55 rrsagent, set logs public 12:32:08 Reynier thanks Yingying for chairing. 12:32:21 rrsagent, make minutes 12:32:21 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/02/17-wot-comm-minutes.html dsr 12:32:55 next meeting will be March 16 (3rd Wednesday of every month) 12:33:40 rrsagent, make minutes 12:33:40 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/02/17-wot-comm-minutes.html dsr 12:53:21 dsr has joined #wot-comm 14:14:52 Karen has joined #wot-comm