12:57:11 RRSAgent has joined #wot-ap 12:57:11 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/02/10-wot-ap-irc 12:57:15 Zakim has joined #wot-ap 12:58:47 katsu has joined #wot-ap 13:01:22 dape has joined #wot-ap 13:02:39 taki has joined #wot-ap 13:03:20 jhund has joined #wot-ap 13:03:55 dromasca has joined #wot-ap 13:04:01 toru has joined #wot-ap 13:04:48 Darko_Anicic has joined #wot-ap 13:05:49 tidoust has joined #wot-ap 13:06:16 Roy_ has joined #wot-ap 13:08:01 mdadas has joined #wot-ap 13:08:03 mkovatsc has joined #wot-ap 13:08:03 Zakim, pick a scribe 13:08:03 I don't who is present, jhund 13:08:12 zakim, who is here? 13:08:12 Present: (no one) 13:08:14 On IRC I see mkovatsc, mdadas, Roy_, tidoust, Darko_Anicic, toru, dromasca, jhund, taki, dape, katsu, Zakim, RRSAgent, kaz, michael, schuki, tobie, trackbot 13:08:21 scribe: dape 13:08:25 scribeNick: DP 13:08:49 Johannes: Goes over agenda 13:09:01 ... 1. tech landscape deliverable 13:09:18 ... 2. current-practices deliverable 13:09:40 ... 3. charter candidate items 13:09:40 Present+ Johannes_Hund, Ari_Keranen, Carsten_Bormann, Dan_Romascanu, Daniel_Peintner, Darko_Anicic, Frank_Reusch, Katsuyoshi_Naka, Kaz_Ashimura, Matthias_Kovatsch 13:09:41 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Johannes_Hund, Ari_Keranen, Carsten_Bormann, Dan_Romascanu, Daniel_Peinter, Darko_Anicic, Francois_Daoust, Frank_Reusch, Matthias_Kovatsch, Michael_Koster, Mohammed_Dadas, Roy_Kawada, Takuki_Kamiya, Toru_Kawaguchi 13:09:46 Sebastian has joined #wot-ap 13:09:54 ... 4. WoT API 13:10:12 ... any comments/additions? 13:10:20 13:10:44 present+ Sebastian_Kaebisch 13:11:17 Johannes: did outreach to Jeremy... maybe he and Peter St. Andre might join 13:11:28 ... sorry for the short notice 13:11:40 TOPIC: tech landscape deliverable 13:11:54 Johannes: can be found here, http://w3c.github.io/wot/landscape.html 13:12:09 ... points transfered from Wiki 13:12:40 ... need someone taking care of HTTP/2 13:12:56 ... Dave will contribute to WebSocket 13:13:20 ... Matthias for CoAP 13:13:33 rrsagent, make log public 13:13:38 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:13:38 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/02/10-wot-ap-minutes.html kaz 13:13:46 Matthias: OK, can do that... was so far working on TD document 13:13:57 Johannes: Yes, the two documents confuse 13:14:16 Chair: Johannes 13:14:18 ... MQTT handled by Dave and Michael 13:14:23 Meeting: WoT-AP 13:14:42 ... I (Johannes) will provide infos and outreach to XMPP 13:14:48 i/Goes over/scribenick: dape/ 13:14:51 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:14:52 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/02/10-wot-ap-minutes.html kaz 13:14:59 ... we need someone for STOM 13:15:03 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wot-ig/2016Feb/0032.html 13:15:04 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:15:04 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/02/10-wot-ap-minutes.html kaz 13:15:28 Carsten: think we should skip protocols if no-one thinks it is useful 13:15:36 Johannes: agree 13:15:39 q+ 13:16:12 ... Kaz to provide infos about MMI 13:16:19 ack k 13:16:22 Kaz: Did outreach already 13:16:39 Johannes: Claes added Thread.. thanks for that 13:17:16 ... Discovery section might be moved to a dedicated section.. will clarify that with Soumya 13:18:12 ... Carsten/Matthias can you take care of IETF CoRE protocol mapping, also move it accordingly. 13:18:41 Carsten: Matthias, can you co-ordinate the efforts.. I am happy to help providing text 13:19:19 Johannes: description in TD, protocol-related to this document 13:19:46 Matthias: Not sure if I fully understood the split between the 2 documents... 13:20:02 ... can try to make a good divide 13:20:43 ... OMA... Mohammed could you contribute? 13:20:55 Mohammed: Yes, I will... 13:21:21 ... may also merge OMA and OMA lightweight part 13:21:44 Johannes: Agree, feel free to merge them 13:23:00 ... fyi: the 4 topics in the end of Section "4.2" are meant to be filled in in all entries 13:24:02 Johannes: God API and lightweight M2M still separate? 13:24:10 s/God/Got 13:24:37 Mohammed: I think we should have one OMA section with those 2 as subsections 13:25:31 Johannes: Michael to provide OIC part? 13:26:01 Michael: yes, I am in contact with relevant Samsung people already 13:26:18 q+ 13:26:40 Carsten: BTW, At next research group meeting we are going to get in contact with them 13:27:00 Johannes: Michael again for IPSO Alliance? 13:27:26 Michael: I am not directly involved anymore.. but I can provide information 13:28:05 Johannes: w.r.t. oneM2M, Soumya planned to outreach Martin B and Omar 13:28:21 ... not sure about Hyper Cat 13:28:34 ... will maybe talk to Soumya 13:29:02 Michael: think it is more about thing description... but the topics are expanding 13:29:18 ... just a template. no vocabulary. 13:29:58 ... however I know people. I could reach out to Hyper Cat people 13:31:01 Johannes: OGC: Dave will outreach 13:31:30 Michael: they do have something called sensor thing API.. I think it is relevant 13:32:18 ... Steve Liang might be able to respond questionnaire 13:33:44 Johannes: adds empty questionnaire template 13:34:26 ... the same questionnaire for ECHONET 13:34:53 Naka-San: added information to wiki already 13:35:09 Johannes: thanks! 13:36:01 ... w.r.t API section 13:36:31 ... added 4.3 section 13:36:35 ... content from wiki 13:37:15 ... server-side links to backend projects 13:37:41 ... client-side scripting APIs I copied from wiki 13:37:50 ... W3C fetch API 13:38:00 ... presentation API 13:38:26 ... geo-location API... Kaz might outreach? 13:38:48 ... NFC and Bluetooth.... also Kaz 13:39:06 Johannes: scripting APIs 13:39:28 ... Generic sensor API.. we had contact with Tobie Langel 13:39:41 q+ 13:39:44 ... Vehicle API.. Kaz 13:40:03 q? 13:40:19 ... will outreach johnnyfive developer 13:40:36 Johannes: embedded runtimes next 13:41:02 Matthias: there was a project from Samsung.. embedded JS 13:41:26 Johanens: Jerryscript... good point, will add this item 13:41:43 Johannes: End of tech landscape. 13:42:34 ... should try to be done by next conference... in 2 weeks 13:43:09 TOPIC: current-practices deliverable 13:43:23 http://w3c.github.io/wot/current-practices/wot-practices.html 13:43:43 katsu has joined #wot-ap 13:44:03 Matthias: outlines the current state of current practices document 13:44:17 ... not a technical specification 13:44:38 ... more about providing current status... w.r.t. building blocks 13:44:51 ... so far only the outline 13:45:11 ... aligned structure according to charter... 13:45:24 ... 1. thing description 13:45:46 ... first building block 13:46:17 ... TD talks about metadata 13:46:38 ... TD also talks about Capabilities/Interactions 13:47:07 ... Discovery is also part of TD 13:47:24 ... security considerations of TD finalize the TD part 13:47:38 ... 2. block is protocol mapping 13:48:06 ... as part of it resource models are handled 13:48:15 ... next available bindings 13:48:27 ... and also the security considerations 13:48:46 ... last part is Scripting API 13:49:19 ... is about servients, discovery API, client, server API, and physical API 13:49:32 ... also security considerations w.r.t to Scripting API 13:49:51 ... Section 4 is about previous plugfests 13:50:08 ... findings should be mentioned there 13:50:34 ... Conclusions is more about arguments "why is it as it is" 13:51:01 Johannes: Questions/comments? 13:51:37 Matthias: What do people think about "new" structure... not having a 100% fit of task forces? 13:53:05 Kaz: Everyone adding content to github.. not wiki, correct? 13:53:39 Johannes: Yes, I think it is better to add it do document directly.. 13:53:41 s/Evreryone/started discussion with Tobie and automotive guys. BTW, everybody/ 13:54:01 ... document provides direct "edit" link 13:55:48 Kaz: between Tobie and Automotive guys two interfaces arised (Script, WoT socket Interface) 13:56:04 Johannes: How should we best proceed? 13:56:28 Kaz: Will ask for availability for next AP call 13:56:42 s/ask for/ask them about/ 13:57:15 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:57:15 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/02/10-wot-ap-minutes.html kaz 13:57:19 Johannes: ...back to current practices document 13:57:34 ... comments on document and also on the structure? 13:58:32 Michael: we discussed about Web API and scripting API. We could put API under protocol? 13:58:59 Johannes: resource model is meant to be Web API... 13:59:16 ... does that work for you Michael? 13:59:25 Michael: Yes 13:59:53 s/Everyone/sorry but had difficulty with audio connection, and would ask about the landscape document. I've started some discussion with Tobie and automotive guys, but everybody/ 13:59:55 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:59:55 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/02/10-wot-ap-minutes.html kaz 14:00:02 Matthias: TD and resource model 14:00:26 .. not sure whether it helps to explain WebAPI 14:01:01 s| s/Evreryone/started discussion with Tobie and automotive guys. BTW, everybody/|| 14:01:03 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:01:03 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/02/10-wot-ap-minutes.html kaz 14:01:11 ... even not sure whether needed... have TD and protocol mappings 14:02:02 Johannes: might be useful to say "resource model/WebAPI" .. not sure about wording 14:03:03 Michael: scripting API has TD 14:03:32 Matthias: not sure.. maybe some parts only... 14:04:25 Matthias: TD on higher level... rename "protocol mapping" to "WebAPI" 14:04:46 ... is a working document... can clarify it step by step 14:05:12 Michael: WebAPI with protocol mapping subsection 14:05:30 Johannes: yes, should work 14:06:31 Darko: Do we need section in TD for integration with other contextual semantic work? 14:07:27 Daniel: Feel free to fire pull request... 14:07:53 Johannes: Yes, good point. Please add comments/pull requests and such 14:08:26 TOPIC: WG charter candidate items, https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/master/WG/wot-wg-items.md 14:09:09 Johannes: Sebastian merged document from TD, AP, SP, and DI 14:09:35 ... Oliver mentioned it is better to have security aspects in dedicated parts 14:09:53 ... now we should try to conclude on this 14:10:14 ... dateline ended last Friday... 14:10:34 ... however, please still comment 14:11:06 s/dateline ended last Friday.../dateline is next Friday... 14:11:16 s/dateline/deadline 14:11:31 Johannes: any comments here? 14:11:45 14:11:56 TOPIC: The WoT API 14:12:25 Johannes: I added pull-request 14:12:38 ... is merged aleady 14:12:49 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot/pull/64/files Johannes's pull request 14:13:06 ... will try to move it to current practices document 14:13:20 ... so far we had interface "Thing" 14:13:36 ... now we have "ExposedThing" 14:13:55 ... one can add handler 14:14:05 s/handler/handlers 14:14:41 ... might end up with a well-known eventName for events 14:15:04 ... the "Thing" interface was renamed to "ConsumedThing" 14:15:21 ... about get/set property... call action 14:15:47 ... nothing in the document about physical API yet 14:15:55 ... ongoing discussion 14:16:16 ... commit was mainly about splitting server-side and client-side 14:16:46 ... in Nice we also discussed there are commonalities 14:17:31 Johannes: feel free to edit ... or raise issues 14:17:37 .. so far we have 3 issues.. 14:17:56 ... one by Claes w.r.t. to security 14:18:02 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot/issues/49 security/privacy issue 14:18:31 ... we might need to have a token ... or handled in callbacks 14:18:37 ... need to address that 14:19:03 ... next issue is about ThingFilter... 14:19:23 https://github.com/w3c/wot/issues/50 14:19:53 s|https:|-> https:| 14:20:04 ... Louya proposed a new filter class 14:20:08 s|50|50 ThingFilter issue 14:20:14 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:20:14 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/02/10-wot-ap-minutes.html kaz 14:21:03 ... we might have different types of filter 14:23:31 .... third discussion about API use 14:23:54 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot/issues/63 14:24:31 s|63|63 Thing Observe Property issue 14:24:34 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:24:34 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/02/10-wot-ap-minutes.html kaz 14:25:01 Daniel: place for issues.. e.g. name clashed 14:25:10 Dark: What do you mean by name clashes 14:26:06 s/Dark/Darko 14:26:39 Daniel: TD allows you have the same "name" for action and properties 14:26:56 ... API does not allow you to do so... 14:27:33 Johannes: Not sure whether we have assumptions on the model... 14:28:12 Darko: yes, we might have those assumptions stated in TD 14:28:30 ... in plugfest we currently did not encounter those issues 14:29:42 Daniel: Agree, we need to state our assumptions somewhere 14:30:05 Johannes: I think the current practices document is a good place 14:31:09 Matthias: text could be in document... but validator by means of TD ontology also 14:31:54 Johannes: wrap up 14:32:08 Darko: yes, we can add such restrictions to TD ontology 14:32:44 ... tech landscape deadline in 2 weeks 14:33:14 ... WG charter items.. deadline, please comment 14:33:35 Johannes: Thanks! 14:33:54 s/... tech/Johannes: tech/ 14:34:04 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:34:04 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/02/10-wot-ap-minutes.html kaz 15:17:54 Robert_VanVoorhees has joined #wot-ap 15:56:24 Zakim has left #wot-ap