See also: IRC log
<Vlad> scribenick: RSheeter
Enter The Chris
Wherein the colors of text may be changed
(red – need WG review/input, grey – not yet implemented, black – done)
Rod: not entirely sure tests cover all specified scenarios. We do have some tests here.
<ChrisL> oh, oops sorry!
action rsheeter Check UA test
<trackbot> Created ACTION-195 - Check ua test [on Roderick Sheeter - due 2016-02-17].
Vlad: contingent on browser support
ChrisL: they don't and it hasn't been entirely clear how they should to date
<ChrisL> ah okay, good that OTS has the support
(discussion of whether any browser supports, what might be needed to make it happen)
ChrisL: I have created a normative reference for how to refer to fonts in a collection
(pause for reduction in wishy washy)
<ChrisL> <t hangText="Fragment Identifiers">Optional, for collections encoded as WOFF 2.0. A positive integer.
<ChrisL> + For example, #2 refers to the second font
<ChrisL> + in the collection. If a fragment is not specified, it is the same as #1 i.e. the first font
<ChrisL> + in the collection (or the only font, if it is not a collection). If a fragment is specified, and
<ChrisL> + the WOFF does not encode a collection, the fragment is ignored.</t>
(needs revision; refers to transform 3 as invalid but 3 is now valid)
Vlad: points out that 1 and 2 are undefined still and thus usable, needs description
action vlad Review treatment of empty glyphs vs 0-contour glyphs
<trackbot> Created ACTION-196 - Review treatment of empty glyphs vs 0-contour glyphs [on Vladimir Levantovsky - due 2016-02-17].
<KenLundeAdobe> Adobe Blank:
<KenLundeAdobe> Adobe Blank 2 (uses the Format 13 'cmap' subtable):
(discussion of AT LSB tests)
Vlad: test verifies collections with hmtx shared are handled intelligently (only xform if valid for all pairings)
action sergeym Investigate font collections; how are glyf/hmtx shared in practice
<trackbot> Created ACTION-197 - Investigate font collections; how are glyf/hmtx shared in practice [on Sergey Malkin - due 2016-02-17].
<trackbot> action-186 -- Roderick Sheeter to Try time (decode) and size for null glyf/loca xform vs regular vs woff1 -- due 2016-03-02 -- OPEN
(kicked date out a few weeks)
Vlad: There was some question of face to face. After discussion, no immediate need for face to face
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.144 of Date: 2015/11/17 08:39:34 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Found ScribeNick: RSheeter Inferring Scribes: RSheeter WARNING: Replacing list of attendees. Old list: (no_one) New list: sergeym kuettel Vlad RSheeter chrisl kenlundeadobe jfkthame Default Present: sergeym, kuettel, Vlad, RSheeter, chrisl, kenlundeadobe, jfkthame Present: sergeym kuettel Vlad RSheeter chrisl kenlundeadobe jfkthame MysteryObservers Regrets: Khaled Found Date: 10 Feb 2016 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]