29 Jan 2016

See also: IRC log


Deborah_Kaplan, Tzviya, Charles_LaPierre, Mia
George, Kathy


<scribe> scribe: clapierre

Deborah: lets make sure we assign tasks before moving on,.

Discuss Ivan's Comments

<tzviya> comments from ivan https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-dpub-accessibility/2016Jan/0019.html

Deborah: Issue 1 it is not the former on Apendix A Future work.
... , 2 things for future work section we don't know the answer we don't know who is working on it. Ie. Comprehension. Annotations has the WG. We need to make some formal links between DPUB a11y and Annotations a11y.

Tzviya: This task force is not going away, so what do we as a11y. what is our recommendations, are we calling things out as a problem or ask CSS to get on this.

Deborah: Annotations/ Layout, we need to bring these up since others bring up the fact that we didn't mention it. Part of the problem is the W3C has reorganized this and we dont know who is responsible for what piece. HTML/CSS teams will just say make sure you put some personal attribute on things which is not useful.

Mia: someone needs to figure out what attributes need to be added.
... , we should ask these are the problems of what need to happen and a future work will be to look to see who in the W3C should work on this. Who is most likely to work on this and we can't fix this since we are tiny.

Deborah: good way of framing our future work is. Next thing this TF needs to do. Here is a bunch of things are Future work and some of it others are working on it. if another group is working on this check in with them. If there isn't any ask WAY/W3C on who is working in this area.

Tzviya: Lets add a section to this Future work on how this future work will be done, either with this TF, or others WG's will do the work we outline here as needing to be done.

Deborah: I will take the task of adding the the paragraph explaining how the future work will be done.

Mia: I am going to be very busy in the next 3 weeks.

Deborah: Ivan: • How much contacts have you had with the WAI groups on this document? It may be worth asking them for a review before publishing; alternatively, if we decide to publish a draft first and a final note later, we could ask them to comment on the official Working Draft.
... , other WG's have probably forgotten. We don't know who the WG's are. This is a case where maybe if we do outreach to Shawn / Judy.

Tzviya: Working with APA/ARIA they are tasked with reviewing specifications. They are very busy group. We can raise this with them. But publishing a draft instead of a Note will make things either.

Deborah: so we will do this as a Draft. Tzviya, can you reach out to Janina

Tzviya: Yes. Janina chairs the APA Working group, and she will ask for the Draft as they are working on getting ARIA 1.1 out the door.

Deborah: people are happier if they get a first look.

Tzviya: we should give them a working draft and then ask for feedback from them and then revise our draft.
... I will reach out to her but this won't take preciseness since the ARIA 1.1 needs to be released.

Deborah: Ivan • I do not think we should leave the various tables and spreadsheets on Google for the final editing. With all due respect to Google, there is no commitment that an of those documents will be accessible on the Web in a few years; just as they discontinues Google Code, it is in their right to discontinue Google Docs. I would prefer to have these on W3C space, which has (via MIT) the commitment to keep things on the Web
... this is work.

Charles: I will take this on.

Deborah: Ivan: • Editorially, I think it would be a good idea to make the explicit suggestions jump out more visibly. Using bold, another colour, whatever; it is again your choice. 

Tzviya: I am not going to be able to get this done by Monday. I can do the coloring.

Deborah: out of the stuff that needs to be done that I can't do 50% in a month.

Mia: if things calm down, I can step up and take on things.

Tzviya: I can do the formatting. emphasis. for a11y

Deborah: Ivan: • I was wondering about 2.7. Did you talk about this with the ARIA people? Maybe it would be worth doing ASAP. The ARIA WG plans to publish ARIA 1.1 within a short time, it may be the time to get this done or get feedback. Alternatively, we may be adding a different ARIA attribute in the DPUB ARIA module. In any case, it would be worth taking that stuff separately…

Tzviya: We talked about in DPUB ARIA… this would be in Markus's brain :)
... , I don't think it belongs in ARIA and should be in HTML. It doesn't feel like ARIA.

Deborah: there is a lot of stuff in ARIA which belong in HTML.

Tzviya: List Title (p labelby) …

Deborah: we wrote in the example that you can use ARIA labelledBy but that is only exposed to AT. We need to expose the ARIA not just to AT.

Tzviya: ACTION: Lets Flag this in the DPUB meeting on Monday.

Deborah: Ivan: • For the references (WCAG, etc) it may be better to follow the W3C TR styles to use a bibliography/references' list at the end of the document and link to the real document from there. A bit like academic papers do. This is just to be in line with other documents. Respec has some handy tricks for that, actually, so it is easy to do just by referring to the document in a special way in the document and the rest is done automatically...
... there is a W3C way to do references, and Tzviya will do this.

Tzviya: Yes I will do this.

Tzviya's comments

Tzviya: Can/Must/Should have meanings and we should NOT use them. or be carful.

Deborah: If we use them do it carefully.

Tzviya: some of it was contradictory. So Eg: skippability has some issues.

Deborah: ACTION: I will do a pass on this.
... , Points 2 we need a definition of Skippability or option to have UA to skip over chunk.
... ACTION I will add the extra words provided by Tzviya

Tzviya: we are solving part of this with DPUB ARIA, placeholders for pagenumbers.

Deborah: can you add this Tzviya?

Tzviya: ACTION: Yes I will do this.

Deborah: WebEx keeps stealing the focus and is driving me crazy with Dragon.

Mia: Person with AT can not be hose with WebEx.

Tzviya: send a note to Ivan about these issues.
... 2.5 Phonetic spellings, 8.4 positional text of speakers. I worked with Dave and CSS for epub 3.1. Spoke with SantaFe CSS speech is not used very much and shouldn't be recommended.

Deborah: we referenced it just to say it exists, but we should not recommend and is a non-starter.

Tzviya: so we should we recommend? I think we need to be more specific. that CSS speech is a non-starter?

Deborah: I am not sure. Is css speech not used why?

Tzviya: I am not sure but could find out why. Css 2015 snapshot, css speech is complete but people haven't paid attention to it.

Mia: I think we should explore why that is the case.

Tzviya: people use SMIL for epub media overlays.
... , CSS speech I don't know enough about it. Daniel Weck is the owner of this so we can ask him.
... , lets just talk to Daniel and provide more information. maybe he can clarify something for use. If there is something in the spec , maybe point to SMIL, etc… Markus might shed some light on this too.

Deborah: … lost audio…
... , ACTION I will talk to Daniel

Tzviya: we should explicitly state these are the people to talk to.

Deborah: ACTION: Charles will go through appendix and find the point person for each to get more contact info.

Tzviya: the Annotations has its own WG so we don't really need to point it out.

Deborah: the DPUB group was asked so many times about Annotations thats why its there.

Tzviya: well that was before/during the startup of this and now we should probably take it out.
... , every WG has to have an accessibility review.

Deborah: what aspects of existing specs address the needs of DPUB, but there is no existing spec.

Tzviya: Then our comment needs to address this point.
... , this doesn't tie into publishing. There is a great need for annotations, and there is a WG handling this currently.

Deborah: the comment for Annotations: annotations are very important to DPUB and ask Annotations WG … have ongoing relationship with annotations.

Tzviya: I won't be available on Feb 12

Deborah: Neither will I

Charles: I won't be around either
... : ACTION no a11y meeting on Friday Feb 12

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.144 (CVS log)
$Date: 2016/01/29 19:01:16 $

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Present: Deborah_Kaplan Tzviya Charles_LaPierre Mia
Regrets: George Kathy

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<dbooth> Meeting: Weekly Baking Club Meeting

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Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2016/01/29-DPUB-minutes.html
People with action items: 

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