15:01:52 RRSAgent has joined #svg-a11y 15:01:52 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/11/13-svg-a11y-irc 15:08:11 AmeliaBR has joined #svg-a11y 15:10:00 chair: Rich 15:10:06 scribe: fesch 15:10:17 chair: Rich 15:10:29 meeting: W3C SVG A11y Task Force 15:10:43 RRSAgent, make log public 15:11:19 looking up 15:12:28 SVG A11y 15:12:30 15:12:31 Fri 11/13/2015 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM 15:12:33 (Repeats) 15:12:34 15:12:36 15:12:37 Attendance is required for Fred Esch 15:12:39 15:12:40 15:12:42 15:12:43 Chair: 15:12:45 shepazu@mit.edu 15:12:46 15:12:48 Location: 15:12:49 https://mit.webex.com/mit 15:12:51 15:12:53 This entry has an alarm. 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Please... 15:13:23 ...note that any such recordings may be subject to discovery in the event of litigation. 15:14:55 rs; we are going to need detailed meetings with browser vendors, to get SVG a11y on the radar 15:15:43 rs: need to go back and do changes to SVG ARIA section and sync up with ARIA 1.1 15:16:04 agenda+ new TR stylesheets https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/spec-prod/2015OctDec/0009.html 15:16:52 ds: Amelia introduced specs, walked over high level issues with SVG WG, and what the strategy is 15:17:48 ds: SVG WG seemed to understand, it is important we have them understand what we are publishing, got approval from SVG WG for both pubs :) 15:18:08 rs: Deque is willing to write test cases 15:23:54 Any issues with the new TR stylesheets should be reported on this GitHub repo: https://github.com/w3c/tr-design/issues 15:24:15 Topic: how do get implementers to implement it 15:24:45 abr: not sure whether we want implementations, but we want feedback from implementors 15:25:30 ds: we need to decide when the right time to contact them is 15:26:08 chaals: I don't think it is not ready yet, good to contact folks and get them aware of it 15:26:50 chaals: good to get SVG working group aware of what we are doing 15:27:40 abr: at this point it is we just published it and after we work through issues 15:27:51 rs: did you talk with them about text? 15:28:25 abr: everyone understands when using shapes/path's for text 15:29:44 abr: browsers hesitant to have ARIA change stuff 15:30:23 rs: who was giving the most push back? 15:30:32 abr: that was a few months ago 15:30:48 chaals: usually Mozilla and Google concurs 15:31:07 rs: information too important to not make use 15:32:05 chaals: browser vendors hesitant to change architecture and we want them to change - and we do want them to change and not do a half a**ed job 15:32:41 abr: so little native semantics, so this is really an opportunity 15:33:03 abr: SVG WG already overwhelmed with other issues 15:33:36 abr: folks on WG not the folks impacted by what we are suggesting 15:34:04 abr: do we need anymore changes in Graphics Module? 15:34:07 rs: no 15:34:32 fesch: what is our next goal? 15:34:47 rs: getting browser vendors onboard 15:35:16 rs: we can certainly work on the graphics module, but that should be a quarter of our time 15:35:35 abr: name computation... will be significant 15:37:26 rs: more on name computation will come up 15:38:06 fesch: I've heard two things on whether we should talk to browser vendors 15:38:23 rs: i think we need get greater browser feedback 15:38:54 chasals: Doug mentioned and I agreed that this isn't fully baked 15:39:05 chaals: need examples 15:40:02 chaals: need SVG 1.0 accessibility stuff implemented 15:40:41 rs: safari doesn't work without voiceover on? 15:41:23 fesch: what should we be doing until the end of the year? 15:41:40 abr: lets start a thread on the list on what needs to be done next 15:41:56 abr: one item is authoring guidance... 15:42:49 chaals: examples and demonstrate what you can do with it 15:43:15 fesch: taxonomy is still meager..\ 15:43:34 chaals: so what... we need clear examples of stuff 15:44:41 fesch: we haven't gone into low vision and color blind support, should that be in examples 15:44:46 chaals: yes 15:45:06 abr: that affects authoring guidance 15:45:48 ds: low vision and color blind is not SVG specific, lets focus on SVG specific 15:46:16 abr: true can point to other docs in authoring guidance 15:47:37 ds: if you are using a magnifier and looking at scatterplot - they might not be able to see the axes - that is SVG specific 15:48:17 fesch: does every graphic must support the lowest common demonstrator? 15:48:42 chaals: SVG may have all the tools to do it 15:49:08 fesch: so what you are saying is color blind and low vision may be authoring guidance? 15:49:51 ds: should not do this unless it is SVG specific, may conflict with other guidance 15:50:23 chaals: but our examples should demonstrate that we can support 15:51:21 abr: think about stuff over the next week and we can decide next week what our priorities are 15:52:07 ds: Leone worried about moving on... we should get everyone to agree 15:52:16 rs: have a lot of week to do... 15:53:31 rrsagent make minutes 15:53:58 rrsagent, make minutes 15:53:58 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/11/13-svg-a11y-minutes.html fesch 17:05:11 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #svg-a11y 18:15:30 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #svg-a11y 20:03:17 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #svg-a11y 20:09:03 chaals has joined #svg-a11y 21:42:24 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #svg-a11y 22:15:46 chaals has joined #svg-a11y