16:57:16 RRSAgent has joined #aria 16:57:16 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/11/12-aria-irc 16:57:18 RRSAgent, make logs public 16:57:18 Zakim has joined #aria 16:57:20 Zakim, this will be WAI_PF 16:57:20 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 16:57:21 Meeting: Protocols and Formats Working Group Teleconference 16:57:21 Date: 12 November 2015 16:57:23 chair: Rich 16:57:37 meeting: W3C WAI ARIA Working Group 16:57:45 RRSAgent, make log public 17:25:47 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #aria 17:27:50 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-pfwg/2015Nov/0045.html 17:28:43 clown has joined #aria 17:29:06 present+ Rich_Schwerdtfeger 17:29:53 present+ Joseph_Scheuhammer 17:30:04 present+ janina 17:30:37 I will put the info into the flows wiki if Manu doesn't have time. 17:31:27 s/I will put the info into the flows wiki if Manu doesn't have time.// 17:31:39 present+ Joanmarie_Diggs 17:31:40 fesch has joined #aria 17:31:52 present+ fesch 17:32:23 LJWatson has joined #aria 17:33:17 present+ LJWatson 17:33:19 present+ MichaelC 17:33:41 present+ Michiel Bijl 17:34:34 https://mit.webex.com/mit/j.php?MTID=m89fa7dfc04a8e377f134e5845036a266 17:34:35 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-pfwg/2015Nov/0045.html 17:34:55 joanie has changed the topic to: Webex: https://mit.webex.com/mit/j.php?MTID=m5d67b552441a72bd1f52d696ad273d2e, meeting password: aria 17:35:25 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose Bijl 17:35:42 Present+ ShaneM 17:35:55 present- Bijl 17:36:00 scribe: janina 17:36:40 topic: Logistics Migrating to the new ARIA WG 17:36:55 mc: new list will be public-aria as primary, may be others 17:37:04 mc: expect new wikis, tracker, etc 17:37:26 q+ to ask which group to join for "ARIA" 17:37:36 q+ To ask if we can add changing the meeting day/time to the to-consider list 17:37:36 mc: some uris will change 17:38:07 mc: No github change planned 17:38:29 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/ 17:38:50 mc: Webex will also change at some point 17:39:15 in terms of my question, to join: https://www.w3.org/2004/01/pp-impl/83726/join 17:39:18 mc: PF extended to Dec 3 17:39:21 zakim, ack me 17:39:21 clown, you wanted to ask which group to join for "ARIA" 17:39:22 I see joanie on the speaker queue 17:39:27 mc: Very important that people join ARIA WG 17:39:35 mc: For now, CfC's will run under PF 17:39:58 q? 17:40:15 ack joanie 17:40:15 joanie, you wanted to ask if we can add changing the meeting day/time to the to-consider list 17:41:07 jd: Notes she has a conflict every other month on Thursdays 17:41:20 +1 to considering a new meeting time. 17:42:06 mb: Would prefer later time 17:42:12 jd: yes 17:42:52 clown: West Coast people like this time 17:43:10 +1 on setting up a poll sooner than later about the time though. 17:43:31 zakim, unmute me 17:43:31 sorry, janina, I can't do that anymore 17:43:55 HELP! 17:43:58 jamesn has joined #aria 17:44:14 s/HELP!// 17:44:26 JS: It's important people join the new group. 17:44:52 -> http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/decision-policy Draft ARIA Decision Policy 17:45:12 https://www.w3.org/2004/01/pp-impl/83726/join 17:45:21 mb: What to do to join? 17:45:26 mc: I'll follow up with invited experts 17:45:42 topic: pubs 17:45:49 mc: Publishing next Thursday 17:45:55 janina: CfC will be out today 17:46:12 clown: Have some quick edits--will try to get them in 17:46:31 q+ To point out Steve asked about our stale spec 17:46:33 fe: SVG AAM ready 17:46:41 mc HTML AAM? 17:46:47 rs: poking SF 17:47:05 Yes - the gh-pages need to be updated 17:47:42 mc: It's a manual process, someone needs to do it more regularly 17:48:01 mc: We prefer to automate, but not working out so far 17:48:14 Stefan has joined #aria 17:49:21 q? 17:49:24 ack me 17:49:24 joanie, you wanted to point out Steve asked about our stale spec 17:49:49 clown: Issue is getting respec out of gh pages 17:50:20 mc: Still not that hard, but a fuss because we have so many docs 17:50:38 mc: Could use github help to get this automated 17:50:59 mc: There's webservice for respec 17:51:14 mc: Getting github to accept the commit hasn't worked out for me 17:51:17 bgaraventa1979 has joined #aria 17:51:25 https://labs.w3.org/spec-generator/?type=respec&url=yourspec 17:51:55 present+ Bryan_Garaventa 17:52:01 cyns has joined #aria 17:52:01 rs: HTML AAM also OK to go 17:52:19 rs: SVG needs to review SVG AAM? 17:52:20 mc yes 17:53:08 mc: We need a record of approval to publish we can point to 17:53:43 rs: I'm no longer able to attend the SVG call -- bad time 17:54:00 topic: aria-describedat 17:54:21 rs: Clear to me it's not meeting use cases set out by dpub 17:55:13 JS: Think Judy is worried about dropping @describedat before a replacement is in place. 17:55:32 ... Seems to be consensus for using details/summary, but one concern is that those elements are used for multiple purposes. 17:55:48 ... So we'd need a way to indicate to users what the details/summary contained. 17:56:13 ... There has been discussion of a role to disambiguate that. 17:56:33 ... AT could use that, and CSS could be used to trigger a visual indicator for non AT users. 17:56:45 rrsagent, make minutes 17:56:45 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/11/12-aria-minutes.html LJWatson 17:56:59 scribenick: LJWatson 17:57:40 q+ 17:58:39 q+ to say that mappings that change based on the role of a referenced object are a pain to implement and slow to run 17:59:14 present+ Cynthia_Shelly 18:01:20 rs: create a new role that defines an extended description, when applied does not get stringified, stays as a relationship 18:01:28 rs: will allow styling 18:02:00 for the minutes: the relationship is described-by/description-for. 18:02:01 rs: don't want to call it "description" because it would be misused by authors 18:02:11 rs: what does details default to? is it a group? 18:02:17 clown: believe so 18:02:33 clown: on atk it's a panel, everywhelse a group 18:02:41 cs: we're thinking of changing 18:03:27 clown: summary on aapis generally push button with expand/collapse, on ios is disclosure triangle 18:03:36 s/changing/changing to a dialog/ 18:04:08 rs: If we put a role and overide, is it a problem? 18:04:12 rs: Problem if hidden? 18:04:28 q? 18:04:51 ack l 18:04:55 ack c 18:04:55 cyns, you wanted to say that mappings that change based on the role of a referenced object are a pain to implement and slow to run 18:04:59 ack me 18:05:22 cs: significant performance implications and a pain to implement 18:05:30 rs: property better? 18:06:05 cs: whatever needs to be on the referring object, not on the target 18:06:49 rs: describedby iby itself -- could have description or extended description -- that's the problem 18:07:18 clown: describedby is both string and relationship, we don't want to overload 18:07:56 rs: could have both a description and an extended description 18:08:01 cs: we should push back on that 18:08:30 s/we don't want to overload/we don't want the string in this case/ 18:08:47 yes 18:10:02 rs: what if we put property on target 18:10:16 fe: what if extended descript is third party 18:10:52 rs: iframe in details 18:10:58 janina: that was the idea all along 18:11:20 rs: special property on details, but not role because we don't want to swap roles out 18:11:49 cs: still a problem because property is on the target 18:12:20 aria-extendeddescribedby ? 18:12:26 rs: maybe an extended-describedby where you don't stringify anything 18:12:42 cs: and if hidden 18:12:59 cs: believe details isn't in the tree until expanded 18:13:26 cs: add and build when user expands 18:14:05 cs: so what's the mapping if both exist? 18:14:21 rs: we could disallow both 18:15:41 cs: we have to anyway 18:16:48 q+ To ask why this property cannot/shouldn't be placed in HTML5.x instead. 18:17:26 ack joanie 18:17:26 joanie, you wanted to ask why this property cannot/shouldn't be placed in HTML5.x instead. 18:17:31 q? 18:17:45 jd: why does this have to besolved by aria 18:18:04 cs: why not an attrib on summary or details? 18:18:24 rs: because we can get it done quicker ??? 18:21:00 q+ to ask if the world will end if we decide there is no good solution for DPUBs use case 18:21:21 q? 18:21:46 cs: understand browser wrapped in native app? sm: do we have to solve this use case? 18:22:51 rs: would be ok to remove describedat and add issue to fix use cases in 1.1? 18:23:01 mc: rather the other way, do the work then remove 18:23:17 q+ To suggest we don't block ARIA 1.1 on finding a solution to this 18:23:19 mc: would not want to go to cr with describedat 18:23:21 ack ShaneM 18:23:21 ShaneM, you wanted to ask if the world will end if we decide there is no good solution for DPUBs use case 18:23:26 mc: is the next pub cr? 18:28:12 q- 18:33:33 [discussion on how best to proceed, what first, what second, etc] 18:34:49 rs: decision to put a "probably will be removed" on describedat 18:34:55 FEATURE AT RISK 18:35:01 rs: working with dpub to address use cases for extended descriptions 18:35:07 mc: can work on wording offline 18:35:25 mc dpub and others 18:36:12 rs: please tweak as necessary for the heartbeat 18:37:07 Action: cooper Work with Joanie to inject aria-describedat wording pertaining to limited life 18:37:07 Created ACTION-1740 - Work with joanie to inject aria-describedat wording pertaining to limited life [on Michael Cooper - due 2015-11-19]. 18:37:19 topic: article feed 18:37:31 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/actions/1725 18:37:35 rs: didn't we agree to this at tpac? didn't see it go in 18:37:46 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/actions/1725 18:37:54 http://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/mck_issue633/aria/aria.html#articlefeed 18:38:10 rs: any issues? 18:38:22 rs: believe we were limiting this to articles, yes? 18:38:38 mb: if so, why not just call it "feed" ? 18:39:09 mb: because if we take it beyond articles, the word "article" in its name would be confusing 18:39:37 rs: text talks about "a scrollable list of articles" 18:39:53 reminder - "article" doesn't only mean a news item. 18:40:00 clown: agree to "feed" 18:40:03 for example, "the" is an "article" 18:40:12 rs: so could expand in a future version for other types 18:41:06 it is limited to
elements? 18:41:20 fe: believe matt wanted "article feed" because it was only articles 18:41:26 rs: but it's in the definition 18:41:53 fe: feed is the abstract 18:41:59 rs: article feed is the instance 18:42:24 rs: the other way is we can introduce the abstract "feed" later to add others 18:42:33 jn: why? why not just have feed 18:42:56 jn: don't see the use case -- different roles for each ?? 18:42:58 is it a 'feed' because it is a live region where additional content keeps coming in? 18:43:34 more tweets keep getting added. 18:43:46 jn: assuming some kind of container, and the ability to focus on objects in the container 18:44:00 fe: point was to be able to move within the article with various nav units 18:45:55 fe: so it didn't need to change nav while skimming 18:46:22 cs: seems having a feed would be far more flexible 18:46:23 rs: yes 18:46:36 rs: call it feed, set article as default 18:46:49 jn: has anyone implemented 18:47:37 jn: no backwards compatible issue today 18:47:39 rs: yes 18:47:48 +1 to using "feed" 18:48:28 rs: leave as is for now, switch role to "article feed" leave def as is, then change "article feed" to "feed" 18:48:40 if we need a type attribute later, it would be an enumerated list of potential types that we define, and related to HTML elements or "mixed" or something 18:48:44 rs: any objection to calling it feed? 18:48:48 +1 18:49:14 +1 18:49:19 +1 18:49:35 -1 18:49:44 -2 18:49:48 0 on the grounds that I'm not convinced we need this role independent of name. But if we need it I don't care what it's called. 18:51:10 resolution: change the name of article feed to feed 18:51:15 +1 18:51:18 +1 18:51:21 +1 18:51:22 0 18:51:23 +1 18:51:27 +1 18:51:42 clown: are we sure this works? 18:51:46 rs: maps 18:52:10 RESOLUTION: Change "article feed" to "feed" 18:52:15 +1 18:53:06 s/are we sure this works/the text speaks of the aria role 'article' as well as the html article element. does it work the same for both/ 18:53:48 rrsagent, make minutes 18:53:48 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/11/12-aria-minutes.html janina 18:54:15 for the minutes: yes, html article has the same mappings as ARIA role article. 18:54:35 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/11/12-aria-minutes.html clown 18:54:40 topic: action 1361 18:54:43 action-1361? 18:54:43 action-1361 -- Matthew King to Suggest new text for the application role -- due 2015-06-11 -- OPEN 18:54:43 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/actions/1361 18:54:54 rs: any issues? 18:55:04 http://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/mck_applicationRole/aria/aria.html#document 18:57:05 [rs summarizes changes] 18:58:09 rs: objections? need more review? ? 18:59:37 RESOLUTION: Pull Matt's change for role application and role document; close issues 1631 and 633 18:59:59 zakim, bye 18:59:59 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been Rich_Schwerdtfeger, Joseph_Scheuhammer, janina, Joanmarie_Diggs, fesch, LJWatson, MichaelC, Michiel, Bijl, ShaneM, 18:59:59 Zakim has left #aria 19:00:02 ... Bryan_Garaventa, Cynthia_Shelly 19:00:04 rrsagent, make minutes 19:00:04 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/11/12-aria-minutes.html janina 19:00:32 close issue-1631 19:00:33 Closed issue-1631. 19:00:35 close issue-633 19:00:35 Closed issue-633. 19:33:25 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #aria 19:34:39 AmeliaBR has joined #aria 20:05:40 ShaneM has joined #aria 20:25:21 fesch has joined #aria 21:58:56 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #aria 22:13:13 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #aria 22:38:28 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #aria