00:09:58 RRSAgent has joined #auto 00:09:58 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/10/26-auto-irc 00:10:00 Zakim has joined #auto 00:10:13 Meeting: Automotive WG f2f Meeting in Sapporo - Day 1 00:11:07 [agenda review] 00:11:11 Topic: Introductions 00:11:14 scribenick: ted 00:11:49 Present+ Wonsuk_Lee 00:12:06 Shinjiro Urata, Access 00:12:14 Junichi Hashimoto, KDDI 00:12:50 Tatsuhiko Hirabayashi, KDDI 00:13:01 Present: Shinjiro_Urata, Junichi_Hashimoto, Tatsuhiko_Hirabayashi, Kaz_Ashimura, Adam_Abramski, Paul_Boyes, Yinying_Chen, Qing_An, Kevin_Gavigan, Adam_Crofts, Peter_Winzell, Ted Guild, Wonsuk Lee, Daisuke_Ajitomi, Hidenobu_Ito, Kosuke_Nagano, Toru_Kawaguchi, Mikio_Sasaki, Jet_Villegas, Hiroto_Inoshita, J_Alan_Bird, Junichi_Sakamoto, Hirotaka_Kajita, Shintaro_Uchida 00:13:30 Kazuyuki Ashimura, W3C 00:13:39 Adam Abramski, Intel 00:13:45 Paul Boyes, OpenCar 00:13:59 Yingying Chen, W3C 00:14:15 Qing An, Alibaba 00:14:29 Kevin Gavigan, JLR 00:14:38 Adam Crofts, JLR 00:15:31 Peter Winzell, Mitsubishi 00:15:35 Ted Guild, W3C 00:15:51 Wonsuk Lee, ETRI 00:16:57 Daisuke Ajitomi, @@1 00:17:16 Hidenobu Ito, @@2 00:19:44 @@3_second_row_names 00:19:52 Adam_Abramski has joined #auto 00:19:54 Topic: Agenda 00:20:18 moriguchi has joined #auto 00:20:20 Paul has joined #auto 00:20:22 AdamC has joined #auto 00:20:24 urata_access has joined #auto 00:20:44 peterw has joined #Auto 00:21:07 Adam: review spec process, timeline check, what needs to be done 00:21:37 ... if it is interesting to the group give a summary of the BG meeting and presentation Paul, Ted and I made at Genivi AMM session 00:22:01 ... implementations and testing (both required by the specs) 00:22:16 Kev_G has joined #auto 00:23:01 ... Generic Sensor API 00:23:34 ajitomi has joined #auto 00:23:41 s/or API/or API with Tobie Langel/ 00:23:57 hyejin has joined #auto 00:24:08 ... Security, possibly engage with some WoT folks this or tomorrow afternoon 00:24:14 Present: Shinjiro_Urata(ACCESS), Junichi_Hashimoto(KDDI), Tatsuhiko_Hirabayashi(KDDI), Kaz_Ashimura(W3C), Adam_Abramski(Intel), Paul_Boyes(OpenCar), Yinying_Chen(W3C), Qing_An(Alibaba), Kevin_Gavigan(JLR), Adam_Crofts(JLR), Peter_Winzell(MELCO), Ted Guild(W3C), Wonsuk Lee(ETRI), Shintaro_Uchida(AptPod), Hirotaka_Kajita (AptPod), Junichi_Sakamoto(AptPod), Daisuke_Ajitomi(Toshiba), Hyejin_Lee(HTML5_Convergence_Forum), Hidenobu_Ito(Fujitsu), Kosuke_Nagano(ACCESS), 00:24:14 Toru_Kawaguchi(Panasonic), Mikio_Sasaki(Mitsubishi_Electric), Jet_Villegas(Mozilla), Hiroto_Inoshita(Keio_Univ.), J_Alan_Bird(W3C) 00:24:24 rrsagent, draft minutes 00:24:24 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/10/26-auto-minutes.html kaz 00:24:37 ... tomorrow morning is pretty busy with breakout session starting with Web Payments in room 206 (2nd floor) 00:25:17 rrsagent, make log public 00:25:20 rrsagent, draft minutes 00:25:20 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/10/26-auto-minutes.html kaz 00:25:26 ... after we will liaise with Geolocation back in this room 00:25:53 ... both sessions have detailed agenda [on screen and in email archives] 00:26:45 Present+ Toru_Kawaguchi(Panasonic), Mikio_Sasaki(Mitsubishi_Electric), Jet_Villegas(Mozilla), Hiroto_Inoshita(Keio_Univ.), J_Alan_Bird(W3C) 00:26:47 rrsagent, draft minutes 00:26:47 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/10/26-auto-minutes.html kaz 00:26:50 ... after lunch meeting with TV Control API CG who is working with us on Media Tuner API (BG activity) and avoid duplicating work 00:27:19 Chair: Adam_Abramski, Paul_Boyes 00:27:21 rrsagent, draft minutes 00:27:21 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/10/26-auto-minutes.html kaz 00:27:54 s/@@1/Toshiba/ 00:28:05 s/@@2/Fujitsu/ 00:28:40 Topic: Specifications Update 00:28:57 Paul: we have had a flurry of activity, reviewing and resolving issues 00:29:17 ... although there are still some outstanding issues it is quieting down 00:29:30 ... we need to move on our timeline toward REC 00:30:06 ... we are required to have at least two implementations to advance in W3C specification status 00:31:37 hito has joined #auto 00:34:56 ted: explains how to use the W3C Github repository, and ask if we could remove the master branch and use the gh-pages branch for spec publication 00:35:31 junichi-hashimoto has joined #auto 00:38:38 present+ Cheon_Kwan_Ho(HTML5_Convergence_Forum), YooJoo_Yeol(HTML5_Convergence_Forum) 00:38:47 rrsagent, draft minutes 00:38:47 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/10/26-auto-minutes.html kaz 00:39:52 -> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-automotive/2015Oct/0003.html Proposal to switch to gh-pages branch for Echidna 00:40:37 Resolved: editors and chairs agree to accept proposal to switch to gh-pages for automated publishing 00:41:14 Paul asks JLR about implementation status 00:41:37 Adam and Kevin will get confirmation from Paul Wheller before sharing 00:41:43 rrsagent, draft minutes 00:41:43 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/10/26-auto-minutes.html kaz 00:42:01 Alan has joined #auto 00:42:11 s/Resulved/RESOLVED/ 00:42:12 rrsagent, draft minutes 00:42:12 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/10/26-auto-minutes.html kaz 00:42:36 s/Resolved/RESOLVED/ 00:42:38 rrsagent, draft minutes 00:42:38 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/10/26-auto-minutes.html kaz 00:43:03 s|s/Resulved/RESOLVED/|| 00:43:05 rrsagent, draft minutes 00:43:05 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/10/26-auto-minutes.html kaz 00:43:07 Paul: about the infamous issue 32, in spite of the back and form I believe the current status is to stay as is due to existing [partial] implementations 00:43:51 Wonsuk: we left it for now but wanted to discuss with Tobie and GeoLocation WG to get their advice which we can do this week as part of our breakout sessions 00:44:44 ... we can also defer until a later stage in the recommendation process (as it tends to get more attention and review then) 00:45:14 Paul: there are a few outstanding issues 00:45:57 kawaguch has joined #auto 00:46:20 Adam: one is contingent on issue 32 refactoring 00:46:24 W033C has joined #auto 00:47:33 https://github.com/w3c/automotive/issues/56 00:51:04 action ted to close issue 56 as out of scope/not relevant to our WG based on conversations/understanding from JLR and Volvo at Genivi 00:51:05 Created ACTION-10 - Close issue 56 as out of scope/not relevant to our wg based on conversations/understanding from jlr and volvo at genivi [on Ted Guild - due 2015-11-02]. 00:51:38 wonsuk has joined #auto 00:51:58 kaz_ has joined #auto 00:52:19 [based on JLR RVI proposal and Gunnar explanation of where in the stack offline/wakeup interactions will take place - outside of web runtime]