13:00:11 RRSAgent has joined #sdw 13:00:11 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/10/21-sdw-irc 13:00:13 RRSAgent, make logs world 13:00:13 Zakim has joined #sdw 13:00:15 Zakim, this will be SDW 13:00:15 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 13:00:16 Meeting: Spatial Data on the Web Working Group Teleconference 13:00:16 Date: 21 October 2015 13:00:21 present+ kerry 13:00:25 chair: kerry 13:00:34 present+ jtandy 13:00:59 frans has joined #sdw 13:01:09 Linda has joined #sdw 13:01:12 ahaller2 has joined #sdw 13:01:15 scribe: bart 13:01:30 Alejandro_Llaves has joined #sdw 13:01:32 present+ frans 13:01:38 scribenick: bart 13:01:44 present+ BartvanLeeuwen 13:01:49 present+ Alejandro_Llaves 13:01:53 scribenick bartvanleeuwen 13:01:55 present+ Payam 13:02:04 regrets+ phila 13:02:21 regrets+ eparsons 13:02:41 regrets+ aharth 13:02:50 regrets+ andrea perego 13:02:52 LarsG has joined #sdw 13:02:58 regrets+ rachel heavan 13:03:00 present+ LarsG 13:03:04 chaals has joined #sdw 13:03:16 present+ ahaller2 13:03:45 q+ to remind Kerry to remind everyone else about the time change after TPAC 13:03:50 MattPerry has joined #sdw 13:04:08 topic: last approve meetings minutes 13:04:09 present+ Linda 13:04:36 http://www.w3.org/2015/10/14-sdw-minutes.html 13:04:37 present+ MattPerry 13:05:08 topic: approve last weeks minutes https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20151021 13:05:29 +1 13:05:31 +1 13:05:32 +1 13:05:33 +1 13:05:33 +1 13:05:35 +1 13:05:57 RESOLVED: approve last weeks minutes https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20151021 13:06:05 topic: Patent call 13:06:08 https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Patent_Call 13:06:30 topic: Best Practice editors: task responsibilities 13:06:38 joshli has joined #sdw 13:06:44 ack next 13:06:45 jtandy, you wanted to remind Kerry to remind everyone else about the time change after TPAC 13:07:11 present+ joshli 13:07:38 couldn´t the reminder of sending reminders be an action for Kerry? 13:08:00 New time for meetings after TPAC! 13:08:01 think it was 8pm UTC 13:08:30 topic: Best Practice editors: task responsibilities 13:09:06 go ahead 13:09:41 jtandy: we have decided to organize ourselves for 3 different task 13:09:45 action: kerry to remind on new meeting times for northern hemisphere summer 13:09:45 Created ACTION-83 - Remind on new meeting times for northern hemisphere summer [on Kerry Taylor - due 2015-10-28]. 13:10:10 1) issue management, managing topic chats and keep people on topic, Payam will take that task 13:10:24 joshli_ has joined #sdw 13:10:40 sure 13:10:43 Another thing Payam will chase people down for evidence of BPs 13:11:06 2) analasys byt jtandy of what needs to be done 13:11:15 3) Main writer of the document will be Linda 13:11:43 s/analasys/analysis/ 13:11:51 jtandy: instead of having discussions on email / wiki we try to write our doucments as we go, so that you can sse your changes happening 13:12:15 s/doucments/documents 13:12:19 jtandy: approach based on Payam experience with a previous group 13:12:26 s/sse/see 13:12:47 jtandy: we almost got a BP document into the repository 13:13:19 Spatial Data on the Web Best Practice 13:13:19 DRAFT Table of Contents 13:13:19 1. Introduction 13:13:19 i. General intro 13:13:20 ii. Difference between spatial data on the web and current SDI practice 13:13:20 iii. Principles https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/BP_Principles 13:13:20 2. Conformance 13:13:21 3. Audience 13:13:21 i. Geospatial experts without web knowledge? (LvdB: Are we targetting them? Are they our Small Set of Known Developers?) 13:13:21 ii. Web developers without geospatial knowledge aka the Large Set of Unknown Developers 13:13:22 iii. Content publishers 13:13:22 4. Scope 13:13:22 5. Best Practices Template 13:13:22 i. Best Practice Requirements 13:13:23 6. Best Practices Summary 13:13:23 7. The Best Practices 13:13:23 i. Linking Data 13:13:23 ii. Publishing data with clear semantics 13:13:23 iii. Exposing datasets through APIs 13:13:23 iv. Enabling discovery 13:13:23 v. Assigning identifiers to real world things and information resources 13:13:24 vi. Expressing spatial data – vocabularies & encodings 13:13:24 A. (geo)spatial information 13:13:25 B. temporal information 13:13:25 C. sensor data 13:13:25 vii. Dealing with large datasets 13:13:25 viii. Displaying spatial data on maps (IMO out of scope - LvdB) 13:13:26 8. Conclusions 13:13:26 9. Glossary 13:13:27 Linda: document only availble as word 13:13:27 10. Cross-reference of use-cases against best practices 13:13:27 A. Acknowledgements 13:13:27 B. References 13:13:27 i. Normative references 13:13:39 it's a bit messy- sorry about that 13:13:55 I copied/pasted from a word file 13:14:17 jtandy: this is not a final document structure, but we think these are the sections we need to fill out 13:14:30 jtandy: some might go out during the process 13:14:45 jtandy: we wanted to have the sections in place before the Sapporo F2F 13:15:20 kerry: we will start writing on the BP during the F2F , that is the main focus of the meeting. 13:16:27 jtandy: we are keen on getting feedback on the content, there will be a editors draft by the end of the afternoon 13:18:00 s/F2F ,/F2F, 13:18:14 s/a editors/an editor's 13:18:29 joshli has joined #sdw 13:18:29 jtandy: the structure is the same structure as the DWBP document 13:18:33 Addition: request to anyone to review the TOC so that we can work with an agreed structure next week in Sapporo. 13:19:00 kerry: request to anyone to review the TOC so that we can work with an agreed structure next week in Sapporo. 13:19:46 jtandy: explains the structure of the document, general w3c parts 13:20:21 jtandy: audience is important topic, who do we write this for 13:21:29 +1 to addressing Geospatial experts without web knowledge? 13:21:54 +1 to Displaying spatial data on maps is out of scope 13:22:31 q+ 13:22:40 ack frans 13:23:12 +q 13:23:28 frans: this is supposed to be a BP document, and not a 'best theories' document. we need evidence, how will the evidence be included 13:23:59 ack Payam 13:24:06 jtandy: one of the points we need to included in the description of the best practices is examples 13:24:33 jtandy: and we need to have be able to point to those examples. 13:24:45 jtandy: there will be adaption required to make it work 13:25:14 Payam: if we have content in the document, we will be asking for examples and links to descriptions 13:25:14 s/to included/to include 13:25:18 q+ 13:25:29 q+ 13:25:47 ack next 13:25:52 Payam: if you point to examples and best practices from the public mail archive I'll pick them up there. 13:26:23 joshli: I hope we don't get hung up on links, they might not be persistent 13:26:41 kerry: we do have the oportunity to construct the evidence ourselves 13:26:45 +1 joshli - good examples will be also very helpful 13:27:46 ack frans 13:27:53 jtandy: Linda and geonovum have a tender for testbed for these best practices 13:28:41 jtandy: there will be a gap, things that should be done, but are not being done. we need to be carefull to include them, we have to be carefull to not put in theories. 13:28:53 jtandy: maybe we need a node for 'emerging practices' 13:29:01 s/carefull/careful/ 13:29:03 AZ has joined #sdw 13:29:03 +1 emerging practises 13:29:07 s/node/note/ 13:29:33 frans: in the UCR somebody put his sources in the Github repository to prevent ' link rot' 13:30:27 q? 13:31:07 Topic: Summary of discussion on linking data 13:31:21 https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Linking_Data 13:32:20 jtandy: we are trying to continue the discussion from last weeks call 13:32:37 jtandy: the offline notes are on the wiki: https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Linking_Data 13:32:56 q+ 13:33:21 present+ AZ 13:33:50 Topic: 13:34:05 Topic: Sapporo Communication: https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/F2F_Sapporo 13:34:23 kerry: we will have TOC of our BP in github 13:34:46 kerry: the people in sapporo will be working on that document 13:35:00 kerry: we will be keeping github up to date 13:35:23 kerry: we will have a meeting record on IRC, but not minute to minute like today 13:35:35 kerry: IRC will be the channel to contact us 13:35:59 kerry: hopefully we probably will have Webex, IRC is the best way to get to us 13:36:38 kerry: at 5PM local time we will do a catch up session 13:37:00 kerry: we are expecting a few people to come along to talk to us from other groups 13:37:02 q+ 13:37:39 kerry: Sato taraki ? will talk about SVG , Hadley Beaman , and IOT interest group, and even timbl signed up 13:37:43 ack me 13:38:24 kerry: Dinner sunday night, for anyone who want to show up 13:38:29 bad timing Jeremy 13:38:35 ack next 13:38:42 ack joshli 13:40:34 kerry: there is a adhoc on the wednesday 13:40:47 jtandy: there will be geojson people as well. 13:41:09 https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Linking_Data#Summary_of_discussion 13:41:11 Topic: Summary of discussion on linking data 13:42:09 jtandy: our focus will be on gathering content, not polished documents. bullet points are good, as long as it is public 13:42:23 jtandy: kerry called it 'drafty' 13:42:55 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-sdw-wg/2015Oct/0105.html 13:43:04 JSON a link poor format 13:43:39 q+ 13:44:09 ack josh 13:45:31 joshli: the linking in JSON-LD needs more best practices 13:47:06 joshli: what types of interactions we have on a resource 13:47:08 q+ 13:49:05 AZ_ has joined #sdw 13:49:51 +1 to looking at raw HTTP as an API 13:50:15 q+ 13:50:19 ack next 13:51:50 bart says the new linked data platform working grop will be attaking this 13:52:00 hydra: http://www.hydra-cg.com/ 13:52:07 ... and bart says we should point to that instead of inventing here 13:52:26 s/attaking/attacking/ 13:53:11 ... bart says the linked data platform mailing list discusses this - and the hydra one too -- cannot point to anything directly 13:53:54 ACTION: bart to assemble linkks to actionable data on the web for sapporo meeting 13:53:55 Created ACTION-84 - Assemble linkks to actionable data on the web for sapporo meeting [on Bart van Leeuwen - due 2015-10-28]. 13:54:52 bart wants us not to stretch too far in that direction but to leave to others 13:55:14 q? 13:55:18 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-sdw-wg/2015Oct/0125.html 13:55:27 Does 'Feature' = 'Real World Thing'? 13:55:54 departing the IRC but staying on phone. Ta 13:56:04 joshli has left #sdw 13:56:24 agreed -- i was surpised to see thevariation in interpretation of "feature" 13:56:52 s/surpised/surprised/ 13:57:11 s/thevariation/the variation/ 13:57:42 q+ 13:57:49 ack kerry 13:59:22 I agree with Kerry 13:59:51 I have to leave. thank you all. 14:00:42 yup 14:00:49 rrsagent make logs public 14:01:00 Have a good day or night! 14:01:04 ok thanks bye 14:01:06 Thanks, bye! 14:01:07 rrsagent draft minutes 14:01:08 bye 14:01:47 rrsagent, make logs public 14:01:56 rrsagentdraft minutes 14:02:06 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:02:06 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/10/21-sdw-minutes.html kerry 14:02:24 bye all! 16:10:59 Zakim has left #sdw