See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 14 October 2015
<scribe> scribe: fesch
js: final prep for TPAC...
... MAUR call for consensus is out there expires tomorrow
ts: had face to face in NY, more alignment with open web platform,
<tzviya> minutes from EPUB 3.1 Face to face
ts: can ping me with questions
<Zakim> JF, you wanted to ask about the new role attributes
jf: on list a bunch of new aria roles vs rel attribute
ts: come to the dpub meeting tomorrow it is an hour long discussion
<MichaelC> +MichaelC
<MichaelC> +Rich
<jamesn> not west-coast friendly
rs: rel doesn't exist in SVG... does not map to aria
<MichaelC> +JohnF
<MichaelC> +Gottfried
<MichaelC> +JamesN
jf: not worried about mapping since mapping only applies to AT
rs: not true, it can affect
navigation and in the case of dpub, we have roles but we have
additional semantic info as to where they go
... coga group already decided that they would use aria for
destination semantics
... suggesting coga pick a few for inclusion in ARIA 1.1, in
coga they are largely used for styling, dpub might use this for
styling too
jf: I will come to dpub meeting tomorrow
rs: rel is a dumping ground, MSAA had an issue...
js: this isn't new, have been looking at it for a while
jn: dpub decided a way to do stuff, that may be the wrong thing to do at this point
rs: they discussed them...
jn: aria-destination doesn't exist anywhere right?
jf: why we meet at PF we take the long view, if we need to add to agenda for PF
<JF> request that this beomces an agenda item for a future PF meeting
<trackbot> action-1669 -- Katie Haritos-Shea to Look at data on the web best practices -- due 2015-09-16 -- OPEN
<Ryladog_> +Katie Haritos-Shea
<MichaelC> action-1669 due 1 week
<trackbot> Set action-1669 Look at data on the web best practices due date to 2015-10-21.
kh: make due next week
no new working drafts... are we going to be tracking crytpo... ARIA in HTML, repeating document... selection...
mc: nothing for us
mc: nothing new
zakim close this item
js: can take up editing with
... may make a big change in appendix B
js; should that list include commenters
mc: I add them in a separate list
js: any other comments?
js: redafting about alts, please
provide feedback on it
... will probably keep open past TPAC
js: getting close, current status
<JF> jamesn I'm going to go to the dPub call tomorrow morning. Glad to hear I'm not the only one who thinks this is a little too knee-jerk. When your favorite tool is an ARIA hammer, every problem looks like an ARIA nail/ jamesn I'm going to go to the dPub call tomorrow morning. Glad to hear I'm not the only one who thinks this is a little too knee-jerk. When your favorite tool is an ARIA hammer, every problem looks like an ARIA nail
<Zakim> JF, you wanted to ask about whe (if?) we will start calling PF "APA"
js: there is an agenda for ARIA and APA,, fairly well formed
rs: we are going to be ARIA 2.0, a community group, and getting stuff to CR, roles for twitter, facebook...
js: APA talking with CSS, unclear
how many can join
... not sure how much will participate on Friday
... remaining agenda - expectations on APA will be different
than PF
... good thinking on spec review in when they come out quickly
(every day)
... one activity will be R&D task force - Marc Hakken, want
time for that
... last session on Thursday, captcha, MAUR...
... anything we are missing?
mc: meeting planners are going to be labeling the meeting room for PF, look at separate agendas for ARIA and APA for that room
zs: what will Marc and Jason be looking at in R&D?
rs: if you want to get back to rel vs aria-destination - the floor is open
jf: I think it is a bigger
issues, we are looking at expanding - we have heard from user
agents that aria goes to AT
... we already have a mechanism, for doing this
rs: the coga people want to use
the markup to drive styling.
... info is cross-cutting, why wouldn't AT want to not know the
destination... that info is important to the user as it is
... we want to map into accessibility service layers, but ALSO
consistent styling for COGA, digital books...
... were looking at special roles - so we asked why do we need
a special role - they have need to know what the destination
... coga wants to map to consistent styling, not AT
... we are also trying to meet the timeframe for DPUB
... the problem with rel, is it isn't limited, adds a level of
confusion, also needs for SVG and SVG is going into digital
... if we want it for assitstive technologies, rel is not in
the accessibility APIs
jf: we have heard repeatedly that ARIA attributes should not impact the GUI, rel is what you want to use, just by having a prefix to the attribute you fix the confusion problem
rs: we aren't asking the browsers venders to do anythings
ts: there may be confusion on
what DPUB asked for.
... so may want to go over this in tomorrows meeting...
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.140 of Date: 2014-11-06 18:16:30 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/haritos-Shea/Haritos-Shea/ Succeeded: s/mc/mc/ Succeeded: s/md/mc/ Succeeded: s/msg/ jamesn I'm going to go to the dPub call tomorrow morning. Glad to hear I'm not the only one who thinks this is a little too knee-jerk. When your favorite tool is an ARIA hammer, every problem looks like an ARIA nail/ Succeeded: s/rhel/rel/ Found Scribe: fesch Inferring ScribeNick: fesch Present: Janina Tzviya_Siegman Joanmarie_Diggs fesch JF Katie Haritos-Shea WARNING: No meeting chair found! You should specify the meeting chair like this: <dbooth> Chair: dbooth Found Date: 14 Oct 2015 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]