14:07:01 RRSAgent has joined #annotation 14:07:01 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/10/14-annotation-irc 14:07:03 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:07:03 Zakim has joined #annotation 14:07:05 Zakim, this will be 2666 14:07:05 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 14:07:06 Meeting: Web Annotation Working Group Teleconference 14:07:06 Date: 14 October 2015 14:08:35 Chair: Frederick_Hirsch 14:08:42 Present+ Frederick_Hirsch 14:10:05 Regrets+ Rob_Sanderson, Ivan_Herman, Ray_Denenberg, Paolo_Ciccarese 14:10:40 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2015Oct/0045.html 14:11:03 Regrets+ Ben_De_Meester 14:14:29 Regrets+ Chris_Birk 14:57:10 Jacob has joined #annotation 14:59:59 fjh has changed the topic to: agenda https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2015Oct/0045.html 15:00:40 Present+ Jacob_Jett 15:02:14 tbdinesh has joined #annotation 15:04:57 TimCole has joined #annotation 15:06:44 takeshi has joined #annotation 15:08:42 present+ shepazu 15:08:55 present+ TB_Dinesh 15:09:04 Benjamin will be joining late, I think. 15:09:16 ScribeNick: fjh 15:09:20 Present+ Takeshi 15:09:35 Present+ Tim_Cole 15:09:37 Topic: Agenda Review, Scribe Selection, Announcements 15:09:56 fjh: Teleconference status - Wed 21 October (regrets Frederick) 15:10:14 shepazu: can chair if Rob cannot if a call is warranted 15:10:24 fjh: No teleconference Wed 28 October (TPAC week, F2F is Mon-Tue 26-27 Oct) 15:10:36 Topic: Minutes Approval 15:10:49 RESOLUTION: Minutes from 7 September approved, with correction as noted https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2015Oct/0044.html 15:10:56 Topic: Model 15:11:23 fjh: WD publication request in and approved so expect it to be published tomorrow. Thanks to Rob and Benjamin 15:11:32 Topic: FindText 15:14:43 s/FindText/WD publications/ 15:15:07 shepazu: shouldn't we have a CfC before WD publications 15:15:24 fjh: it depends, thought the group agreed this time not ot have a CfC 15:15:44 fjh: if the automated WD publciation is used then CfCs are not typically used, so this is similar to that model 15:15:58 davis_salisbury has joined #annotation 15:16:00 fjh: depends on whether we put changes into draft with agreement or agree after put in 15:16:07 shepazu: that is Editors Draft model 15:16:13 present+ davis_salisbury 15:16:18 shepazu: think we should have consensus for WDs 15:16:26 fjh: understand that point of view, we just need to be clear 15:16:45 shepazu: will send email 15:16:46 Topic: FindText 15:17:04 shepazu: CfC for publication of FWPD of FindText ends today 15:17:32 shepazu: do you understand what it is 15:17:37 davis_salisbury: yes, have been keeping up 15:17:42 shepazu: no objections to CfC 15:17:51 ... WebApps closed, now Web Platform WG 15:18:21 ... talked with chairs of Web Platform, they are ok with publication of FindText 15:18:40 q+ to ask about publication prep who and publication request 15:19:07 ... three points on draft, went to promises, search vs searchAll, return value 15:19:14 ... ongoing discussion will continue 15:19:58 ... 2nd bill hunt asked about RegEx capability as input type, search for patterns, maybe but concerned about performance when combined with edit distance 15:20:10 ... edit distance is a priority 15:20:44 ... suggested Bill raise issue on github 15:21:12 ... 3rd Google person suggestion 15:22:09 .. concerns with serialization method, suggested text iteration api 15:22:13 ... as basis 15:22:19 s/.. concerns/... concerns/ 15:22:35 tbdinesh_ has joined #annotation 15:22:37 ... so might need to define another serializer, more work, but might be improvement 15:22:56 q? 15:23:03 ack fjh 15:23:03 fjh, you wanted to ask about publication prep who and publication request 15:23:35 fjh: who will do publication prep and publication request 15:24:17 shepazu: I will unless you want to do publication request 15:25:06 fjh: no that is ok, will assume you will prepare and do publication request, also transition request 15:25:16 shepazu: that works, I will do these three things 15:25:30 q? 15:26:09 Topic: TPAC 15:26:21 fjh: chairs need to complete agenda, in progress, have wiki 15:26:45 fjh: any comments, concerns re agenda 15:26:46 shepazu: suggestions for agenda items 15:26:48 fjh: will proceed offline with that 15:27:00 fjh: I updated wiki to reflect coordination 15:27:02 is there a link to the agenda for Anno WG at TPAC 15:27:24 https://www.w3.org/annotation/wiki/Meetings 15:27:29 tnx 15:27:42 Digpub (TBD) - Use Cases [ 3pm Monday ] 15:27:52 time set for internationalization, see email 15:28:14 question re TAG and tell Harry re social web 15:28:59 Suzan_Uskudarli has joined #annotation 15:29:34 fjh: I thought I had sent message to tag, but cannot find on list 15:29:46 shepazu: ask about protocol and also FindText 15:29:52 fjh: will re-send 15:30:09 shepazu: want feedback on whether we are doing the right thing architecurally 15:31:31 bye bye 15:31:40 takeshi has left #annotation 15:32:10 fjh: Thanks everyone 15:32:15 rrsagent, generate minutes 15:32:15 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/10/14-annotation-minutes.html fjh 15:32:51 s/Benjamin will be joining late, I think.// 15:33:20 s/WD publications/WD publication process/ 15:33:35 s/ thought// 15:33:46 s/ot have/to have/ 15:34:00 s/publciation/publication/ 15:34:52 s/UNKNOWN_SPEAKER/shepazu/ 15:35:11 s/ three points /three known discussion points/ 15:35:20 s/known/open/ 15:35:50 s/three things/three things, probably should plan for publication next Tuesday 20 October/ 15:36:45 i/bye bye/Topic: Other Business/ 15:36:56 i/bye bye/fjh: no other business noted/ 15:37:09 Topic: Adjourn 15:37:17 rrsagent, generate minutes 15:37:17 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/10/14-annotation-minutes.html fjh 15:43:54 s/q?/Resolution: we will publish the FindText API as FPWD/ 15:44:06 rrsagent, generate minutes 15:44:06 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/10/14-annotation-minutes.html shepazu 15:44:44 tbdinesh_ has left #annotation 15:45:54 fjh, please note that I added the Resolution to publish to the minutes, and that that's what should be sent to the mailing list 15:46:27 fjh, I'll send the minutes 15:46:52 no, i just did them 15:46:53 i'm sending them out now 15:47:14 shepazu, I just did the minutes, so don't bother but thanks 15:47:42 I'll put the reolution in right now, but I've just edited them etc 15:47:54 fjh, did you include the resolution to publish? I'll need that for the pub request 15:48:28 shepazu: doing it right now though I think we don't need it since we had a sucessful CfC 15:48:36 do you really think we need it 15:48:55 fjh, yes, it's part of the pub approval process for FPWD 15:48:59 ok 15:49:05 i put it in and will send 15:51:43 thanks 16:05:50 tantek has joined #annotation 16:31:01 fjh has joined #annotation 17:18:19 fjh has joined #annotation 17:27:55 Zakim has left #annotation 17:50:18 fjh has joined #annotation 18:32:27 tilgovi has joined #annotation 23:10:10 tilgovi has joined #annotation