16:55:33 RRSAgent has joined #dpub 16:55:33 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/10/02-dpub-irc 16:55:54 Zakim has joined #dpub 16:56:21 present+ tzviya 17:00:04 dkaplan3 has joined #dpub 17:07:46 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-digipub-ig/2015Oct/0011.html 17:11:18 deborah: let's focus on table 2, which lists our requirements vs the proposed tech approaches 17:12:39 tzviya: we should be looking at these elements as they are in existing specs 17:15:01 dk: clarify in analysis that the proposed technologies is as they are today, not proposing any specs changed 17:15:10 s/changed/changes 17:20:03 Karen has joined #dpub 17:23:26 dk: Row "Not required to be visible in standard content view" is unclear because this is something that does not exist in any spec. We spoke about creating functionality that allows authors to indicate to AT and UA that the description is available 17:25:11 ...We recommend adding a note to the introductory section to table 2 indicating this. This row can then be eliminated, even though it might be possible to hide these elements with "hidden" etc. 17:26:55 please confirm that description links refers to or 17:31:40 DK: "not restricted to images" row is a little confusing because end up with double negatives. The requirement is that not be restricted to images 17:31:49 ...but reading the table is REALLY confusing 17:34:13 DK: should row head "Reusable in multiple content" be "Reusable in multiple contexts"? 17:39:54 described-by/skippable by AT is a ?. Per spec, this should be skippable. Check with AT vendors 17:43:49 dk: figure with details/Not restricted to images, this is not restricted to images 17:45:38 figure with details/Same technique for different objects is yes 17:48:15 Karen has joined #dpub 17:49:42 figure with details/ Discoverable by AT, change "yes" to "no" because AT can read it, but has no method of knowing what it is 17:51:48 figure with details/Available on demand to AT users, change "yes" to "no" because AT cannot id what the specific piece of details is 17:52:22 figure with details/Skippable by AT change to "no" because there is no way to target the exact piece to skip 17:53:29 figure w details/Able to pass structured content to an additional specialized user agent change to "no" because details allows only flow content 17:54:16 figure with details and embedded iFrame/not restricted to images - is not restricted to images 17:54:43 figure with details and embedded iFrame/Same technique for different objects - yes 17:56:46 figure with details and embedded iFrame/Discoverable by AT = no because AT cannot id what the specific piece of detail is 17:58:03 figure with details and embedded iFrame/Available on demand to AT users and Skippable by AT - no (see above) 18:03:29 DK: We think it would be clearer to use A11y APIs over AT in row headers 18:03:39 RRSagent, make logs public 18:04:12 rrsagent, make minutes 18:04:12 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/10/02-dpub-minutes.html tzviya 19:00:27 Zakim has left #dpub