13:01:44 RRSAgent has joined #forms 13:01:44 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/09/30-forms-irc 13:01:46 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:01:47 Zakim has joined #forms 13:01:48 Zakim, this will be 13:01:48 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 13:01:49 Meeting: XForms Users Community Group Teleconference 13:01:49 Date: 30 September 2015 13:02:06 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xformsusers/2015Sep/0011 13:02:22 Steven has changed the topic to: Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xformsusers/2015Sep/0011 13:02:35 Chair: Steve 13:02:41 s/Steve/Steven 13:05:04 Present: Steven, Alain, Erik, Nick 13:07:59 Topic: XForms day 5th Nov 13:07:59 [No link] 13:08:37 Steven: The event is coming on nicely, 4 varied speakers at present. 13:09:04 Topic: Editing 13:09:04 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xformsusers/2015Jul/0005.html 13:09:23 Steven: No progress to report. You're still having trouble Erik? 13:09:33 Erik: Yes, I've sent a message to Liam 13:11:22 Topic: public-xformsusers 13:11:22 [No link] 13:11:40 Steven: Nothing to report. I think next week Mark will join us on the call. 13:11:48 Topic: JSON-to-XML and CSV-to-XML mappings in XForms 2.0 13:11:48 [No link] 13:12:22 Steven: Not sure what to do about this. 13:12:43 ... Let's research this week and talk about it next. 13:12:46 Erik; Sure 13:12:54 Topic: Comments on Delete action 13:12:54 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xformsusers/2015Sep/0010.html 13:13:11 "1. "The delete action is terminated with no effect if the delete context is 13:13:11 the empty sequence." 13:13:11 " 13:13:28 Erik: I reread this section, and found some surprises for me. 13:13:37 ... some are more important than others 13:14:26 ... This is a change since XForms 1.1, the context attribute is now very general. 13:15:05 ... (Delete actually uses it in a different way, but that's another topic) 13:15:32 context="()" 13:15:34 ref="instance('my-instance')/bar"/> 13:18:11 13:18:14 Steven: Step 2 already says there is no effect if the binding gives no nodes 13:18:34 Erik: If foo is empty, then so is bar. 13:19:15 Steven: Then let's delete the sentence from step 1 13:20:12 Nick: This was for XPath 1 13:20:34 Erik: I remember Michael Kaye saying something about this. 13:21:23 ... in XForms 1 there may be no way of doing this, and that would be the reason for having this sentence. 13:22:06 Steven: So the sentence is there to stop XForms 1 implementations from throwing an error 13:22:29 s/XForms 1/XPath 1 13:22:32 s/XForms 1/XPath 1 13:25:07 Steven: Can we express it in a generic way so that it doesn't matter which version of XPath we use. 13:28:15 Steven: Such as in step 2 "If the expression uses the context and the context is empty, then terminate with no effect". 13:28:59 Erik: It would introduce an theoretical incompatibility. 13:29:36 ... I am split. I am OK to leave this for now. 13:29:57 2. "The behavior of the delete action is undefined if the Sequence Binding 13:29:57 node-sequence contains nodes from more than one instance" 13:30:13 Erik: I don't know why this written this way. 13:30:33 ... I don't see why it wouldn;t delete from both instances. 13:30:38 s/;/'/ 13:30:41 ref="instance('my-instance')/bar, instance('your-instance')/baz"/> 13:31:06 Nick: Maybe XPath 1 again? 13:32:11 Erik: YOu would be very unlikely to do this in XForms 1.1 13:32:20 XPath 1.0: ref="instance('my-instance')/bar | instance('your-instance')/baz"/> 13:32:21 s/YO/Yo/ 13:33:36 Steven: Is there any reason to exclude elements from more than one instance? 13:33:38 [No] 13:33:46 Steven: Let's remove this restriction then. 13:34:02 3. "Otherwise, the Sequence Binding is not expressed, so the Sequence 13:34:02 Binding node-sequence is set equal to the delete context node with a 13:34:02 position and size of 1." 13:34:37 Erik: So there is no ref and bind, so we delete the context node. Why? 13:34:40 or 13:35:06 Nick: The first one would work in a delete 13:35:10 13:35:29 Steven: I agree it's better to be explicit 13:35:33 13:35:44 Nick: Or an iterate action 13:37:17 Erik: Either remove this or provide examples. 13:38:23 Steven: I propose we remove it. 13:39:09 Erik: It's true it would be backwards incompatible. 13:40:20 Steven: IS it generally true that no ref means ref="."? 13:40:29 Erik: Not as far as I am aware. 13:40:50 Steven: 13:41:18 ... is not allowed AFAIK 13:44:51 Nick: I would prefer that we kept it as is, and added an example 13:47:41 Nick: Alain what does your implementation do? 13:47:46 Alain: I'll check. 13:48:02 Erik: I would argue for being more explicit. 13:48:21 Steven: I support that, but I would never have written it without ref. 13:49:05 Erik: We could deprecate it. 13:49:20 Steven: That's a perfectly acceptable path. 13:49:26 Nick: I think that's better. 13:49:39 Erik: I support that. 13:49:45 Alain: I think that's better. 13:50:00 ACTION: Erik to deprecate without a node binding 13:50:00 Created ACTION-2031 - Deprecate without a node binding [on Erik Bruchez - due 2015-10-07]. 13:50:37 ACTION: Erik to allow delete on multiple instances 13:50:37 Created ACTION-2032 - Allow delete on multiple instances [on Erik Bruchez - due 2015-10-07]. 13:50:50 4. cannot delete "namespace node"? 13:51:07 Erik: I'm not sure about this one. 13:51:16 ... not sure if we can solve it live. 13:51:24 ... I think we support deleting them 13:52:55 ... in fact we even have a use case. 13:53:35 Nick: We use XPath model, not a DOM model 13:53:42 http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath-datamodel/#NamespaceNode 13:54:12 Steven: Can I ask all implementations to check whjat would happen in this case? 13:54:25 "5. We must add what to do if the sequence points to some atomic values. We 13:54:25 should say that those are ignored just as readonly items are. 13:54:25 " 13:54:32 s/hj/h/ 13:54:42 Steven: Let's do the namespace nodes next week. 13:56:37 Erik: It wasn't origianlly written with atomic values in mind. I think we should add a sentence clarifying. 13:56:48 s/origianlly/originally/ 13:57:12 ACTION: Erik to add clarification about deleting atomic values 13:57:12 Created ACTION-2033 - Add clarification about deleting atomic values [on Erik Bruchez - due 2015-10-07]. 13:57:56 [ADJOURN] 13:58:02 rrsagent, make minutes 13:58:02 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/09/30-forms-minutes.html Steven 15:32:29 Zakim has left #forms 15:45:00 ebruchez has joined #forms 16:09:48 Steven, still there? 19:53:27 Now I am 19:53:46 Liam 20:41:55 Steven, oops, and I wasn't, sorry 20:42:22 I'll try and make the call next week and talk/listen about where the wg/cg might go forward 20:44:39 possibly what's needed is a tightly-edited spec as a cg report, together with a test suite & some results, as that might let us make a wg quickly without the politics. Doing that might actually be more valuable than publishing a rec I suppose, in the end, but test results are a necessary step in any case 21:18:19 Sure. Thanks. 21:23:02 Oh, and Erik Bruchez can't log in to the wiki. Any chance of finding out what's up? 21:37:19 i''ve replied to his mail 21:37:31 i *think* he needs to use a different account out of the 4 he has 21:37:53 i can't have access to the WG wiki changed, only to the CG wiki