13:04:30 RRSAgent has joined #wot-sp 13:04:30 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/09/17-wot-sp-irc 13:04:40 rrsagent, set logs public 13:05:11 meeting: Security, Privacy & Resillience task force call 13:05:22 chair: Oliver 13:05:42 scribenick: dsr 13:06:11 yingying has joined #wot-sp 13:06:21 J_Lynn_ has joined #wot-sp 13:06:24 joerg has joined #wot-sp 13:06:48 Oliver starts by looking at the landscape document. 13:07:18 arne has joined #wot-sp 13:08:13 yingying has joined #wot-sp 13:08:31 present: Oliver Pfaff, Dave Raggett, Edoardo Pignotti, James Lynn, Joerg Heuer, Yingying Chen 13:10:00 We have to more than reporting about the available mechanisms. 13:10:20 Oliver invites help with filling out the page on the landscape of security and privacy means 13:11:35 He is hoping to have this page fleshed out in the next 2 weeks and to then discuss it in the next TF-SP call. 13:12:28 Any questions/comments? 13:13:07 Edoardo: re the table on that page, it would be interesting to provide a description of what each requirement means. 13:13:19 Oliver: what you’re saying is also what we have in mind. 13:15:05 The table is little awkward, e.g. requiring too much scrolling. I expect to look at a more convenient structure, but without losing information. 13:16:24 It would be interesting to look at the disctinction between same domain and cross domain scenarios. 13:17:26 s/disctinction/distinction/ 13:18:47 The second point is on architectural impact of security technologies, e.g. authentication and authorisation. 13:19:24 You may need specific libraries and certificates etc. 13:21:53 The third point concerns the origin/heritage of security & privacy mechanisms, e.g. those that are not native to the IoT. 13:23:06 The fourth point is on maturity. We need to evaluate the maturity especially for relatively new mechanisms. 13:24:10 For use cases, we have classic use cases, and new ones with no direct analogies in the classical IT world. 13:25:00 Examples include authorisation for discovery. 13:27:23 We need a section on conclusions and recommendations. I have some points I want to cover here. 13:28:23 Any comments on this list? [no] 13:30:29 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wot-ig/2015Sep/0033.html 13:30:50 Topic: Frameworks 13:31:29 We can review frameworks in parallel and incrementally. Right now we have just a collection. 13:33:51 Edoardo: on the frameworks it would be useful to have a common structure to review each framework 13:34:53 Oliver: I have limited time right now for a detailed analysis of the frameworks, and have instead focused on the mechanisms. 13:36:04 The current suggestion is to adopt the approach taken by the IIC. 13:37:46 Any further comments/questions about the landscape survey? [no] 13:38:06 Topic: Requirements Part 13:39:08 Not much activity in last 2 weeks. Oliver notes that he participated in a TF-DI call to select a use case for analysis. 13:40:41 He is planning on some richer interactions with people on particular use cases. 13:42:32 We have a list of terms as a glossary, picked from a number of sources. 13:44:29 If anything is not clear, please provide feedback so we can expand the explanation. 13:45:37 Edoardo: that sounds very good. If you want to use the Oxford flood network as a use case I would be happy to share my insights. 13:46:15 Oliver: yes, that could be interesting, and I will arrange to call you to discuss it further. 13:46:49 If others are interested, we could make this into an open call and send invitations to the public list. 13:48:14 Oliver invited Edoardo to fill out the table and then have a call to discuss it. 13:48:24 Edoardo: that would be fine for me. 13:48:50 s/invited/invites/ 13:49:58 Oliver: we have a page on advanced concepts for security and privacy. 13:50:52 We kicked this off 4 or 5 weeks ago, but as far as I am aware there have been no changes over the last 2 weeks. 13:51:27 We have a joint work item with the discovery and provisioning task force on authorization for discovery. 13:52:17 Oliver: we are pretty much done with the agenda for this week, any other things to raise today? 13:52:49 Oliver closes the call for today. 13:52:53 present+ arne 13:53:12 rrsagent, make minutes 13:53:12 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/09/17-wot-sp-minutes.html dsr 13:56:31 goodbye 13:56:33 exit 14:45:27 dsr has joined #wot-sp