16:25:30 RRSAgent has joined #aria 16:25:30 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/09/17-aria-irc 16:25:32 RRSAgent, make logs public 16:25:32 Zakim has joined #aria 16:25:34 Zakim, this will be WAI_PF 16:25:34 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 16:25:35 Meeting: Protocols and Formats Working Group Teleconference 16:25:35 Date: 17 September 2015 16:25:42 chair: Rich 16:25:49 Meeting: W3C WAI-PF ARIA Caucus 16:28:06 fesch has joined #aria 16:28:54 present+ Joanmarie_Diggs 16:32:48 present+ fesch 16:33:03 present+ janina 16:34:51 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-pfwg/2015Sep/0108.html 16:35:00 present+ Rich_Schwerdtfeger 16:35:56 mck has joined #aria 16:36:03 zakim, this is https://mit.webex.com/mit/j.php?MTID=m5d67b552441a72bd1f52d696ad273d2e code 640 582 571 password aria 16:36:03 got it, MichaelC 16:36:10 zakim, remember this meeting 16:36:10 I don't understand 'remember this meeting', MichaelC 16:36:25 zakim, save this conference 16:36:25 I don't understand 'save this conference', MichaelC 16:36:29 zakim, save this conference description 16:36:29 this conference description has been saved, MichaelC 16:36:49 present+ MichaelC 16:37:16 +Matt 16:37:26 scribe: fesch 16:37:27 RRSAgent, make log public 16:37:37 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-pfwg/2015Sep/0167.html 16:37:49 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-pfwg/2015Sep/0108.html 16:37:51 clown has joined #aria 16:38:00 Topic Issue 633 16:38:05 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-pfwg/2015Sep/0167.html 16:38:34 present+ Joseph_Scheuhammer 16:38:40 Action-1724 16:38:40 Action-1724 -- Matthew King to Create a proposal to simplify grids in order to incorporate the list view concept -- due 2015-09-17 -- OPEN 16:38:40 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/actions/1724 16:39:32 mk: have a branch for grids but have a syntax error, so missing headers 16:40:54 mk: go to grid... 16:43:11 mk: I rearranged and streamlined the description of grid, making it broader, so it is broader than tabular data 16:43:21 bgaraventa1979 has joined #aria 16:43:42 mk: made a basic change to the summary, second paragraph 16:43:51 present+ Bryan_Garaventa 16:45:42 http://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/mck_issue633/aria/aria.html 16:46:53 rs: there are some redundant text 16:47:55 rs: why do we need to call out the grid role here? It should be inherited 16:48:11 mk: look at the however... 16:48:22 rs: why to we have treegrid mentioned in grid? 16:48:40 https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/aria/aria.html#grid 16:48:59 mk: I thought I got rid of all the erroneous mentions of treegrid 16:49:31 js:: I don't see treegrid in Matt's branch 16:49:42 jd: treegrid is messed up 16:49:52 mk: I tried to fix it all 16:50:00 s/treegrid is messed up/grid is messed up/ 16:50:19 ShaneM has joined #aria 16:51:17 mk: the screen reader developers mostly today don't support captioning table with labelby 16:52:11 mk: it is new in aira 1.1 to label a table this way... if you were building a table role you wouldn't have a caption 16:52:23 rs: summary was deleated 16:53:06 rs: If you want to have a visual caption, you could say you provide an aria-labeledby 16:53:42 rs: what you are saying is, if you built it on a table with a caption you would get it for free 16:54:19 mk: if you built a grid off a table and the table had a caption, I am assuming it (the caption) would be a label on the grid 16:54:29 http://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/html-aam/html-aam.html#el-caption 16:54:47 rs: because HTML and ARIA have so much overlap we should have joint testing 16:55:10 rs: I think there is a problem as there is no relationship, 16:55:21 js: mostly it is exposed at text... 16:55:56 js: labeledby property is on the table 16:56:09 rs: so it is OK 16:56:57 mk: I added to be keyboard accessible the author should control focus 16:57:30 mk: added users navigating, that the elements that receive focus should be gridcells 16:57:49 js: sounds like it is right out of APG 16:58:18 rs: do we talk about owned elements? 16:58:29 mk: no nothing specific 16:58:38 rs: that was really important 16:58:49 js: yes, it is in there 16:58:57 mk: yes I clarified it 16:59:29 mk: I added rowheader and columnheader, to be clear 16:59:51 rs: para with accessible name - need changes ... 17:00:04 rs: want to address caption issue 17:00:25 rs: common ways to provide captions are labeledby and... 17:01:15 rs: are people happy with the rest of that text? 17:01:32 js: I see aria-owns from the characteristic table 17:01:45 mk: that is not intentional 17:02:09 rs: missing inherited properties... 17:02:41 mk: editing error causing respec to fail 17:02:58 js: need to read final version 17:04:05 mk: discusses grid text, rewrote readonly part 17:06:40 rs: I think we need to mention gridcell and cell could be used interchangeably (synonyms) 17:07:02 mk: I thought one was a descendent of the other 17:07:15 rs: I thought the group wanted to go to cell 17:08:27 http://www.w3.org/2015/09/03-aria-minutes.html 17:09:54 discussion of minutes... 17:10:28 mk: wrote two paragraphs about readonly... discussion 17:12:08 mk: hopefully the readonly paragraphs will help screen reader develops... 17:12:19 http://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/html-aam/html-aam.html#el-td 17:13:11 js: the current mapping for td is gridcell 17:13:24 js: td and th are mapped to gridcell 17:13:55 js: might be HTML has not caught up to us (don't have cell) 17:14:27 rs: we need to open an action against the mapping spec. 17:15:28 js: probably want to say if a td is in a grid map it to gridcell if in a table map to cell 17:16:10 mk: in UIA won't gridcell and cell map to the same thing? 17:16:30 cyn: we have a table pattern and a grid pattern 17:16:52 rs: what about th? 17:17:34 js: reads mapping spec on th 17:18:08 rs: will send a note on tds 17:18:27 rs: change the captions 17:18:46 mk: did you read the readonly? 17:18:51 rs: yes that is OK 17:19:43 Action-1725 17:19:43 Action-1725 -- Matthew King to Create a proposal for an article feed -- due 2015-09-17 -- OPEN 17:19:43 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/actions/1725 17:19:47 User Agents MUST implicitly propagate the value of readonly set on a grid element to all its owned gridcell elements and expose the value in the accessibility API. 17:20:16 js: get rid of implicitly 17:20:21 jemmajaeunku has joined #aria 17:20:31 mk: yes OK 17:20:57 +present JaeunJemmaKu 17:21:15 action-1725 17:21:15 action-1725 -- Matthew King to Create a proposal for an article feed -- due 2015-09-17 -- OPEN 17:21:15 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/actions/1725 17:22:30 http://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/mck_issue633/aria/aria.html#itemfeed 17:28:03 mc: describes concept 17:29:04 rs: so you want stuff put on either end of the list? 17:29:10 mc: yes 17:30:53 rs: couple of questions - Is that a SHOULD? 17:31:10 js: capitalize the word to get the styling 17:31:41 rs: are people happy giving this much guidance to AT? 17:32:00 rs: if you want to do that, then bring in AT vendors 17:32:19 mk: I am talking to Freedom and another vender.... 17:33:51 rs: you have an exact host language attribute you want authors to use (tabindex) 17:34:21 rs: we are looking at alternative keyboard navigation for later SVG 17:34:43 mk: say why they should be focusable that way and not some other way 17:35:25 js: what if the person is using activedesendent? 17:35:56 mk: it is not a widget 17:36:00 MichielBijl has joined #aria 17:36:14 present+ Michiel_Bijl 17:36:14 fe: what if someone hides something 17:36:25 mk: we want them to play nice 17:37:36 q+ to ask about the relevance of aria-relevant 17:38:00 mk: if you have a user initiated action, we don't care about that 17:38:11 mk: only infinite scroll 17:39:45 rs: you want to have interactive lists, 17:40:08 mk: yes, will add 17:40:21 rs: what happens if you drill down into a list item 17:41:12 mc: if you are non screen reader user and using this element, this contract doesn't do anything for you... 17:41:32 rs: are you going to make a authoring practice for it? 17:42:05 mk: this doesn't prescribe how this is done 17:42:15 mk: this element is a structure not a widget 17:42:51 rs: if I put a link in the list item, what about putting a list in a list item, will that confuse you? 17:43:41 mk: no, the only time the screen reader user cares about when you navigate through a focusable item... 17:44:27 mk: doesn't matter what is in a listitem 17:44:43 rs: you could have a feed within a feed 17:45:08 mk: you could something like that, I don't think it would be a problem 17:45:42 rs: may want to know when you have a feed within a feed you should put labels on them 17:46:38 rs: any reason we don't call it a feed? 17:47:36 mk: we have another role, where the children inside are article so you can label and give a description in the item, so the description is what a screen reader should hear when scrolling through the list 17:48:11 mk: this one could be feed and the other is an articlefeed 17:48:35 rs: I don't think you one to be a subclass of the other, they should be a subclass of list 17:49:04 mk: I thought I would be able to simplify them as a child 17:50:01 mk: I don't have a strong preference whether they are siblings or descendents 17:50:11 rs: I would make them siblings 17:51:43 jongund has joined #aria 17:52:04 mk: big TODO is to define the prepends and postpends ... 17:52:45 http://w3c.github.io/aria/aria/aria.html#aria-relevant 17:52:59 js: wondering anything to do with aria-relevant? 17:53:26 js: aria-relevant is all about additions and removals 17:53:48 mk: could be doing both additions and removals in the same action 17:54:19 mk: the screen reader doesn't have a signal 17:54:28 mck_ has joined #aria 17:54:58 js: aria-relevent can do both additions and removals at the same time - all 17:55:33 jd: do you need of index of where it is? 17:57:16 mk: can represent all actions with sighed values 17:57:53 mk: so if a screen reader developer wanted to reveal that information, it would be very easy 17:58:49 jd: do you have a screen reader vendor that wants to know addition, subtraction and position? 17:59:36 mk: confusing example of adding and subtracting at the same time, but pretty easy to figure out where you are 18:00:16 mk: important thing is when aria-busy, that the screen reader not loose where they are 18:00:41 mk: user might be moving quickly through the list 18:00:55 jd: Orca does not use the virtual buffer.... 18:01:25 zakim, ack me 18:01:25 clown, you wanted to ask about the relevance of aria-relevant 18:01:26 I see no one on the speaker queue 18:01:52 rrsagent, make minutes 18:01:52 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/09/17-aria-minutes.html fesch 18:02:09 rs: can you come back next week with edits 18:02:17 mk: yes 18:08:31 https://github.com/w3c/aria/commit/b30557a6 19:05:16 clown has joined #aria 19:11:10 jongund has joined #aria 20:13:28 Zakim has left #aria 20:55:46 clown has left #aria