17:01:21 RRSAgent has joined #au 17:01:21 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/09/14-au-irc 17:01:29 Meeting: WAI AU 17:01:39 Chair: Jutta Treviranus 17:01:42 Scribe: Jan 17:02:13 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-au/2015JulSep/0027.html 17:02:27 Topic: 1. Update on ATAG 2.0 progress to Recommendation 17:02:44 JS: I am still working on getting ATAG published 17:03:03 JS: We cleared a major hurdle on Friday... W3C permission to publish... 17:03:11 JS: I am trying to get announcements approved 17:03:24 JS: Once that happens we should be good to published 17:04:09 JT: I'll be at Include2015 conference this weekend... 17:06:46 JT: Wouldbe nice to mention it then 17:07:05 JS: Agree it would be nice 17:07:20 Topic: 2. Other business? 17:07:46 JS: Would be good to give input into future guidelines group. 17:20:09 JR: JS, please let me know if there is any help you need. 17:20:22 RRSAgent, make minutes 17:20:22 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/09/14-au-minutes.html Jan 17:20:29 RRSAgent, set logs public 17:20:35 RRSAgent, bye 17:20:35 I see no action items