15:10:45 RRSAgent has joined #wpay 15:10:45 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/09/10-wpay-irc 15:10:57 Meeting: Web Payments IG Work Session 15:11:01 rrsagent, make logs public 15:11:07 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:11:07 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/09/10-wpay-minutes.html manu 15:11:58 scribenick: manu 15:11:58 Present+ Pat 15:11:58 Present+ Manu 15:11:58 Present+ CyrilV 15:11:59 Present+ ShaneM 15:12:00 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webpayments-ig/2015Sep/0047.html 15:12:01 manu: Any changes to agenda before we get started? 15:12:03 padler: One question - what's going on with capabilities document - how are we making progress, or not? 15:12:05 manu: We'll chat about it on the agenda later. 15:12:07 Topic: Strategic Direction of IG 15:12:09 Strategic direction of group email: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webpayments-ig/2015Sep/0039.html 15:12:12 wiki page for strategic direction: https://www.w3.org/Payments/IG/wiki/Main_Page/FTF_Oct2015_Strategy 15:12:16 Manu: covering agenda 15:12:18 manu: will cover strategic direction produced by Ian 15:12:20 manu: may also want to talk about getting more votes for the working group 15:12:22 manu: we are within shouting distance of most votes for any working group 15:12:24 manu: also will discuss industry engagement 15:12:26 manu: should also at some point talk about standards implementation foundation 15:12:28 manu: Ian has taken charter, broken it down into consituent pieces and rated how we are doing on each of the areas. 15:12:31 https://www.w3.org/Payments/IG/wiki/Main_Page/FTF_Oct2015_Strategy#Industry_Engagement 15:12:33 manu: just to give you an example... looking at the industry example one... Ian rated this as a "good" 15:12:35 manu: referenced examples of how we are engaging with companies and also have liasons to other standards bodies.. 15:12:38 manu: are there steps we can take to improve to the next level... for example holding next face to face near an industry event... 15:12:41 manu: identity was rated poor across the board.. 15:12:43 manu: please look through the questions and add your own thoughts to how we can improve.. 15:12:47 manu: any questions on what we are trying to do with this list? 15:12:49 Adrian: great document, well done Ian 15:12:51 Topic: Whipping votes for Web Payments WG 15:12:53 manu: this will wind up shaping much of the agenda for TPAC 15:12:55 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/33280/wpay_wg2015/results 15:12:57 manu: we have 35 respondents... 29 support as is... 15:12:59 manu: there are 3 formal objections around not being specific enough with the devliverables.. 15:13:01 manu: we knew this might have happened because we were trying to provide the WG some level of flexibility with regard to deliverables... 15:13:04 manu: we are working at trying to clarify some of the deliverables... 15:13:06 AdrianHB: Ian has been discussing with those that have objected and has been working to create updates to the charter.... objections appear to be resolvable.. 15:13:09 manu: it appears that there is a strong likelihood that the WG will be chartered.. 15:13:11 manu: we are only a few votes away from most voted upon charter ever in W3C... this shows great momentum... 15:13:13 manu: if anyone knows of any organizations who have not voted yet but that care about Web Payments, please ask them to vote.. 15:13:18 Topic: Update on Industry Group Discussions 15:13:20 manu: Adrian, can you give us an update on the Banking Industry Group? 15:13:22 AdrianHB: Last call was a great discussion because we Kris and Vincent gave us a nice outline on how ISO20022 fits and Cyril gave a good outline of some of the Banking needs that are not yet being addressed.. 15:13:25 Present+ Kris 15:13:27 Present+ AdrianHB 15:13:29 AdrianHB: There will be a lot of value from a presentation from Kris and Vincent at TPAC on ISO20022 15:13:31 AdrianHB: Follow up has not been scheduled yet, but Adrian will reach out to Arie to ask him for an update 15:13:33 manu: Commerce discussion was also pretty good. David E. led the discussion by providing some thoughts and engaging merchant groups on topics related to loyalty cards, discounts, coupons, etc.. 15:13:36 manu: Alibaba will be hosting a Payment Services Provider call tomorrow at 9AM EST (This is the First PSP call) 15:13:39 manu: I'm a little concerned about PSP discussion due to a slow start severeal weeks back. 15:13:41 manu: Security will still be a big question for the IG, because not much is happening right now within the IG in that space.... we are heavily dependent on this work... but there is not much activity there.. 15:13:46 ShaneM: Are we spreading ourselves too thin by having too many subgroups? 15:13:48 manu: at this point there are a number of task forces as well as industry calls... 15:13:50 ShaneM: ARIA group has less than this 15:13:52 manu: one of the discussions we need to have at TPAC is what sub groups/Task Forces we still need.. 15:13:54 manu: for example, the use cases TF has not been as active now that the use cases have been fairly stable.. 15:13:56 manu: good point, we will raise this at TPAC.. we need to understand why we are not having as many participants on the calls... 15:13:59 Katie: Vacations and work issues for me 15:14:01 manu: is anyone else feeling this? 15:14:03 Present+ Katie 15:14:05 ShaneM: Happy that we are aware of the issue. 15:14:07 Topic: Capabilities Document 15:14:09 manu: Pat aksed where we are on the capabilities document... 15:14:11 manu: I was able to fill out the identity/credential section of the document and have a good idea of what the rest of the documnet might need to look like... 15:14:16 http://w3c.github.io/webpayments-ig/latest/capabilities/index.html 15:14:18 Example of a nearly complete section: http://w3c.github.io/webpayments-ig/latest/capabilities/index.html#identity-and-credentials-1 15:14:21 manu: challenge is that people have not been contributing enough content to the documnet or been able to review. 15:14:24 manu: now that we have the goals section of the doc, we don't necessarily need a key concepts section. 15:14:26 pat: +1 to removing Key Concepts for Goals 15:14:28 manu: we should remove responsibilities from the doc... 15:14:30 manu: not sure who has the other sections... can we confirm? 15:14:32 manu: Adrian, can you look at Accounts/Ownership? David E. is doing commerce... 15:14:34 AdrianHB: is there a task/action list for this? 15:14:36 Present+ dezell(in part) 15:14:38 manu: it was in the minutes a while ago, but not sure it was formalized.. 15:14:40 dezell: first, apologies that my outbox is stacked up 12 deep.. 15:14:42 dezell: sent an email to the group to let them know that I added a changes to multiple commerce sections to the document.. 15:14:47 dezell: wanted to ask for some general thoughts on updates.. 15:14:49 dezell: may need to move a few concepts around a bit based on some of the other changes, but will try to follow the model in 6.2. 15:14:52 dezell: definition of Merchant may be a litle broader than "Payee"... 15:14:54 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webpayments-ig/2015Sep/0049.html 15:14:56 dezell: Merchant is anyone involved in completing the payment process... not necessarily the payee... 15:14:58 dezell: Please look quickly at the email above. 15:15:00 manu: providing feedback on commerce goals... list at the bottom is really good for understanding whether the capabilities meet needs of Commerce participants. 15:15:03 manu: not seeing anything on digtial receipts, value chain, supply chain, etc.. 15:15:05 manu: should this be included in commerce section? 15:15:07 pat: +1 15:15:09 manu: should commerce be split into sub categories.. going into examples of difference between "supply chain" transactions with Manufacturers and "retail commerce" (Ex. Coupons/Loyalty).. 15:15:12 padler: I think as long as we keep the umbrella category of commerce - breaking them down into "retail commerce" vs. "industrial commerce (supply chain)" 15:15:17 padler: would be a good thing. 15:15:19 padler: Companies are using a lot of web standards to pay between companies - B2B - more frictionless - that would help speed a lot of these services. 15:15:22 dezell: what I have included is digital marketing incentives (retail commerce)? 15:15:24 dezell: I have a lot more experience with Retail Commerce but not as familiar with Industrial side.. 15:15:26 padler: The flow Floris/UETP was talking about was good... it helps figure out where all this stuff goes together. 15:15:29 dezell: Are you okay w/ "Retail Commerce" and "Supply Chain Commerce" 15:15:31 padler: Yes, sounds good - this makes sense when you talk about chain of payments - transactions - broader economic process. 15:15:34 padler: If those were more interoperable between retail and industrial side - information flows through POS to where commerce comes through. This would enable a whole lot of things to happen. 15:15:37 dezell: Let's be sharp about what we're looking for - in my mind, you're looking for detailed transaction data as opposed to getting best deal for customer at a point of sale. 15:15:40 padler: Necessary information at point of sale to flow through - once you get that deal - make sure information flows though - not have the 3 day lag for information to lag together. 15:15:43 dezell: These are back office systems, right? 15:15:47 padler: Well, these systems should be speaking some sort of open web protocol. 15:15:49 dezell: From an economic point of view - there is a real point here - it's worth drilling down into. Great topic for our face to face. 15:15:52 +1 for asking "Should we be looking at backoffice commercial systems in this IG?" at TPAC 15:15:54 padler: Not asking that we finish before TPAC - good TPAC discussion on where IG goes next - framing this up - how do we affect end-to-end payment flows. 15:15:57 manu: everyone needs to be done with edits to capabilities by end of Sept.. 15:15:59 Adrian: Will get as much in for my sections by end next week 15:16:01 manu: please let us know with enough notice if this is not achievable.. 15:16:03 manu: That's all the time we have today... we will need to discuss Standards Implementation Foundation on the next call.. 15:16:06 Pat: Thanks everyone for your time... see everyone on Monday.. 15:38:27 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:38:27 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/09/10-wpay-minutes.html manu 16:06:13 AdrianHB has joined #wpay 16:28:47 zkoch has joined #wpay 17:08:25 AdrianHB has joined #wpay 17:19:13 Zakim has left #wpay 18:36:50 dbaron has joined #wpay 20:32:43 AdrianHB has joined #wpay 21:59:18 IanJacobs has joined #wpay