14:46:25 RRSAgent has joined #annotation 14:46:25 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/09/09-annotation-irc 14:46:27 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:46:27 Zakim has joined #annotation 14:46:29 Zakim, this will be 2666 14:46:29 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 14:46:30 Meeting: Web Annotation Working Group Teleconference 14:46:30 Date: 09 September 2015 14:47:01 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2015Sep/0077.html 14:47:05 fjh has changed the topic to: agenda https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2015Sep/0077.html 14:47:23 Chair: Frederick_Hirsch, Rob_Sanderson 14:47:28 Present+ Frederick_Hirsch, Rob_Sanderson 14:47:34 azaroth has joined #annotation 14:47:41 Topic: Agenda Review, Scribe Selection, Announcements 14:49:04 PaoloCiccarese has joined #annotation 14:49:11 Regrets+ Ray_Denenberg, Ben_De_Meester 14:49:17 Regrets+ Doug_Schepers 14:57:12 zakim, code? 14:57:12 no conference has been identified yet, ivan 14:57:33 TimCole has joined #annotation 14:57:47 Jacob has joined #annotation 14:57:59 zakim, this is WebEx 645 413 954, https://mit.webex.com/mit/j.php?MTID=me422bef2c6690852d7d9a2cf39f591b8 passd annotation 14:57:59 got it, ivan 14:59:45 tbdinesh has joined #annotation 15:01:23 present+ Ivan 15:01:25 Present+ Rob_Sanderson 15:01:35 Present+ Tim_Cole 15:01:39 Present+ Jacob_Jett 15:02:44 PaoloCiccarese has joined #annotation 15:02:51 Present+ Chris_Birk 15:03:23 Present+ Benjamin_Young 15:03:50 Present+ Paolo_Ciccarese 15:03:51 Present+ TB_Dinesh 15:05:42 takeshi has joined #annotation 15:05:46 Like Tim, I'll be leaving a few minutes early. 15:06:03 s/Like Tim, I'll be leaving a few minutes early.// 15:06:20 Sorry, I'm having some major connection troubles 15:06:34 s/Sorry, I'm having some major connection troubles// 15:06:58 azaroth: rob said this 15:07:00 ... and this 15:07:13 s/and this// 15:07:18 scribe: Paolo_Ciccarese 15:07:20 s/rob said this// 15:07:27 scribenick: PaoloCiccarese 15:07:36 Topic: Minutes Approval 15:07:43 proposed RESOLUTION: Minutes from 2 September approved, http://www.w3.org/2015/09/02-annotation-minutes.html 15:08:04 Topic: Cross-Context JSON-LD Integration, @id and @type 15:08:19 RESOLUTION: Minutes from 2 September approved, http://www.w3.org/2015/09/02-annotation-minutes.html 15:08:37 s/Topic: Cross-Context JSON-LD Integration, @id and @type// 15:08:39 Topic: Cross-Context JSON-LD Integration, @id and @type 15:08:45 rrsagent, generate minutes 15:08:45 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/09/09-annotation-minutes.html fjh 15:08:54 fazaroth: the issue is if whether of not we want to try to collaborate with other WGs 15:09:12 ... or optimize for our usage 15:10:54 q+ 15:10:57 azaroth: whether or not we are trying to optimize for developers doing just annotations looking to our spec 15:10:57 s/...// 15:11:10 rssagent, generate minutes 15:11:14 ... or if we need to look at other WGs like Activity Stream 15:11:39 ... so if we @id next to id, when we compact a document (in playground) with multiple contexts 15:11:44 ivan's summary - https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2015Sep/0099.html 15:11:45 davis_salisbury has joined #annotation 15:12:00 present+ davis_salisbury 15:12:03 rrsagent, generate minutes 15:12:03 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/09/09-annotation-minutes.html fjh 15:12:09 ... @id and id will get transferred over and processed by all contexts 15:12:30 ... my assumption has been that we would use external context or external integration 15:12:57 ... go through all this seems strange to me but possible 15:13:15 ... workaround: compartmentalize JSON-LD mapping to include core annotation mapping 15:13:29 ... into ActivityStream... include their core and so on 15:13:59 s/or optimize for our usage/... or optimize for our usage/ 15:14:10 ... a lot of inter-working group communication and alignements to make sure of the things to work properly together 15:14:25 agenda+ motivatedBy on Annotation 15:14:54 ... predicates that we absolutely require will be in one context and we will try to ensure that the mappings will be enforced? 15:15:11 ... we can't avoid @id 15:15:45 ... there is a possibility that other terms will collide in addition to @id 15:15:53 q? 15:15:56 q? 15:15:57 ack ivan 15:16:27 ivan: I think that there is one fundamental place where we should be careful about 15:16:51 ... the distinction between only those that implement our own or multiple 15:17:06 q+ to note integraters are implementers 15:17:34 ... or better people that are not implementers but they want to add the annotation 15:17:52 .... implementers are those that can do wonders so I am less worried about the difficulty for them 15:18:03 ... I am more worried about the end users complexity 15:18:25 ... I am against compartmentalizing that brings complexity on users 15:18:48 q+ 15:18:55 ... for @id and @type, personally I don't care about the '@' but it seems that many people don't like that 15:19:05 ... so the idea of mapping that came around 15:19:28 ... I don't want to spend too much time on this but I keep -1 15:19:58 ... I understand compacting creates an issue, but there is an expand that will create all the statements with URIs 15:20:30 ... we can try to synchronize with AS but there are many others vocabularies and the approach does not scale 15:20:34 ... in general 15:20:48 ... we cannot solve the problem 15:20:49 q? 15:20:53 ack azaroth 15:20:53 azaroth, you wanted to note integraters are implementers 15:21:15 azaroth: I don't think we should be optimizing for end users but for developers 15:21:43 ... the reason being that we are past the days of people opening up the code and typing in command line 15:21:53 q+ 15:22:11 ... the majority of the annotations will be produced through developers 15:22:46 ... I agree that the expand would work by turning all into RDF but will be the opposite of what we are trying to do 15:23:04 .... I agree with the scale issue but we can at least try to not break the main ones 15:23:24 q? 15:23:27 ack fjh 15:23:48 fjh: is the '@' really scaring the implementers? 15:23:57 the cost to value ratio seems in favor of sticking with @id & @type 15:24:08 JS devs will write annotation['@id'] vs. annotation.id 15:24:10 q+ 15:24:11 not...terrible. 15:24:11 q+ to note @ isn't great in javascript anno.body['@id'] 15:24:22 ack TimCole 15:24:49 TimCole: (I cannot hear properly) 15:25:08 url is used in ActivityStreams to mean something alongside @id fwiw 15:25:29 ... do we have to map type to @type or to RDF:type 15:25:47 azaroth: @type already maps to rdf:type 15:25:52 see this example for @id & url being used together in AS2.0 http://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-core/#h-example-2 15:25:59 q+ 15:26:03 q+ 15:26:07 Tim already qualms about mapping @id to id 15:26:23 q? 15:26:43 TimCole: I don't like to map the id to @id as they are used for many things 15:26:47 q- 15:26:50 ack PaoloCiccarese 15:27:18 PaoloCiccarese: Was thinking about id and type. I remembered that I raised the issue to the JSON-LD people, and they said just use the quotes 15:27:40 ... It seems too complicated to do, so maybe just step back and use the @s 15:27:42 q? 15:27:45 ack azaroth 15:27:45 azaroth, you wanted to note @ isn't great in javascript anno.body['@id'] 15:28:08 ack ivan 15:28:10 proposed RESOLUTION: retain @ signs in @id and @type 15:28:12 q+ 15:28:13 Proposal: revert the @id/@id and @type/type decision, and put this in the document as a note (asking for comments). 15:28:41 q+ 15:28:44 q? 15:28:52 Ivan: let's propose to do that and put a note in the document for asking for comments from the community 15:28:54 +1 15:28:58 +1 15:28:58 ack fjh 15:29:03 +1 15:29:45 ivan: let's make sure the request for comments is clear in the document 15:29:57 proposed RESOLUTION: retain @ signs in @id and @type, reverting earlier decsion, and adding note to document 15:30:03 +1 15:30:06 +1 15:30:09 +1 15:30:10 +1 15:30:13 +1 15:30:16 +1 15:30:17 +1 15:30:20 +1 15:30:29 +1 15:30:33 RESOLUTION: retain @ signs in @id and @type, reverting earlier decsion, and adding note to document 15:30:34 +1 15:30:46 rrsagent, where am I? 15:30:46 See http://www.w3.org/2015/09/09-annotation-irc#T15-30-46 15:31:36 fjh: let's wait a week for feedback 15:31:44 waiting week to update context file 15:31:55 Topic: motivatedBy on annotation 15:32:02 q+ 15:32:06 http://w3c.github.io/web-annotation/model/wd/AnnoLevelMotive.html 15:32:20 ack PaoloCiccarese 15:33:05 Thanks to Tim, Ray and Ivan for really useful proposal document! 15:33:10 azaroth: move towards a complete decision about roles and motivations Tim and Ivan created a document 15:33:19 ... discussion on the list with a lot of support 15:33:42 ... everyone seem agreeing with some discussion points 15:34:01 ... it seems I was the only one with concerns 15:34:15 q+ 15:34:40 ... section 3.1 advise that there could be two vocabularies for motivations and roles and that I think i sa mistake 15:34:52 ... will increase confusion and double the numbers of items 15:34:54 s/i sa/is a/ 15:35:03 section 3.3 I see it as out of scope 15:35:08 q? 15:35:12 ack TimCole 15:35:20 azaroth: section 3.3 I see it as out of scope 15:35:37 q+ PaoloCiccarese 15:35:37 TimCOle: main points: staying with a single vocabulary 15:35:56 s/COle/Cole/ 15:36:16 q? 15:36:19 ... I don't feel strongly about it ( I am not sure) 15:36:20 ack PaoloCiccarese 15:36:49 PaoloCiccarese: Want to understand the problem you mentioned, I think it was 3.3. I think there should be one vocab. Either way it is going to be confusing. 15:37:16 ... If we have two they mimic and will be confusing. If we have two properties that do very slightly different things, it will be confusing too. So just do one to keep it tight. 15:37:18 q? 15:37:20 q+ 15:37:23 ack ivan 15:38:03 i.e., hasMotivation on bodies instead of hasRole? 15:38:27 ivan: to say we have hasRole on the annotation 15:38:27 Got it. I think those are equivalent. 15:38:30 q+ 15:38:34 ... maybe that reduces the confusion 15:38:36 q+ 15:38:37 ack azaroth 15:38:45 why not have same range for two different properties 15:38:54 q+ 15:39:16 azaroth: that would really change the semantics. Motivation associated to the Annotation is informational only and it is the reason why the Annotation was created. 15:39:23 ... the hasRole is an actionable property 15:39:37 ... something the client should be paying attention to 15:39:42 +1 to azaroth that meaning of Motivation and Role is useful 15:40:06 q? 15:40:09 if it is information only, there is no problem if vocabolary overlaps 15:40:26 ivan: I understand but on the other hand if we are asking ourselves the question whether the values should be the same or different 15:40:46 ... there is confusion when merging the vocabularies 15:41:01 ... we will have confusion somewhere if we merge, the question is where it is more harmful 15:41:02 ack PaoloCiccarese 15:41:52 PaoloCiccarese: I agree and disagree with everything :) Motivation is something informational, but disagree that it's not operational. One thing is rendering, it could be, but a processing intensive system that motivation could be something you look at and do something as a reaction 15:42:02 Seems like motivation would be actionable in the highlighting use case. 15:42:07 ... in our case we do argumentation, so no matter the bodies are, it's actionable 15:42:38 ... The two vocabs would be merged 100%, so in the example on the list, I used community specific vocabularies like for argumentation 15:42:51 ... the motivation is to disagree. The disagreement might only be a motivation, not a role 15:43:21 The role might be comment or statement. Complicated to either split or merge. Lots of duplications if they're split, lots of weird situations where they're merged 15:43:49 ... I like the split to hasRole as I had to use it already. Would make clear in the document that the vocabs are extensible. 15:44:00 ... Not completely true that all motivations are roles 15:44:21 ... It isn't perfect, and there will be some confusion. Don't see another good solution. 15:44:23 q? 15:44:44 ... I don't understand why we wouldn't allow motivation on a simple text body. 15:44:50 q+ 15:44:58 ... Meaning is to give why the annotation is created, not to give a role 15:45:12 ... But then the temptation is to use it as a role as the vocabs are the same 15:45:15 ack fjh 15:45:20 proposed RESOLUTION: retain MotivatedBy on annotation as well has having hasRole (acknowledging issues to be worked) 15:45:38 motivation is role-vocabolary context 15:45:45 fjh: we need to agree on the co-existence of both motivatedBy and hasRole 15:46:02 +1 15:46:03 ... can we agree and have a resolution? 15:46:05 +1 15:46:06 +1 15:46:07 +1 15:46:11 +1 retain motivatedBy 15:46:14 +1 15:46:22 RESOLUTION: retain MotivatedBy on annotation as well has having hasRole (acknowledging issues to be worked) 15:46:28 +1 15:47:09 q? 15:47:11 ack ivan 15:47:15 fjh: counter arguments of purity and pragmatic attitude 15:47:24 q+ to disagree re purity 15:47:57 ivan: are we keeping the same vocabularies? 15:48:08 fjh: we did not work that out yet 15:48:28 ivan: semantically speaking the 3.3 use case 15:48:47 ... and in a purist way it is wrong, the problem is that it is very close to some other use cases in section 4 15:48:57 ... we make a statement on annotation and not on the body 15:49:21 rrsagent, where am i? 15:49:21 See http://www.w3.org/2015/09/09-annotation-irc#T15-49-21 15:49:36 pragmatic vs pure 15:49:37 ... on the other hand, people will use it that way 15:49:55 ... as it is simple and quick 15:50:06 ... we should probably leave with that kind of impurity 15:50:13 q? 15:50:19 ack azaroth 15:50:19 azaroth, you wanted to disagree re purity 15:50:21 agree with what you said. 15:50:35 I think this is something we'll have to live with. 15:50:39 discussing 3.3 http://w3c.github.io/web-annotation/model/wd/AnnoLevelMotive.html#expressing-motivation-for-an-annotation-having-a-single-simple-textual-body 15:50:46 ivan: if we say that this is invalid, people will still use it. We can say it is not the preferred way 15:51:22 ... in HTML5 there is a family of attributes with very strong restrictions in the text and people use it differently anyway 15:51:45 q+ 15:52:17 azaroth: from a pragmatic point of view, I receive an annotation with a simple textual body and a motivation and I want to process it in the same way as another annotation with the same body in a role I cannot 15:52:42 ... by saying you can do it it so say you cannot process this 15:52:52 azaroth isn't this also a problem for highlighting? 15:52:56 q+ 15:53:04 ack fjh 15:53:06 proposed RESOLUTION: start with single vocabulary as range for motivatedBy and hasRole and keeping property names distinct 15:53:07 ... I see no way around that problem 15:53:22 +1 15:53:23 +q 15:53:25 RESOLUTION: start with single vocabulary as range for motivatedBy and hasRole and keeping property names distinct 15:53:26 +1 15:53:27 no. not single vocab 15:53:28 q- 15:53:31 +1 15:53:38 q? 15:53:41 ack TimCole 15:54:22 TimCole: I don't see a strong distinction in terms of actionability, there are things like discovery where many community will use both in similar ways so that they can discover 15:54:38 ... hasRole: comment and motivation: commenting 15:54:52 ... how much the simple text body is trying to say? 15:55:10 { "motivatedBy": "bookmarking", "body": "I should read this" } != { "body" : { "role": "bookmarking", "text" : "I should read this" } 15:55:17 ... there are many useful things that community are going to do with terms no matter where they appear 15:55:32 ... it is also a matter of how we present this in the model 15:55:57 azaroth - we need explanation of why != in terams of meaning to users 15:56:05 s/terams/terms/ 15:56:10 fjh: Agreed 15:56:17 ... 3.1 and 3.2 to be done and leave 3.3 open 15:56:39 I believe I know the answer, the annotation is not being bookmarked 15:56:54 azaroth: I will be happy to detail how that should be used 15:57:10 +1 to Rob's suggestion. 15:57:20 +1 15:58:04 ivan: 3.1 and 3.2 examples will be in the document 15:58:12 proposed RESOLUTION: Be silent in the specification regarding the combination of motivation and simple textual body to see how it is used in practice 15:58:20 +1 15:58:21 +1 15:58:26 +1 15:58:29 +1 15:58:45 RESOLUTION: Be silent in the specification regarding the combination of motivation and simple textual body to see how it is used in practice 15:59:36 q+ 15:59:46 ack azaroth 15:59:51 azaroth: 2 more decisions 16:00:08 ivan: ready to publish WD? 16:00:08 ... #1 if to allow roles on EmbeddedContent 16:00:38 ... more concerns about having roles on the multiplicity constructs 16:01:00 ... if Choice, Composite and List should have ?roles 16:01:23 ivan: to be able to move on in a more constructive manner we should have a new document asap 16:03:27 ivan: suggests we get to revised Model draft that can become WD, noting open issues within, including decisions to date 16:03:32 azaroth: yes can do this 16:03:47 +1 to preparing new WD for publication 16:04:11 Topic: Adjourn 16:05:33 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:05:33 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/09/09-annotation-minutes.html ivan 16:05:41 trackbot, end telcon 16:05:41 Zakim, list attendees 16:05:41 As of this point the attendees have been Frederick_Hirsch, Rob_Sanderson, Ivan, Tim_Cole, Jacob_Jett, Chris_Birk, Benjamin_Young, Paolo_Ciccarese, TB_Dinesh, davis_salisbury 16:05:49 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 16:05:49 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/09/09-annotation-minutes.html trackbot 16:05:50 RRSAgent, bye 16:05:50 I see no action items