13:05:32 RRSAgent has joined #wot-sp 13:05:32 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/09/03-wot-sp-irc 13:05:56 meeting: Security and Privacy task force 13:06:01 chair: Oliver 13:06:59 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wot-ig/2015Sep/0001.html 13:07:28 scribenick: dsr 13:07:52 Topic: Feedback on kick-starting the discussion of "Things Discovery 13:07:56 arne has joined #wot-sp 13:08:48 present: Oliver, Dave, Arne, Carsten, Claes, Dan, Yingying 13:09:59 Oliver summarises where we are in respect to authorisation for discovery, see https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Things_Discovery_Authorization 13:11:03 We have a draft problem statement 13:12:04 Oliver intoduces the section on the state of the art 13:14:28 … and the IT security perspective 13:14:59 We need to elaborate with further details 13:15:58 Oliver invites comments from the people on the call 13:16:45 The most important point it is that we can easily formulate the problem statement, but the rest will be harder. 13:17:35 Carsten: the act of discovery discloses privacy related info, and hence can require authorisation 13:19:11 We have discovery involving other parties, and also cold discovery … 13:19:48 Darshak has joined #wot-sp 13:20:19 Oliver: my suggestion is to invite volunteers to assist with rewriting/extending the wiki text 13:20:33 Carsten volunteers to help 13:21:07 Oliver: the problem statement should be short 13:21:10 present+Darshak Thakore 13:21:43 Oliver: I would suggest that the discovery task force take the lead on this 13:22:42 Oliver asks if Carsten can make his input on the wiki within one week 13:23:15 Carsten: we could also help with filling in the security perspective based on our experience in the IETF 13:24:13 Topic: Status and next steps for SP 13:24:31 s/SP/SP Landscape/ 13:24:42 see: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Design-Time_Security%26Privacy_Means#Mechanisms 13:25:17 Please take a look and provide any feedback you may have 13:25:47 I did some restructuring 13:26:41 The old version was perhaps too bottom up. We now start with the main findings and then add details by way of explanations. 13:27:50 The text in the table is in some cases a little long 13:28:42 … or is missing 13:31:12 I would like you to review the mechanisms and to see if there are missing technologies that should be added here. Right now we have around 17 mechanisms 13:31:48 s/mechanisms/technologies/ 13:33:27 Oliver asks for feedback within the next 2 weeks if at all possible. 13:33:54 Has anybody had a chance to look at this so far? [no] 13:35:09 He distinguishes classic, new and future technologies on the basis of existing standards and the time they were introduced 13:36:11 s/time/date/ 13:37:26 We have less clear understanding of new technologies, so need to get back to the authors to clarify things as needed 13:38:37 My aim is to have a full review in two weeks or so 13:39:06 Oliver asks for comments from people on the call [none] 13:39:21 Topic: Status and next steps for SP Requirements 13:39:34 See https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Security%26Privacy_Requirements_Catalogue 13:41:52 I am in touch with the other task forces to seek input on use cases with security requirements. 13:42:46 Oliver: my aim is to finalise our report at the next face to face (in Sapporo) 13:43:04 Who plans to attend? 13:43:09 Carsten: yes 13:43:13 Dave: yes 13:44:33 Dave reminds people to register for TPAC see http://www.w3.org/2015/10/TPAC/ 13:44:54 Oliver: any other business for today? [none] 13:45:01 rrsagent, set logs public 13:45:14 rrsagent, make minutes 13:45:14 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/09/03-wot-sp-minutes.html dsr 15:43:16 cabo has joined #wot-sp 16:41:45 cabo has joined #wot-sp 18:17:40 cabo has joined #wot-sp 19:22:02 cabo has joined #wot-sp