15:52:54 RRSAgent has joined #pf 15:52:54 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/08/19-pf-irc 15:52:56 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:52:56 Zakim has joined #pf 15:52:58 Zakim, this will be WAI_PF 15:52:58 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 15:52:59 Meeting: Protocols and Formats Working Group Teleconference 15:52:59 Date: 19 August 2015 15:53:36 zakim, who's here? 15:53:36 sorry, janina, I don't know what conference this is 15:53:38 On IRC I see RRSAgent, janina, MichaelC, joanie, trackbot 15:53:48 agenda? 15:53:56 agenda+ preview agenda with items from two minutes 15:53:56 agenda+ Actions Review (Specs) http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/actions/open 15:53:56 agenda+ new on TR http://www.w3.org/TR/tr-status-drafts.html 15:53:56 agenda+ Community Groups http://www.w3.org/community/groups/ 15:53:57 agenda+ Rechartering Progress [See Below] 15:53:59 agenda+ TPAC 2013 Update [See Below] 15:54:01 agenda+ Decision Policy Draft http://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/decision-policy 15:54:04 agenda+ Draft APA Home Page http://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/ 15:54:06 agenda+ ARIA.Next Items 15:54:09 agenda+ Other Task Force Updates; COGA; SVG; HTML-A11Y--HTML Reorganization 15:54:11 agenda+ MAUR Finalization (Redux) 15:54:14 agenda+ Other Business 15:54:16 agenda+ next and future meetings http://www.w3.org/Guide/1998/08/teleconference-calendar#s_273 15:54:19 agenda+ be done 15:54:24 agenda? 15:54:31 zakim, next item 15:54:33 agendum 1. "preview agenda with items from two minutes" taken up [from janina] 15:55:26 zakim, who's here? 15:55:26 sorry, janina, I don't know what conference this is 15:55:28 On IRC I see RRSAgent, janina, MichaelC, joanie, trackbot 15:55:37 present+ janina 15:55:43 zakim, who's here? 15:55:43 sorry, janina, I don't know what conference this is 15:55:45 On IRC I see RRSAgent, janina, MichaelC, joanie, trackbot 16:00:00 fesch has joined #pf 16:01:13 present+ fred 16:01:41 present+ Joanmarie_Diggs 16:04:08 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #pf 16:06:39 Ryladog has joined #pf 16:07:22 present+ MichaelC 16:07:31 present+ Rich 16:07:38 Present+ Katie 16:07:50 Scribe: Katie Haritos-Shea 16:08:02 ScribeNick: Ryladog 16:08:23 Meeting: PF Teleconference 16:08:57 MC: I will not be able to be in most meeting s next week - becasue of W3C staff break 16:09:26 MC: Geek Week 16:09:53 SJ: Where is the ARIA Test Harness? 16:10:17 RS: Spec Review Tracker? Cant recall 16:10:29 SJ: We need to track our tech reviews 16:10:41 -> https://www.w3.org/Member/wiki/Accessibility_Coordination_Matrix Accessibility Coordination Matrix 16:10:51 JS: We make a matrix, Micheal has made good progress on it 16:11:27 MC: It was a starting poit - but I would like to create DB tool to track 16:11:56 MC: That is the tool I wanted to work on during Geek Week next week 16:12:13 RS: So you can start the Test Harness after that? 16:12:44 MC; Maybe is a week, it might not take as much focus - it exists - I just need to find it 16:13:14 JS:And other W3C members who could help would be in Geel Week too 16:13:30 JS: Should we skip next Wed? 16:14:10 RESOLUTION: Next week we will be off for vacation 16:14:37 JS: Task Force will still meet 16:15:02 Zakim, take up next item 16:15:02 agendum 2. "Actions Review (Specs) http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/actions/open" taken up [from janina] 16:15:52 MC: 1685, and 1689 forr Janina 16:16:12 action-1669 due 2 weeks 16:16:12 Set action-1669 Look at data on the web best practices http://www.w3.org/tr/dwbp/ due date to 2015-09-02. 16:16:21 MC: Katie 1669 not ready open for 2 more week 16:16:37 Zakim, take up next item 16:16:37 agendum 3. "new on TR http://www.w3.org/TR/tr-status-drafts.html" taken up [from janina] 16:16:54 MC: I think we are clear on new publications this week 16:16:57 JS; OK 16:17:03 tzviya has joined #PF 16:17:04 Zakim, take up next item 16:17:04 agendum 3 was just opened, Ryladog 16:17:16 zakim, close this item 16:17:16 agendum 3 closed 16:17:18 I see 11 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 16:17:18 4. Community Groups http://www.w3.org/community/groups/ [from janina] 16:17:36 -> https://www.w3.org/community/webassembly/ WebAssembly Community Group 16:18:37 MC We have 3. Web Assembly - a form of pre-compiled JS so it runs faster - but not much activity there. I am not sure there would be much accessibility 16:18:49 JS: Lets not care, we decided before 16:19:51 -> https://www.w3.org/community/browserext/ Browser Extension Community Group 16:20:07 present+ Tzviya_Siegman 16:20:29 MC: Second CG is, Browser Extension CG - standarized extension package - 2 message on the list - no chairs - probably dead 16:20:36 JS: Yes dead 16:20:54 -> https://www.w3.org/community/gao/ Automotive Ontology Community Group 16:20:54 MC: It would fill a need - too bad 16:21:26 MC: Lat Automotive Oncology CG - share data structures in Automotive. Mailing list is reasonably active 16:22:09 JS: We will need to follow this - and will speak with driverless at TPAC for a possible future DUAR - we should 16:22:56 MC; I am not clear enough - I think we would have interest - I wwill move it to the Actively TRacked Group 16:23:02 Zakim, take up next item 16:23:02 agendum 4. "Community Groups http://www.w3.org/community/groups/" taken up [from janina] 16:23:57 zakim, close this item 16:23:57 agendum 4 closed 16:23:58 I see 10 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 16:23:58 5. Rechartering Progress [from See Below via janina] 16:24:02 Zakim, take up next item 16:24:02 agendum 5. "Rechartering Progress" taken up [from See Below] 16:24:18 MC: No news? 16:24:37 MC: The PF is extended until Oct 15th or so 16:24:50 RS: Why not SEpt? 16:25:18 MC: It is based on how many objections were issued. This is their estimates 16:26:05 JS: Judy is trying to resolve the 3 against APA and the 2 against the Charter 16:27:07 Zakim, take up next item 16:27:07 agendum 6. "TPAC 2013 Update" taken up [from See Below] 16:27:20 JS: Who is comiing? 16:27:26 Me 16:27:40 I am coming 16:27:42 Done both registration and hotel 16:28:27 JS: ARIA is MOn Tues. We may trade some of it. APA side will be Thursday Friday. We will balance it 16:29:11 JS: It is all called 16:29:30 MC: Alex is not listed yet 16:29:47 JS: It would be good if Mozilla would send him 16:30:17 JS: How wide a dpub participation are you expecting. 16:30:38 MC: about 12 are registered and that doesnt include TZVIGA 16:30:43 Zakim, take up next item 16:30:43 agendum 7. "Decision Policy Draft http://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/decision-policy" taken up [from janina] 16:32:14 JS: We talked about it last week. The big criticism it was not clear what would require us t go through a CFC. We use RESOLUTION but we typically do not take those to a CFC. What do we need to do for poeple who are not able to be on call 16:32:32 JS: Micheal has a suggestion. 16:33:26 JS: We write into the decsion plocy a standard blurb about anything you have a certain numbr of ways to object. We would still have to write this langauge 16:33:34 q+ 16:33:56 JS: If we do go this way we can still formalize or go back 16:34:57 ack k 16:35:01 ack r 16:35:53 JS: It is standad procedure - you can still object - but you neeed to read our standard policies 16:36:16 s/standad/standard 16:36:40 proposed: In order to minimize bureaucracy, announcement of teleconference minutes invokes an automatic Call for Consensus with a seven-day response period on all items logged as resolutions in the minutes. 16:36:59 q+ 16:37:57 TZVIYA: When you send out the invite, can we add a note that there is a RESOLUTION 16:38:55 MC: We may need to change our minutes policy we may need to have the chair send out the minutes and add that there is a Resolution in the mintes 16:39:13 JS: We want a 7 calendar day timeline 16:40:28 s/plocy/policy 16:41:07 s/neeed/need 16:41:50 rrsagent, make minutes 16:41:50 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/08/19-pf-minutes.html Ryladog 16:43:02 s/numbr/number 16:43:37 Zakim, take up next item 16:43:37 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, Ryladog 16:43:41 q? 16:43:46 ack t 16:43:57 Zakim, take up next item 16:43:57 agendum 8. "Draft APA Home Page http://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/" taken up [from janina] 16:44:55 JS; Lets put this back on the agenda and talk about it later 16:45:17 MC: I do not want to have that fight today 16:46:03 JS: Do you want to load the comments from last week? 16:46:11 MC: Let me find tham 16:46:24 MC: I thinke evrything else was 16:46:25 zakim, close this item 16:46:25 agendum 8 closed 16:46:26 I see 6 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 16:46:26 9. ARIA.Next Items [from janina] 16:46:36 Zakim, take up next item 16:46:36 agendum 9. "ARIA.Next Items" taken up [from janina] 16:47:07 JS: We had a lot of publishing participation. Apple showed up in force 16:48:17 RS: It is nice to know that they could make the meeting. The one point is around DETAILS I thinnk it is a good solution - it is implemented in 2 brpwsersa nd Apple supports it. You can put and iFrame in details and put a link in there 16:49:20 RS: So it can help anybody - the compalints about ARUA describedat is almost solved if we can get Edge and FF - then we need a vechle to show/hide - maybe with CSS via MQ 16:49:56 RS: James supported adding this to the OS - DETALS could have a more powerful solution than describedat - we need the browser support. 16:50:14 q+ 16:50:39 RS: The facct that you cn do all that makes me surprised that there was such pushback and formal objection to longdesc. 16:51:01 JS: I asked the ePUB people what do you do when the network is down? 16:51:39 TZVIYA: I am surprised. You can ask that question about any link. Every book that I have ever published has a link in it 16:52:10 TZVIYA: Every book and even pbooks have links 16:52:41 JS: Todays books have links and it reads through - you aree supposed to rememebr all that? 16:53:08 TZVIYA: In Dpub we are talking about a package of some kind 16:53:16 JS: If you can pre-fetch 16:53:36 RS: Is there anyway you can store.embed that in a digital book? 16:53:44 TZVIYA: We are working on it 16:56:08 scribe: fesch 16:57:09 js: I think I know way Rich likes details as it gives a path that describedat doesn't 17:00:17 js: details may end up being consensus because everyone can live with it 17:00:37 js: details would be an interim solution 17:01:12 js: the attraction is what we want in describedat is already in details 17:01:39 ShaneM has joined #pf 17:02:12 mc: it may overload the details element, may have different presentation, the overloading may be a concern, adding role may help 17:02:33 rs: what is hackish to you? 17:03:28 mc: details was intended for another purpose, if used for other purposes may confuse users, addition attributes may help but may open new problems 17:04:07 js: but they are kind of stuck since you can use an iframe 17:04:18 mc: I have these concerns 17:04:18 asurkov has joined #pf 17:05:07 tzviya: if you look at the objections, not being able to distinguish what is what is an issue and some may be what is included 17:05:37 rs: but what you are talking about is metadata which you can create with aria semantics 17:05:53 rs: and you could do that in the dpub group 17:06:09 js: and you may want the roles for describedat 17:06:27 tzviya: I think we are all saying the same thing 17:06:42 q? 17:06:48 q+ 17:06:49 q- 17:07:12 js: when I hear about chartML we really want to be able to do have multiple outputs... 17:07:41 js: so if it goes to a php the meta data tells it what is available - whether it is describedat or details 17:07:55 js: looks like we are looking for away to get more elaborate 17:08:48 rs: details has the plumbing - and it can get rendered - so if all we need to do is add some semantics and css to make it visible, we can handle it 17:11:24 tzviya: timeline needed on extended description analysis 17:12:41 zakim, make minutes 17:12:41 I don't understand 'make minutes', fesch 17:12:49 zakim, draft minutes 17:12:49 I don't understand 'draft minutes', fesch 17:13:01 rrsagent, make minutes 17:13:01 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/08/19-pf-minutes.html fesch 17:55:33 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #pf 18:30:46 asurkov has joined #pf 19:17:03 asurkov has joined #pf 20:59:34 asurkov has joined #pf 21:28:21 asurkov has joined #pf 23:33:56 asurkov has joined #pf