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<Lisa_Seeman> agenda: this
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<Lisa_Seeman> ACTION: john to update security paper and see if anything is missing from the tchnese and gap analis [recorded in]
<trackbot> 'john' is an ambiguous username. Please try a different identifier, such as family name or username (e.g., jfoliot, JohnRochford).
<Lisa_Seeman> ACTION: JohnRochford to update security paper and see if anything is missing from the tchnese and gap analis [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-126 - Update security paper and see if anything is missing from the tchnese and gap analis [on John Rochford - due 2015-08-17].
LS: in the techniques, one needs
to see which techniques are missing, and then see how it would
fit (under which category.) if no relevant category could be
found, the we may need to add a category
... with the gap analysis we've got some more flexibility
... we have the review from Jamie, as well as the metadata
proposal and the proposal for graded help
LS: the first issue was Liddie's comment, who felt we should go more for RDFA and access for all, but we felt we preferred keeping it simpler
LS: the modality issue paper hasn't been reviewed and needs a volunteer.
MP: was wondering whether aria be applicable also for mobile
LS: if you could map stuff to aria you have support. it's actually a good reason to avoid going in the direction of RDFA
LS: sometimes one needs to
provide as many alternative versions as needed. (such as what
to do when there is a siren)
... suggests adding metadata about the coga features, and
linking to coga alternative content so that the alt content
could be changed with out changing all links to it
LS: alternative versions are
sometimes better than adaptability - such as critical\emergency
information, where people are making alternative versions
... additional contexts are ,educational content such as how to
go to the bank, content intended for immigrants, etc.
... we don't want to disinclude the best in favor of good
... and this enables an easy way to find such content
... are we comfortable with the proposal?
... or do we not know enough about metadata
MP: there needs to be a tag somewhere
<Lisa_Seeman> action lisa review meta data with andy heath
<trackbot> Created ACTION-127 - Review meta data with andy heath [on Lisa Seeman - due 2015-08-17].
LS: this will be added to the page's metadata: <meta name="coga-feature" content="" />
LS: it won't be enough - people
won't build alternative pages for everything
... suggests a new aria attribute of "aria-hasAlt", in order to
provide alternatives which will have a default of hidden, but
with the JSON scripts would be made visible
explanation: chunk means one idea at a time
LS: if you have a long convoluted sentence you could use the easylang tag to provide a simpler version, though it doesn't let you specify how you're simplifying it
RS: is there a way to determine if something is a chunk?
<Tony_Doran> Concerned about losing context in chunking?
LS: one idea per paragraph etc. (in the link)
RS: so we defined a chunk in the techniques
LS: could be called "manageable chunk
thanks Rich
LS: do we feel that the
techniques don't fully describe what we need? (it's in the
short term to do list)
... not seeing it there, so she's adding it
... we primarily want the techniques to be descriptive, and
secondarily testable, correcct?
... For the images/symbols, used tags p0-p3 to tag the
priority, but not's sure it's a good name
... also different types of images - iconic/realistic
... There are different types of extra help, such as
aria-moreinfo aria-extrahelp, aria-moreinfo value: URL,
aria-extrahelp supported values:
JR: how many provide human help? and believes that human help should be in a different category
LS: online chat for example, LS finds it annoying, for example
MP: uses more resources, and many people to prefer it. unsure how manageable it is
LS: so do we want it in a different category?
JR: doesn't object, but thinks it's very different to the others
AS: thinks it seems similar on the user end, but different on the developer's end
LS: it's a first draft, and we may want to word it better. suggests thinking about it and writing to the list
MP: suggests having a special feature so that human help is only available to people who need it
LS: such as with registeration,
which opens a kettle of warms with privacy
... wondering if human help should be removed, as we don't know
what it would look like
<Lisa_Seeman> action lisa and mike to think though aria-extrahelp=”humanhelp” and possibly remove from proposal for now
<trackbot> Created ACTION-128 - And mike to think though aria-extrahelp=”humanhelp” and possibly remove from proposal for now [on Lisa Seeman - due 2015-08-17].
<Tony_Doran> Reminders? You mean distractions?
<Tony_Doran> :)
LS: we might want different
levels of reminders, because it will annoy some of the
... a normal reminder, such as your daughter's birthday, which
most people want
... one most won't want, and one that ~5% will want
... We also have levels for distracting features, such as ads.
the problem is that no one wants them
MP: what is a distraction for one person is an oppurtunity for another. (such as do you want promotional offers or not)
LS: additional attributes include screen reading, etc.
<Tony_Doran> need to drop off
LS: We are passed the hour, so suggests people look at the techniques and see what they think
<Lisa_Seeman> thank u everyoen
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.140 of Date: 2014-11-06 18:16:30 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/cunk/chunk/ Found Scribe: Ayelet_Seeman Inferring ScribeNick: Ayelet_Seeman Present: Lisa_Seeman Susane_Keohane Tony_Doran Rich_Schwerdtfeger Mike_Pluke Michael_Cooper Ayelet_Seeman John_Rochford Rich janina MichaelC_late Regrets: Chaohai_Ding Mary_Jo_Mueller EA Jamie_Knight Deborah_Dahl Got date from IRC log name: 10 Aug 2015 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: john johnrochford[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]