12:59:49 RRSAgent has joined #svg-a11y 12:59:49 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/07/24-svg-a11y-irc 12:59:51 RRSAgent, make logs public 12:59:51 Zakim has joined #svg-a11y 12:59:53 Zakim, this will be WAI_PF 12:59:53 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 12:59:54 Meeting: Protocols and Formats Working Group Teleconference 12:59:54 Date: 24 July 2015 12:59:59 RRSAgent, make log public 13:00:12 Meeting: SVG Accessibility Task Force 13:02:12 fesch has joined #svg-a11y 13:09:37 AmeliaBR has joined #svg-a11y 13:15:00 chair: Fred 13:15:17 https://www.w3.org/wiki/SVG_Accessibility/Chart_Taxonomy#Navigation_Supported 13:15:20 Topic: Chart Taxonomy 13:15:43 https://www.w3.org/wiki/SVG_Accessibility/Chart_Taxonomy 13:16:17 Amelia: Last week spoke about how much information should be given in the role 13:16:18 jasonjgw has joined #svg-a11y 13:16:39 Amelia: and how much should be in role type 13:17:07 Amelia: I think this is based on what we have done for the fast few months. 13:17:33 List of roles: 13:17:34 https://www.w3.org/wiki/SVG_Accessibility/Chart_Taxonomy#List_of_Roles 13:18:04 Fred: charts are composed of 3 types. 13:18:28 Charts are composed of three types of objects- regions, data and guides. Chart regions are express via the graphics-figure role and chart regions are assumed to be explorable. Data related roles imply the element expresses a chart's data. Guide related roles imply the element is a guide object. 13:18:29 Data used in charts, is similar to data found in spreadsheets and databases and consists of columns and rows and is often thought of as a table. Some charts with connectors use two or more tables - one table for the nodes and a second table for the connectors. When we interpret charts we interpret the data in the chart. 13:18:31 Guides provide reference information and help us interpret the chart. Guides fall into two categories, scales (ie. axes, legends, dimension lines) and annotations (ie. titles, footnotes and arrows to call out info). The names of guides are often specific to a graphics domain. For instance, in statistical charts a positional guide an called an axis. A positional guide on a geographic map is... 13:18:32 ...called graticule or grid. On isometric diagrams positional guides are called dimension lines. 13:18:58 fesch: regions are meant to be explorable 13:19:16 fesch: data related roles where the element refers to the charts data 13:19:29 fresch: a guide is like an axis 13:20:09 rich: guide is not intuitive. Guide is like directions to me 13:20:29 jason: doug mentioned that some of these should be distinguished. … annotation from axis 13:21:11 jason: Whatever taxonomy we come up with we need to ensure that everything is programmatically determinable even if you have multiple axis or data sets. I am fairly flexible on how we get there 13:21:29 fred: you know you can define an axis where the chart represents the data. 13:21:45 fred: the axis can dynamically change based on the data set. 13:22:00 fred: in other case they axis may not change 13:22:19 fred: some legends may show some of the data set. Others may show the entire set. 13:22:39 fred: all things may appear in the legend even though they may not appear in the data 13:23:00 jason: the axis might determine the scale, let’s say in a rectangular coordinate plane. 13:23:16 fred: in some cases the axis may be determined from the data and perhaps rounded up 13:23:52 fred: you can look at multiple data sets … if you were looking at data across quarters you may want to have consistent scales across all coordinates. 13:24:07 jason: so you need to extract the data to determine which data is which 13:24:33 fred: you cannot take the data from the axis as there may be no correlation 13:25:34 amelia: I disagree. because of what you said it is important to have the information on the axis. …. this is the theoretical range of all possible values even though it is not expressed in this data set. … such as aria-valuemin and aria-valuemax 13:25:58 jason: should we require the values themselves to be self contained? 13:26:17 fresch: on an axis you could have aria-valuemin and aria-valuemax for continuous scale 13:26:32 fesch: for categorical scale would you want all the categories? 13:27:01 amelia: the idea situation would be a properly annotated graph 13:27:03 scribe: Rich 13:27:08 present+ Rich 13:27:52 amelia: you want the screen reader to have accurate statistics based on the possible values 13:28:22 fred: I don’t think you ever want them to have x and y values and have them interpolate 13:28:36 fred: we need something in the title that reflects the data 13:29:07 amelia: we need to express for a given datapoint this is the value on this axis and then on that axis based on this categorical scale 13:29:39 fred: you can have color and shape and categorical dimensions 13:29:50 amelia: the main thing is it needs to be expandable 13:30:14 amelia: values list that gets matched up against a range ... 13:30:31 amelia: we want this to be machine readable data 13:30:39 jason: that was my point last week 13:31:00 q+ 13:31:13 fred: so we want a tuple of values that is machine readable 13:31:34 ack rich 13:32:26 rich: so, we want a tuple per data point. … 13:32:37 fred: but that is not large 13:32:51 fred: a scatter plot with a 1000 points is a bad scatter plot 13:33:18 amelia: then you have trends and density. you would want to represent the density of somethng 13:33:41 amelia: then you would have density for a point without a bunch of points 13:34:04 jason: such as a scatter point with a lot of data points 13:34:24 s/density for a point/density for each square in a grid/ 13:34:41 fred: 3 types: regions, data, and guides 13:35:19 rich: we should call these abstract roles 13:36:37 Rich: they don’t have to be abstract 13:36:51 fred: the first one is the graphics data group 13:37:19 fred: this just means a group of data objects 13:37:32 fred: but a group can have several types of children 13:38:37 jasonjgw has joined #svg-a11y 13:38:41 graphics-datagroup 13:38:41 Members in the data group represent data. The graphics-datagroup role is a subclass of graphics-object. graphics-datagroup may have children with the following roles. 13:38:43 graphics-datagroup 13:38:44 graphics-dataitem 13:38:45 graphics-label 13:38:46 none 13:39:16 fred: graphics connector is something we may do 13:39:37 fred: it is like an SVG connector and it can have a label and symbol 13:40:26 jason: would I be right in saying that it would have a label? 13:40:38 fred: yes but we would need to have the tuple object 13:40:46 fred: you can have a visible label 13:41:58 rich: after this call we should start to populate this. we need to see it 13:42:18 amelia: we need to create a parallel one 13:42:35 Topic: graphics-dataitem 13:42:48 Fred: this would represent say a bar in a bar chart 13:43:38 Fred: you could have a graphics-dataitem that represents three columns in that role and all three are important and all 3 have semantic meaning. You can have a nested data item. 13:43:40 q? 13:43:53 Topic: graphics-event 13:44:10 Fred: Something defined or marked by an instant of time or time interval. A graphics-event role is a subclass of a graphics-dataitem role. A graphics-event may have children with any role. 13:44:22 Fred: It could have children with any role 13:45:10 Rich: we need to say these are the allowable descendants 13:45:46 Amelia: we need to say that we can have a data scale but each point on the data scale and have a paragraph of information about it 13:46:12 Fred: it highlights a block of area. … it can be very big on what can be associated with an event 13:46:58 amelia: i like the idea of having a large bunch of content assigned with a data point but I like the idea of using an annotation or describedby relationship that binds them 13:47:17 amelia: we need to accomodate a wide variety of DOM structures that support this. 13:47:44 amelia: the DOM structure should always follow the logical structure but with graphics that can be challenging 13:48:08 jason: we may need to highlight a region of a graphic 13:48:34 jason: ARIA now has an error message relationship 13:48:56 fred: for testing you might also find a lot of uses for associating information. 13:49:26 amelia: i am worried about a graphics event vs. a point in time vs. a user interaction event 13:49:32 fred: we might want a time event. 13:49:50 amelia: we should avoid the word event and say something like time data item 13:50:11 jason: we need to be comfortable that something only refers to time data items 13:50:22 fred: that one defintitely needs refinement 13:50:40 Topic: graphics-guide 13:50:41 graphics-guide 13:50:42 A guide object. The graphics-guide role is a subclass of graphics-object. Guide objects may need a aria-type (name TBD) property to help navigation distinguish between two features of the same role. For instance, it will be common to have two axis on charts and both axes will have a role of graphics-axis. To tell the axes apart, aria-type should be used. So the x axis could have a role of graphics-axis and an aria-type of x and the y axis cou[CUT] 13:50:43 a role of graphics-axis and a type of y. It is not valid to assume all guides with the same role should be treated as separate features, for instance a nested bar chart may have multiple x axes at the same nest level which are part of the same feature and a user should be able to directionally navigate between the nested axes at the same level. 13:50:56 fred: the subclasses of guide are: 13:52:06 fred: graphics guide is a subclass of graphics object 13:52:29 fred: the first subclass of graphics-guide is graphics-annotation 13:53:58 amelia: annotation needs to be more open, needs more complex text content 13:54:31 amelia: define more on what is excluded than allowed 13:55:41 fred: described graphis-axis 13:56:06 jason: add discussion on aria-minvalue, aria-maxvalue 13:57:34 scribe: Rich 13:58:08 amelia: you would not have a special role for the label text. It would be a collection of labels inside a graphics axis object 13:58:22 jason: what about the axis label itself 13:58:35 fred: I would call it a graphics title 13:58:45 jason: so any label would be a label for a point 13:58:58 jason: that seems ok and we just need to clarify it 13:59:11 fred: do we actually have a title role here 13:59:20 amelia: we do at the end 13:59:29 fred: it needs to be a child of axis 13:59:59 amelia: if we are going to say that child graphics role has semantic meaning we need to indicate it 14:00:15 jason: if we are going to use aria-label and aria-labelledby. 14:00:48 amelia: we have a number of places where label is a an independent label that does not show up in the accessibility tree. 14:00:56 jason: we need to look for that reason 14:01:17 amelia: I am putting in my concern for the record 14:01:26 Present+ Amelia 14:01:34 Present+ Jason 14:01:44 Present+ Fred 14:02:26 Fred: I am going to merge in the additional semantics we agreed to in the graphics module as a branch 14:02:42 jason: I may have issues with the move the next week but I will review the updates 14:02:44 s/does not show up/does not label any other object/ 14:03:02 Chair: Fred 14:03:11 RRSAgent, make minutes 14:03:11 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/07/24-svg-a11y-minutes.html richardschwerdtfeger 14:03:17 RRSAgent, make log public 14:04:32 Amelia: we should make it as a fork as it is easier to merge back in 14:04:41 RRSAgent, make minutes 14:04:41 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/07/24-svg-a11y-minutes.html richardschwerdtfeger 14:23:41 MichaelC has joined #svg-a11y 15:58:21 shepazu has joined #svg-a11y 15:58:52 Zakim has left #svg-a11y 16:11:12 richardschwerdtfeger has left #svg-a11y