15:56:49 RRSAgent has joined #audio 15:56:49 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/07/23-audio-irc 15:56:51 RRSAgent, make logs world 15:56:51 Zakim has joined #audio 15:56:53 Zakim, this will be 28346 15:56:53 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 15:56:54 Meeting: Audio Working Group Teleconference 15:56:54 Date: 23 July 2015 15:57:10 SteveBeckerMSFT has joined #audio 15:57:37 agenda+ uncommitted issue review 15:57:53 agenda+ Issue #523 Audio worker update from Paul 15:58:04 agenda+ Issue #13 Noise Gate 15:58:15 agenda+ Issue #436 Handling Attributes set to null 15:58:31 agenda+ Other issues noted as requiring review 15:58:42 jdsmith has joined #audio 15:59:57 list agenda 16:00:39 jernoble|laptop has joined #audio 16:01:30 wow, looks like someone's AEC is not doing its job 16:02:03 rtoyg_m has joined #audio 16:02:35 joe +present 16:02:47 present+ joe 16:02:55 present+ padenot 16:03:03 present+ jer 16:03:15 present+ shepazu 16:03:16 present+ rtoyg_m 16:03:21 present+ SteveBeckerMSFT 16:03:27 jdsmith has joined #audio 16:03:31 hongchan has joined #audio 16:03:36 present+ 16:03:45 present+ jdsmith 16:03:53 present+ hongchan 16:04:00 present+ jernoble|laptop 16:04:03 present+ rtoyg 16:04:03 agenda+ WebRTC/MediaCapture status 16:04:10 present+ cwilso 16:04:24 zakim, pick a victim 16:04:24 sorry, joe, I don't know what conference this is 16:06:14 ScribeNick: hongchan 16:06:19 I'll try. 16:06:20 next agendum 16:08:10 https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/564 16:09:05 rtoyg: it's a minor thing - a missing description. 16:09:22 joe: can we just mark it 'ready-for-editing' and assign this to you? 16:09:25 rtoyg: yes. 16:09:31 https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/565 16:09:52 todd has joined #audio 16:10:17 https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/566 16:10:20 joe: this is already assigned to Paul. 16:14:09 cwilso: AudioWorker-related event constructor might be useful for the stress test. 16:14:27 joe: we should mark this v.next and move on. 16:15:56 cwilso: TAG guidance is for constructors 16:16:09 cwilso: TAG's recommendation is any object should be constructable. 16:16:27 joe: mark 566 as ready for editing. 16:16:31 https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/567 16:17:26 joe: marking it as ready for editing. the issue is already assigned to Paul. 16:17:39 next agendum 16:18:18 https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/532 16:21:28 padenot: a preliminary draft in 2-3 weeks. 16:24:14 next agendum 16:24:36 https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/13 16:25:39 cwilso: seems like there was no objection, so I can merge the PR. 16:30:04 joe: it seems that we need more definitions. 16:33:42 joe & padenot: we should do it. 16:34:13 next agendum 16:34:31 https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/436 16:41:02 cwilso: ASBN.buffer should be re-settable. 16:41:20 joe: then we going to have few problems. 16:42:10 i.e. ABSN.buffer = b2 is the same as { ABSN.buffer = null; ABSN.buffer = b2 } 16:49:50 jernoble_ has joined #audio 16:50:19 rtoyg_m_ has joined #audio 16:51:08 cwilso: like jerry's proposal, setting null to ASBN.buffer should reset (re-init) the node. 16:54:02 joe: all outputs silence when the buffer set to null. 16:58:12 next agendum 16:58:18 next agendum 16:59:31 rtoyg: 8/13. 17:00:05 I'm out on the sixth also. 17:00:10 (in mid-move) 17:01:51 trackbot, end telcon 17:01:51 Zakim, list attendees 17:01:51 sorry, trackbot, I don't know what conference this is 17:01:59 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 17:01:59 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/07/23-audio-minutes.html trackbot 17:02:00 RRSAgent, bye 17:02:00 I see no action items