15:03:29 RRSAgent has joined #wot-ap 15:03:29 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/07/08-wot-ap-irc 15:03:31 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:03:31 Zakim has joined #wot-ap 15:03:33 Zakim, this will be 15:03:33 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 15:03:34 Meeting: Web of Things Interest Group Teleconference 15:03:34 Date: 08 July 2015 15:04:53 Present: tobie, dape, ddahl, jhund, soumya, tidoust 15:04:59 chair: jhund 15:05:08 scribenick: soumya 15:05:22 joerg has joined #wot-ap 15:05:36 present+ joerg 15:07:10 ddahl: begins presentation 15:08:17 ddahl: multimodal interaction WG - focused on user interfaces, combining different things like speech, handwriting 15:08:49 ddahl: modality inputs are applicable to input sensors and output to other things 15:08:58 ddahl: synergy between modality and WoT 15:09:34 ddahl: multimodal architecture - protocol for connecting things like camera to make an integrated system 15:09:48 ddahl: other on semantics 15:10:07 ddahl: semantics of user input, gives an example 15:11:53 ddahl: shows a slide on "putting things together" - multimodal spec 15:12:43 ddahl: interaction manager of the architecture orchestrates everything 15:13:21 ddahl: also need to interpret modality components 15:14:43 ddahl: generic modality component is similar to a servient 15:17:20 joerg: question on MMI being implemented in browser 15:17:30 ddahl: could be that 15:17:35 ddahl: amazon echo 15:18:13 daniel: can the orchestration be handed to the things at the bottom of the architecture? 15:18:54 ddahl: idea of nested component, withing one component there could be one interaction manager which is local to the things 15:19:12 ddahl: might be architecturally complecated 15:21:21 ddahl: showing an actual life cyle of an event 15:22:04 ddahl: will email later 15:31:55 jhund: asking for comments 15:32:02 none heard 15:32:13 ddahl: sending a paper 15:33:29 dsr has joined #wot-ap 15:33:42 scribenick: dsr 15:33:59 rrsagent, set logs public 15:34:06 chair: Johannes 15:34:13 scribenick: dsr 15:34:39 Topic: OMA LwM2M 15:34:51 Soumya presents an overview via screen sharing 15:35:25 LwM2M defines an app layer protocol with a client embedded in the M2M device 15:36:39 The approach uses CoAP and TLS over datagrams 15:37:23 Information is referred to as a resource, and a client may have may such resources that are logically organised as objects 15:37:43 LwM2M can also use SMS as a transport mechanism 15:39:04 A bootstrap process is used to provision information to the LwM2M client. This enables the client to register itself with one or more LwM2M servers. 15:40:16 Clients can register, update and unregister themselves. 15:41:28 A keep alive mechanism is used to enable servers to drop clients that appear to be dead 15:42:16 The protocol supports create, read, write, delete, execute, write attributes and discovery operations. 15:42:59 The discover operation provides all resources of an object. This is based on the CoRE link format. 15:44:29 Servers can register to observe an object or resource. The client then sends update notifications as needed. 15:45:37 This is presumably based on the CoAP observe mechanism 15:47:09 Soumya lists some further reading materials 15:47:33 He has sent the slides to the mailing list 15:50:00 Dave: is M2M looking at the experimental broker mechanism for CoAP pub-sub? 15:50:06 Soumya: not as far as I know 15:50:17 Dave: this could be interesting for future work 15:50:25 Topic CoRE 15:50:46 CoRE = constrained restful environment. 15:51:38 CoRE Linking defines a way to express Web Linking (inspired by HTTP Link, and before that by HTML Link element) 15:52:33 CoRE can be used with well known locations. CoAP defines GET operations on /.well-known/core as a way to discover all resources known to a given server. 15:53:07 The CoRE link format could in principle be used as part of registration process. 15:53:34 kaz has joined #wot-ap 15:54:08 The format includes some parameters, e.g. the resource type. This is either a URI or a registered name. 15:56:13 There are conventions for using paths, e.g. to access the device, endpoint or configuration. 15:57:02 An end point could be a sensor or actuator. 15:57:39 The if parameter indicates what CoAP methods are supported on a given path, GET, PUT, etc. 15:58:18 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:58:18 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/07/08-wot-ap-minutes.html kaz 15:58:51 Soumya has done some experiments with JSON. 15:59:00 present+ kaz 15:59:15 The abbreviations for paths and parameter values enables compact device descriptions. 15:59:23 present+ Dave 16:00:27 s/Topic CoRE/topic: CoRE/ 16:00:59 Johannes: so the rt parameter tells you what media types you can get, whilst the if parameter tells you what methods are supported. 16:01:03 i/ddahl: begins presentation/topic: MMI Architecture/ 16:01:06 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:01:06 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/07/08-wot-ap-minutes.html kaz 16:02:54 Johannes thanks Soumya and Debbie for their presentations. 16:03:02 Any other business? 16:03:05 [no] 16:03:28 Next meeting at the 1am - 2am European time 16:03:33 … end of call 16:03:41 rrsagent, make minutes 16:03:41 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/07/08-wot-ap-minutes.html jhund 16:03:41 rrsagent, make minutes 16:03:41 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/07/08-wot-ap-minutes.html dsr 16:06:39 ddahl has left #wot-ap 16:07:03 present+ kathy 16:07:05 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:07:05 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/07/08-wot-ap-minutes.html kaz 16:11:44 taki has joined #wot-ap 16:13:16 rrsagent, stop