22:56:06 RRSAgent has joined #wot-di 22:56:06 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/07/07-wot-di-irc 22:56:08 RRSAgent, make logs public 22:56:08 Zakim has joined #wot-di 22:56:10 Zakim, this will be 22:56:10 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 22:56:11 Meeting: Web of Things Interest Group Teleconference 22:56:11 Date: 07 July 2015 22:56:31 RRSAgent, make logs public 22:56:58 present+ Arne, Soumya 23:02:44 present+ Scott 23:08:53 Scott: Physical web discussion 23:09:06 Scott: web page to control 23:09:27 Scott: started 18 months ago and open source project 23:09:31 joerg has joined #wot-di 23:09:50 Scott: discovered privacy and efficieny issues 23:09:57 Scott: use BLE 23:10:48 Scott: BLE is connection less, advertise based 23:11:12 Scott: stick to single basic packet, 18 bytes 23:11:58 Scott: step 1 advertise 23:12:21 Scott: step 2 - client, open sourcing of client 23:13:04 Scott: going through proxy is good for content, privacy 23:13:39 Scott: considering spam and security 23:14:16 Scott: physical web should reflect original spirit of web, so no centralized authority 23:14:57 Scott: safe search API, get rid of phising sites, spams from beacons 23:15:42 Scott: https://github.com/google/physical-web/blob/master/documentation/introduction.md 23:16:07 Scott: standardize the broadcasting 23:17:22 Arne: question - easy to clone such beacon, is there a mechanism to prevent that 23:18:11 Arne: depending on context 23:18:33 Scott: lots of security issues, discussion on parking meter use case 23:19:14 Scott: being interactive is the key 23:19:54 Scott: Arne's concern is a valid one, need to consider spam filtering, trying to make it more secure 23:21:34 Arne: Apple's iBeacon is centralized approach 23:21:47 Arne: what are pros and cons? 23:22:06 Scott: there is no register, just a number for iBeacon 23:22:24 Scott: difficult to figure out what to do with the number 23:22:45 Scott: need to have apps, difficult for discovery 23:23:06 Scott: iBeacon is centralized which is against the philosophy of web 23:23:44 Scott: users need to give a lot of permissions 23:24:29 Scott: user might receive a lot of notifications from such beacons 23:25:14 Joerg: physical web could be entry point for WoT 23:25:45 Joerg: is there a different means of interaction 23:26:23 Joerg: having a browser find and click on things is the simplest 23:27:17 discussion on that 23:27:55 Scott: devices could be broadcasting URLs, schema based ad saying a device is a light 23:28:06 Scott: self discovery 23:28:29 Scott: a lot of emphasis on security 23:28:46 Scott: trying to form a proximity-dns 23:28:59 Scott: not going too far in protocol stack 23:31:36 Scott: mDNS version is there 23:31:45 Scott: it solves some security issues 23:31:57 Scott: not everything is good with BLE 23:33:02 Scott: use multiple tech like SSDP, mDNS, BLE 23:34:27 next Arne's discussion 23:35:24 Arne: structure the thoughts of discussion in wot-di 23:35:38 Arne: extend the wiki page with new tech on discovery 23:35:52 Arne: landscape divided into four categories 23:36:03 Arne: discuss the categorization aspect 23:36:24 Arne: next aim - derive generic discovery interaction patterns 23:36:27 Arne: for WoT 23:36:36 Arne: one could be finding things around me 23:36:50 Arne: first category - UriBeacon 23:38:33 Scott: comment - finding things - "white-listed" things from pre-installed apps (iBeacon) and "unknown" or "any" things (uribeacon) 23:38:53 Arne: wiki modified 23:39:02 Arne: finding thing in my network 23:39:31 Arne: mDNS 23:39:51 Arne: implemented by Apple Bonjour, UriBeacon 23:40:06 Arne: next SSDP, multitask approach 23:40:14 Arne: CoAP based approach 23:40:39 Arne: next web service discovery 23:40:52 https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Discovery_Categories_and_Tech_Landscape 23:41:22 Arne: third category - searching in directory 23:42:03 Arne: first candidate is CoRE resource directory 23:42:38 Arne: second - XMPP IoT discovery 23:43:05 Arne: third - sparql endpoints, a complex one, allows advanced queries 23:43:23 Arne: fourth categories - accessing thing metadata 23:43:38 Arne: access metadata resources after we find things 23:44:03 Arne: CoRE link format is a candidate, provides a well known entry point 23:44:36 Arne: HATEOAS is another one 23:45:48 Scott: comment - JSON-LD could be used in place of XML 23:46:08 Arne: we are looking at JSON-LD in thing description 23:46:33 Scott: suggest to include JSON-LD in category four 23:47:38 Joerg: hook to what is discussed in TF-TD, hand over from discovery from thing description 23:48:48 Soumya: joint TF-DI and TF-TD call at 9AM and proposed discussion there 23:49:33 Joerg: not defined what is web thing in tech landscape wiki 23:52:41 Joerg: looking for bringing web connectivity at small things 23:53:03 discussion on coming F2F in bay area 23:53:25 Joerg: start a principle kind of taxonomy of categories 23:54:10 Joerg: short taxonomy to compare technologies for discovery 23:54:33 Joerg: put them at the beginning of the wiki sections 23:54:49 Arne: tie that up with use cases, list also pros and cons 23:55:23 Scott: add - things that want to be discovered, things that want to be controlled, put a bit in the physical web 23:56:26 Scott: category 1 and 2 are finding real things while category 3 is finding resources, directories 23:56:49 Scott: category 3 might need UI based search 23:57:17 Arne: agrees on the points 23:57:40 Scott: we can put a LDAP server in category 3 23:58:43 RRSagent, generate minutes 23:58:43 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/07/07-wot-di-minutes.html Soumya 23:59:37 present+ Joerg 00:01:36 Joerg: XMPP IoT discovery - built for things that are largely distributed - look for a thing with particular metadata or location or serial no. - not sure about what is look up in directory 00:03:14 Scott: discussion on interoperability and metadata, structure of things, discovery, metadata - need to know what is the stack to be created 00:04:12 Joerg: certain scenarios do not have directories while some others might need to register themselves into directories 00:04:57 Joerg: diff kinds of discovery, how they are addressed in tech landscape, commonalities in technologies, context and purpose of discovery 00:05:56 Scott: interface between the categories using "an address" 00:06:24 Joerg: good comment 00:08:33 Soumya: continue the discussion on next TF-DI meeting 00:08:42 RRSAgent, draft minutes 00:08:42 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/07/07-wot-di-minutes.html Soumya 00:09:39 RRSAgent, generate minutes 00:09:39 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/07/07-wot-di-minutes.html Soumya