06:53:56 RRSAgent has joined #wot-ap 06:53:56 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/07/01-wot-ap-irc 06:55:33 jhund has joined #wot-ap 06:55:44 trackbot, start meeting 06:55:46 RRSAgent, make logs public 06:55:48 Zakim, this will be 06:55:48 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 06:55:49 Meeting: Web of Things Interest Group Teleconference 06:55:49 Date: 01 July 2015 06:56:19 Meeting: WoT IG taskforce on APIs and protocols regular call 06:57:33 Present+ Johannes, Neeraj, Kaz 06:57:45 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wot-ig/2015Jun/0096.html 07:03:19 dape has joined #wot-ap 07:03:33 Present+ Daniel, Dave, Joerg, Louay 07:04:04 Present+ Claes 07:06:31 Present+ Arne 07:06:52 Present+ Matsuda 07:07:43 dsr has joined #wot-ap 07:07:45 jhund_ has joined #wot-ap 07:07:51 present+ Dave 07:08:14 scribe: dape 07:08:18 scribenick:dape 07:08:20 scribeNick: dp 07:08:39 joerg_ has joined #wot-ap 07:08:49 JH: Agenda, additions to agenda 07:08:58 ... 1. preliminaries 07:09:28 .... 2. assignment of tech landscape (presentations) 07:09:44 ... 3. joint meeting IRTF 07:10:08 ... 4. F2F brainstorming for Sunnyvale 07:10:18 JH: Any changes? 07:10:24 All: None 07:10:35 DanhLePhuoc has joined #wot-ap 07:10:46 TOPIC: Tech Landscape 07:11:23 JH: We got comment to list also existing frameworks... this is up to discussion 07:11:55 ... would like to assign presentations/people to this landscape on the wiki 07:12:51 Louay: Wonder whether list is complete? See missing portions, eg. UPNP 07:13:35 ... also WebSocket on Client side 07:13:45 JH: May I ask you to extend list 07:13:54 Louay: Will do 07:14:36 Present+ Danh 07:14:37 Joerg: Need to find a way to categorize technologies.. similar to what the discovery group does 07:15:01 Present+ Dan 07:15:36 JH: Relations from discovery features to encoding protocol should be added 07:16:13 JH: Louay, please also add relations when adding new protocols. Thanks! 07:16:36 JH: More people to list findings or present protocols during the call? 07:16:38 rrsagent, make log public 07:16:43 rrsagent, draft minutes 07:16:43 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/07/01-wot-ap-minutes.html kaz 07:16:59 .. eg. IPSO, HTTP, ..? 07:17:24 ... any people with experience? please send mail or speak up 07:17:38 Louay has joined #wot-ap 07:18:28 Danh: Transport layer vs. application layer... list focuses on transport 07:19:29 ... on top of protocol we need to deal with API 07:19:37 JH: true 07:20:21 ... idea is to define resource model... and same API can be used no matter which encoding protocol is used 07:21:58 Louay: W3C Presentation API deals with same task... we just define API... and this can be mapped to many protocols 07:22:24 ... worthwhile checking what was done in this W3C group 07:22:33 JH: Can you give a summary on our call? 07:23:12 Louay: Sure, have some material.. next week is possible. After that I am 3 weeks on vacation.. 07:23:48 present+ DanhLePhuoc 07:24:02 JH: Any more comments on tech landscape? .. else use wiki 07:24:07 All: None 07:24:11 Presentation API Working Draft: http://w3c.github.io/presentation-api/ 07:24:31 TOPIC: Joint IRTF, 18-19 July Prague 07:24:53 JH: We have overlap with T2T research group 07:25:21 Second Screen WG Homepage: http://www.w3.org/2014/secondscreen/ 07:25:26 ... there will be presentations and also a break outs 07:27:18 ... breakouts A: 1. orchestration, 2. uses cases, requiremenst & modeling of subscriptions and 3. modeling of web thing 07:28:20 Claes_ has joined #wot-ap 07:29:17 s/Web of Things Interest Group Teleconference/Web of Things IG - AP TF/ 07:29:20 rrsagent, draft minutes 07:29:20 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/07/01-wot-ap-minutes.html kaz 07:29:30 Chair: Johannes 07:29:32 rrsagent, draft minutes 07:29:32 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/07/01-wot-ap-minutes.html kaz 07:29:34 ... breakouts B: 1. security & privacy, 2. existing infrastructure vs. new challenges, 3.experiences with IOT, 4, ACE, and 5. Sec Features & Plans 07:30:18 JH: Wiki https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Joint_IRTF_T2T_RG_/_W3C_WoT_IG_meeting_18-19_July_2015_in_Prague,_Czech_Republic is about what we can add/contribute 07:30:27 i/additions to agenda/scribenick: dape/ 07:30:28 rrsagent, draft minutes 07:30:28 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/07/01-wot-ap-minutes.html kaz 07:31:11 JH: Question: What seems relevant to present? Any ideas / comments 07:32:04 dromasca has joined #wot-ap 07:32:18 i/additions to agenda/topic: Preliminaries/ 07:32:20 rrsagent, draft minutes 07:32:20 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/07/01-wot-ap-minutes.html kaz 07:32:41 Dave: Suggest to plan agenda for both meeting IRTF and F2F now.. 07:33:53 JH: OK, lets postpone IRTF agenda and maybe take it to the list.. 07:34:29 s/F2F/Sunnyvale F2F/ 07:34:32 Dave: I wonder what is ready w.r.t. security&privacy... this is important 07:34:51 TOPIC: F2F in Sunnyvale 07:35:04 JH: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/F2F_meeting_29-31_July_2015_in_Sunnyvale_CA#Agenda 07:35:30 ... what would we as a task fork want to address? 07:36:08 Dave: working group charter seems to be very important to me 07:36:23 ...charter should be ready by the end of the year 07:36:36 .. real work is going to start next year 07:37:17 JH: each task force should know which topics are important 07:38:04 ...eg. come up with a common resource model .... reach consensus and write it down in a document 07:38:40 Dave: focus also on metadata, which format a server is supporting 07:39:37 Joerg: agree to look ahead. nevertheless we also should try to conclude topics we can agree on 07:40:25 q? 07:41:03 JH: outcome for me could be about 1.resource modeling, 2. metadata, 3. tech landscape, and 4. architecture model 07:41:41 Dave: working groups has to work on deliverables... like architecture models etc 07:42:02 (I’ve just updated the agenda, so please reload the page) 07:43:01 JH: We could start adding the afore mentioned objectives for the outcome of the f2f 07:43:08 .. also ask other task forces to do the same 07:43:17 Dave: great 07:44:08 JH: Open day in Sunnyvale, any topics/outreach we want to see there 07:44:33 Dave: Talked to Simon Mayer. He is in contact with people we can invite.. 07:44:49 Technology Landscape section in the Wiki is updated: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/APIs_and_Protocols_TF#Technology_Landscape 07:45:32 Joerg: first day is about "guests"... and syncing between task forces 07:46:40 JH: Agree, need to wrap-up some discussion for each objective.. maybe also giving a short summary 07:46:56 Dave: We should also welcome demos... 07:47:10 JH: Any demos planned? 07:47:31 ... none... lets add a point on that on wiki 07:47:40 JH: Lets come back to Prague meeting 07:48:02 Present+ Claes_Nilsson 07:48:26 ... would it make sense to give a summary of our discussions during that meeting? 07:49:03 ... summary should be ready for Prague so that we can even further improve it for our F2F 07:49:44 ... modeling of type resources... have contribution from EVRTHING.. should this be the starting point 07:50:06 my regrets due to a conflicting meeting 07:50:14 JH: Who plans to attend Prague meeting? 07:50:40 JH: It looks like only Joerg and me (Johannes) is attending.. 07:51:03 .. let me ask what we should take to Prague... 07:51:11 present +DanhLePhuoc 07:51:17 ... questions? white spaces? 07:52:23 Dave: there are a lot technical challenges... from small to big.. security privacy.. depends on the people attending the meeting 07:53:06 Joerg: We also have challenge to share same understanding of web of things and modeling... common reference 07:53:55 Dave: Yes, there should be a number of principles people can agree on 07:54:20 JH: Yes, let list them 07:54:34 ... would be very good for the discussion 07:55:02 Dave: also linked data in relation to semantics.. 07:55:26 JH: Could we summarize it to the Web principles.. 07:55:58 Dave: Layering is also of importance.. especially for developers 07:56:43 JH: Should try to list principles 07:57:44 JH: wrap-up: tech landscape (following presentations), IRTF meeting (consensus on basic principles), F2F (4 objectives to achieve) 07:58:15 rrsagent, draft minutes 07:58:15 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/07/01-wot-ap-minutes.html kaz 09:01:37 dsr has joined #wot-ap