15:09:27 RRSAgent has joined #forms 15:09:27 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/07/01-forms-irc 15:09:29 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:09:29 Zakim has joined #forms 15:09:31 Zakim, this will be IA_XForms 15:09:31 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 15:09:32 Meeting: Forms Working Group Teleconference 15:09:32 Date: 01 July 2015 15:09:46 Chair: Steven 15:10:26 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xformsusers/2015Jul/0001.html 15:10:35 Steven_ has changed the topic to: Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xformsusers/2015Jul/0001 15:10:40 Regrets: Nick 15:11:02 Topic: Summer period (holidays etc). 15:11:02 [No link] 15:11:24 Steven: I will be away July 14- Aug 7. 15:13:23 Steven: So I propose we stop mid-July, and restart Mid August 15:14:08 ... so the last call will be next week, and we will restart Aug 19th 15:14:21 Topic: Summer period (holidays etc). 15:14:21 [No link] 15:14:34 Topic: Access to wiki 15:14:34 [No link] 15:14:41 Steven: Still no news. 15:15:43 ... no replies to my emails; time to get cross 15:15:46 Erik: I would say 15:16:03 Topic: Debrief on Cross-device UIs workshop 15:16:03 [No link] 15:19:14 Steven: I went to a workshop in Germany, and got some interesting use cases. It would be easy in XForms, all we have to do is ensure that instances are synchronised with a server 15:19:34 Erik: I know some javascript packages thhat try to do that. 15:19:56 ... Google had Google Wave, where the idea was that changes were synchronised 15:20:12 ... it's now in Google docs, the underrlying protocol 15:20:18 s/rr/r/ 15:20:27 ... Operationsal 15:20:31 s/sal/al/ 15:20:53 ... what it is you are sunchronising exactly is not important. 15:21:10 Steven: Something interesting to think about for the future. 15:21:21 http://www.waveprotocol.org/whitepapers/operational-transform 15:21:22 Erik: Operational transformation is what it was called 15:21:40 Topic: XML Amsterdam 15:21:40 [No link] 15:21:59 alain has joined #forms 15:22:10 Meteor was the JS framework I was looking for: https://www.meteor.com/ 15:22:35 Steven: There will be an XML Amsterdam,, early November, at CWI. 15:23:21 ... 6 November 15:23:32 ... and I will be doing one of the keynotes. 15:24:07 Topic: public-xformsusers 15:24:07 [No link] 15:24:28 Steven: So Mark Seaborne has said he'll pick up the baton for the CG 15:24:53 ... and he's working on it. 15:25:30 Steven: The implementations I mentioned to him are: The living ones I know of are: XSLTForms, Orbeon, BetterForms, CM Pro, Jadu, Inventive Designers, OpenOffice/LibreOffice, IBM Lotus. If I think of any more I'll let you know. 15:25:30 http://www.cmprofessionals.eu/nieuws/xforms-workbench-trial-edition-announced-(english-only).aspx 15:25:30 http://www.jadu.net/xforms-professional-forms-solution 15:25:30 https://www.scripturaengage.com/blog/xforms-20 15:27:11 Alain: ODK 15:27:16 Steven: This one? https://opendatakit.org/ 15:27:44 Alain: That's it. 15:28:06 Topic: Making more usable 15:28:06 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xformsusers/2015Jul/0000.html 15:29:23 Erik: We have this in Orben 15:29:28 ... we use a component 15:29:28 https://github.com/orbeon/orbeon-forms/wiki/Form-Runner-~-XBL-Components-~-Grid#basic-usage 15:29:40 s/Orben/Orbeon/ 15:29:50 Erik: We have components based on XBL 15:30:08 ... it's a bit more specific than what you suggest. 15:30:22 ... Go to the link, and you will see something similar 15:31:12 ... there are constraints involved, frozen rows, and other things 15:31:29 Steven: I'll take a look 15:31:45 Erik: Let me find a link to a screenshot 15:31:58 https://github.com/orbeon/orbeon-forms/wiki/Form-Builder-~-Repeated-Grids 15:32:33 Erik: Also allows you to move things 15:33:17 ... so basically I agree, you usually want the same thing, and that is more than XForms offers 15:34:03 Topic: AOB 15:34:07 Erik: Nothing 15:34:10 Alain: No thanks 15:34:27 [ADJOURN] 15:34:40 Present: Steven, Erik, Alain 15:34:45 rrsagent, make minutes 15:34:45 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/07/01-forms-minutes.html Steven_ 15:34:57 alain has left #forms 17:31:24 Zakim has left #forms