13:28:24 RRSAgent has joined #wpay 13:28:25 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/06/12-wpay-irc 13:28:29 zakim, this will be wpay 13:28:29 ok, manu; I see T&S_WEBPYMT(WPAY_AGENT)9:30AM scheduled to start in 2 minutes 13:28:34 rrsagent, make logs public 13:28:50 Meeting: Web Payments IG Payment Architecture Telecon (Friday) 13:28:54 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:28:54 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/06/12-wpay-minutes.html manu 13:30:12 zakim, code? 13:30:12 the conference code is 9729 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), manu 13:30:33 T&S_WEBPYMT(WPAY_AGENT)9:30AM has now started 13:30:40 +[IPcaller] 13:30:48 zakim, I am [IPcaller] 13:30:48 ok, manu, I now associate you with [IPcaller] 13:30:52 zakim, IPcaller is me 13:30:52 +manu; got it 13:31:45 +Davd_Ezell 13:31:54 zakim, davd is manu 13:31:54 +manu; got it 13:32:19 zakim, who is on the call? 13:32:19 On the phone I see manu, manu.a 13:32:30 zakim, manu is DavidEzell 13:32:30 +DavidEzell; got it 13:32:34 zakim, manu.a is manu 13:32:34 +manu; got it 13:33:14 Erik has joined #wpay 13:33:27 On W3C Bridge? 13:33:34 Or Webex? 13:33:39 W3C bridge 13:33:41 zakim, code? 13:33:41 the conference code is 9729 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), manu 13:33:56 1) Ubiquity – necessary but demanding. 13:33:56 2) Efficiency 13:33:56 3) Safety 13:33:56 4) Speed 13:33:57 5) Legal 13:33:57 6) Governance 13:34:15 + +1.914.656.aaaa 13:34:39 zakim, aaaa is Eric 13:34:39 +Eric; got it 13:34:45 zakim, Eric is Erik 13:34:45 +Erik; got it 13:34:54 inflection points - speed, governance. 13:35:07 s/Or Webex?/Topic: US Fed Faster Payments Task Force/ 13:35:31 DavidE: speed and governance is slightly different from what we're doing. 13:36:09 zakim, call Ian-Office 13:36:09 ok, Ian; the call is being made 13:36:11 +Ian 13:36:24 zakim, who's here? 13:36:24 On the phone I see DavidEzell, manu, Erik, Ian 13:36:26 On IRC I see Erik, RRSAgent, Zakim, dezell, manu, Karen, schuki, Ian, wseltzer, trackbot 13:37:33 -Ian 13:37:55 Manu: I think we should start a Faster Payments Task Force / Web Payments Working Group / and reuse some of the work we're doing here over there. 13:38:27 https://github.com/w3c/webpayments-ig/blob/master/latest/requirements/requirements_draft.txt 13:38:34 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webpayments-ig/2015Jun/0045.html 13:38:49 "Digested notes from the Federal Reserve Secure Payments Taskforce call on Thursday 6/4/2015" 13:39:42 zakim, call Ian-Office 13:39:42 ok, Ian; the call is being made 13:39:43 +Ian 13:40:01 DavidE: I think we should add a link to US Fed security task force in external groups as well. 13:40:34 Erik: I'm probably going to be on steering committee - will make sure W3C is well represented there. 13:42:12 Topic: Face-to-Face Agenda Review 13:42:17 https://www.w3.org/Payments/IG/wiki/Main_Page/FTF_June2015 13:42:44 Ian: Going to skip right to the 16th - did a similar review w/ David yesterday. 13:43:41 Ian: We're pretty much at capacity - 42 people in the room - we need to be quick in intros, ask for scribes, will get confirmation on final numbers for dinner. Quick review of Agenda. 13:44:03 https://www.w3.org/Payments/IG/wiki/Main_Page/FTF_June2015/Capabilities 13:44:10 Ian: Quick mention of call for consensus on Vision draft... then Pat will talk about Capabilities. 13:45:22 https://www.w3.org/Payments/IG/wiki/Main_Page/FTF_June2015/UseCases 13:45:26 Ian: use case capability prioritization - tweaked the use case presentation yesterday... 13:46:08 Ian: Close the loop and see if this is what we want to cover - focus on roadmap / prioritization and use cases. 13:46:36 q+ to ask about the two times we discuss Roadmap... 13:46:53 q? 13:47:04 q? 13:47:13 ack DavidEzell 13:47:13 DavidEzell, you wanted to ask about the two times we discuss Roadmap... 13:48:16 Manu: It seems like we're talking about Roadmap twice? 13:48:42 Ian: They're both related to prioritization. 13:49:37 Manu: SO we talk about use cases and prioritization and roadmap lite on the first day... then we get into details of roadmap on second day. 13:50:10 Ian: For the proposed first version, we cover which use cases should be supported. There is some connect between use cases and roadmap. I thought we would say - for v1, the top things are /these things/. 13:50:33 Ian: What are our goals - goals are expressed in the roadmap - we're going to come back to that in detail, but let's look at roadmap goals 13:51:53 Ian: "To fulfill those Roadmap goals, we need to do these use cases" 13:53:08 Ian: In terms of roadmap, I hope we have authentication charters ready to review - not there yet. 13:53:12 Ian: It may happen. 13:53:38 Ian: Next is browser perspective... draft presentation will be done today. 13:53:52 Ian: Card Security and the Web model - presentation is up now. 13:54:00 Ian: Credentials presentation is there... 13:54:48 Manu: Can Eric and Richard say something during the Credentials discussion in the Q/A portion of it? 13:55:59 Ian: Once we have use cases from the payments group, we can identify capabilities - once we know which capabilities we need, we can match capabilities between the groups. If everyone wants the same thing, that's a great grounding of why we'd want to work together. It's a bit premature for them to talk about capabilities at the meeting. 13:56:21 Ian: The thing I liked about conversation in CG call - here are use cases that converge between education, healthcare, and financial industry use cases. 13:56:35 Ian: Have them talk about financial industry use cases that touch on healthcare and education. 13:56:59 Ian: Main goal is getting our stuff on the table. I want to make sure that people in the IG have the chance to express what they need. Interesting to hear nearby things. 13:57:51 Ian: If their contributions can help stimulate discussion, that's also a good thing. 13:58:28 Ian: My desire is for IG to say what it needs... still very useful to have them in the room to hear perspectives in the room and then come back once we align capabilities. 13:58:42 Manu: sounds good. 13:58:56 Ian: Settlement Task Force proposal - expecting a draft today. 13:58:57 q+ 13:59:15 Ian: Glossary fundamentals - Evert and Adrian committed to it, but haven't heard from them yet. 13:59:17 ack Erik 13:59:58 Erik: I gave Manu a good list of bullet points from US Fed list - they directly reference healthcare being targeted - identity theft from healthcare has impact on financial services (steal an identity, open a financial account) 14:00:29 Ian: One of the things I circled in your notes - counterfeited payment instruments are a direct result of identity theft - minimize damage if stolen. 14:00:54 Ian: I think it's useful to bring in connections - if strategy ends up making this a generic thing for the Web, we're going to have to have other communities involved. 14:01:08 Ian: There are lots of "identity people" in the world, and they're not yet a part of the discussion. 14:01:21 Ian: We may want to get experts from IETF, etc. in the room. 14:02:10 Ian: We need to focus on hot topics in order to use breakout sessions on 17th. 14:02:21 Ian: This is day 2 - 17th of June 14:02:59 DavidE: I have to chat with Mark Tiggas today - get status of presentation. 14:03:06 Ian: Can I publish that on the Web? Can he send it to me? 14:03:18 DavidE: Erik, will there be a flipchart in the room to use as a parking area? 14:03:48 Ian: When I send updated spreadsheet, I'll send request for flipchart 14:03:53 dsr has joined #wpay 14:04:16 Ian: Ok, then next are breakout sessions - security next steps 14:06:59 https://www.w3.org/Payments/IG/wiki/Main_Page/FTF_June2015/SecurityNextSteps 14:08:41 chaals has joined #wpay 14:09:04 Manu: Erik if you can take your large list from the US Fed security TF and summarize in 5 bullets in that wiki above, that would be great. 14:09:26 Ian: Roadmap for Standardization - look at roadmap for charters, roadmap - looking at priorities wiki. 14:10:09 Ian: At 2:30pm - we have an open hour - charter opens hard issues - we have an hour to hammer that out together. 14:10:17 Ian: Moved deployment/adoption considerations to end of day. 14:10:35 Ian: As we move deeper and deeper into things, we may find we have misunderstandings 14:10:55 Ian: PAWG charter has been updated - small changes to charter. 14:11:56 Ian: here's the updated document: https://www.w3.org/Payments/IG/wiki/Roadmap/PaymentArchitectureWG#Deliverables 14:12:05 +Katie_Haritos-Shea 14:12:19 Present: David_Ezell, Erik, Ian, Katie, Manu 14:12:51 Ryladog has joined #wpay 14:12:59 Ian: Looking at adoption/deployment considerations will show if we speak the same language - wanted that to happen at end of meeting on Tue. Leaves extra time on the next day to figure out breakouts to discuss other things. 14:13:36 Ian: Then the next day, June 18th - Use Cases next steps... then roundtable prep. 14:13:42 Ian: What do we agree on, what do we not agree on? 14:14:00 Ian: Want to gather questions as we go for roundtable... will add to roundtable bits - final sessions, wrap/up. 14:14:44 Ian: We may want to summarize a bit - at the end - chairs should pay attention as we go - summarize key conclusions if we met meeting goals - compare with meeting goals. Review and update actions and timetable. Could look at next face-to-face meeting... break and roundtable folks start up. 14:16:00 Manu: Do we need breakout topics down now? 14:16:23 Ian: Yeah, we could put draft topics down, then decide on breakouts during the meeting. 14:16:32 Ian: We could use a pad for that in the room - also could put that in the wiki. 14:17:08 Ian: We have an hour for breakout sessions - we may want to make breakout session 1 hour and 15 minutes longer - make summary shorter. 14:17:27 Ian: in practice, we will sort through candidate topics for 10 minutes - then break for 1 hour. 14:17:49 Manu: Do we have a list of people going? 14:18:09 Ian: I will send the list of names and affiliations to member-visible list of IG today. 14:21:07 Ian: I still need three presentations - will spend a bit of time today focusing on deployment. 14:22:25 Ian: Thanks a bunch to Manu, Erik, David, Adrian, and Pat for contributing so much to make sure we're ready for the face-to-face. 14:23:07 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:23:07 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/06/12-wpay-minutes.html manu 14:23:55 Regrets: Pat, Adrian 14:24:40 s/On W3C Bridge?/scribe: manu/ 14:25:35 s/W3C bridge/dezell: Updates from US Fed Faster Payments Task Force "things that are important" list:/ 14:25:54 Erik: I'm happy to do the security presentation. 14:26:09 Laurent Castillo, Gemalto 14:26:19 Ian: Ok, then moving Wendy's presentation to Roadmap... 14:26:34 -DavidEzell 14:26:35 -Erik 14:26:36 -Ian 14:26:48 -Katie_Haritos-Shea 14:26:59 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:26:59 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/06/12-wpay-minutes.html manu 14:27:27 Chair: Everyone! 14:27:28 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:27:28 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/06/12-wpay-minutes.html manu 14:32:19 Yep. It was a finale! 14:32:31 I sent an email, CC'ed Manu on the 2nd attempt 14:32:39 rrsagent, bye 14:32:39 I see no action items