15:02:26 RRSAgent has joined #wot-di 15:02:26 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/06/10-wot-di-irc 15:02:28 Edoardo_Pignotti_ has joined #wot-DI 15:02:39 present+ Soumya 15:02:55 DanhLePhuoc has joined #wot-di 15:02:56 present+ Edoardo_Pignotti 15:03:05 present+ DanhLePhuoc 15:03:35 meeting: WoT IG Discovery Task Force 15:03:48 chair: Soumya 15:03:53 scribenick: dsr 15:04:56 present+ Dave, Soumya, Ashok, Arne, Danh, Edoardo, Hamid, Kathy 15:05:09 Soumy introduces the agenda for today’s call 15:05:51 Edoardo presents on his ideas for requirements for discovery 15:07:15 Oxford flood monitoring project based upon IoT sensors, and tools for analysys and visualisation. 15:08:43 The sensors need to be able to register themselves and to discover metadata such as who their owner is 15:09:17 There is a low power radio link from sensors to gateways as well as a peer to peer mechanism 15:10:05 The sensor needs to disover where to send its data 15:10:12 along with how frequently 15:11:36 The metadata is maintained in the cloud, and hence the sensor/gateway have to find that from the cloud 15:12:19 Soumya: do you think there is a need to combine registration within the discovery framework? 15:12:45 Edoardo: there are a lot of links between security, discovery and registration. 15:13:55 I will now turn to the application perspective. Here we have maps and external data sources and can use this with the sensor data for visualisation and analytics 15:14:06 Arne has joined #wot-di 15:14:33 Given some information about geographical features, can we find external data from the Web? 15:15:23 One aspect of course is the location, another is quality of data and whether particular readings match the desired quality including the timeliness. 15:16:12 We also want to find devices that are relevant to a particular geographical feature such as a river. 15:16:35 It is thus interesting to explore information in terms of a given context 15:17:08 Trust is another factor than can be useful in discovery. 15:17:23 jhund has joined #wot-di 15:17:23 Another piece of context is whether a given waterway is accessible. 15:17:54 I hope this provide a useful input to the task force 15:18:31 Soumya asks Edoardo to summarise his points for use on the wiki. 15:21:23 Soumya displays the table of use cases, and asks for volunteers to talk about the discovery implications for each one 15:22:12 Dave briefly summarises for the smart washing machine - either the device directly registers with a cloud service, or the home hub discovers the washing machine and searchs for suitable drivers. 15:22:28 Soumya: let’s move on to discussing the lifecycle 15:23:52 In the previous call we chatted about the scenario where someone removes a wristband and asked the question how long does it take for the cloud service to be aware of this. From that we opened up the general topic of lifecycle in the context of the discovery framework. 15:27:01 Dave presents some ideas … 15:27:40 Eoardo: some systems provide a heartbeat that indicates liveness of the sensor. 15:28:37 s/ideas …/ ideas about the use of context events, monitoring mechanisms, and the means to interpolate measurements when a sensor is missing from a mesh 15:29:47 Danh: heartbeat is one mechanism, another is streaming of continuous data 15:30:23 discovery can be static based upon static metadata, the other is based upon dynamic info 15:30:53 present+ Johannes 15:32:04 Johannes: for long lived battery operated devices, these are only active every now and then, so it may be possible to monitor that as a sign of liveness 15:33:42 Dave: keep alive mechanisms at the transport layer may be used to indicate a measure of liveness at the abstraction layers above 15:34:07 Johannes: some protocols have something like this and could be so used 15:35:05 Johannes: as Dave raised the question of firewalls, we have a distinction between local area and wide area presence 15:35:43 s/layer may/layer for keeping firewall traversal sessions alive and may/ 15:36:04 Soumya: let’s now turn to potential building blocks for discovery 15:36:30 We definitely need a module for managing registration of devices, either in a hub or in the cloud 15:37:11 What else can we envisage? One instance is a search engine 15:37:52 Let’s go around the table to sample everyone’s ideas 15:38:12 Edoardo: does this include lifecycle 15:38:23 Soumya: yes it could 15:39:02 Soumya asks if Edoardo has any comments on discovery building blocks? 15:40:42 My WebEx stalled 15:41:19 Dave: one way is for the things acting as agents to make use of platform specific discovery mechanisms 15:41:47 Johannes mentions a number of decentralised discovery mechanisms 15:42:27 e.g. bluetooth beacons, NFC, barcodes … 15:43:28 Soumya asks if Johannes could prepare a presentation on peer to peer based discovery? 15:44:03 Johannes: we could get back to Scott Jansen (Google) to talk about his work on the physical web as a basis for discovery 15:44:15 Soumya: could you contact him about that? 15:44:20 Johannes: yes 15:45:02 Arne: CoAP supports multicast based discovery (as an alternative to mDSN and SDP) 15:45:52 You can imagine search engines like Google which allow informal queries, or you could have more formal search interfaces 15:46:27 Arne asks what the plans are for collecting our thoughts in a report 15:47:12 Soumya: in the last meeting we decided to set up a draft report in GitHub for us to collaborate on via the issue tracking mechanism 15:47:37 Johannes points to https://github.com/w3c/wot/tree/master/TF-DI 15:49:11 Danh: you can ask gateways what sensors are connected right now, or you can query the log for historical record 15:49:22 what are our requirements here? 15:51:07 Soumya asks Danh if he could prepare a presentation about the context related info that discovery needs to expose 15:51:38 Danh: in our use case, we expose the sensor data, but not the devices themselves 15:51:55 I could talk more about this next week 15:53:04 I would like to understand how discovery relates to the overall architecture 15:53:33 Soumya: yes indeed, for instance is discovery hidden from users or not 15:54:30 Soumya: we should start using the issue tracker for the Github report for this task force (see link above) 15:55:07 Edoardo: peer discovery could be an interesting building block, and context is another. 15:56:26 Johannes: in the APIs and protocols TF call, the issue of legacy devices was raised. Here a registry could be valuable for retrieving suitable drivers for such devices 15:57:06 We need to discuss how the requisite info to enable this is discovered and along with the requirements for registries of device drivers 15:57:56 Soumya: I’ve done some work on that. 15:58:33 q+ to talk about dependencies 16:00:39 Dave: we also need to address discovery in the sense of when things are compatible or safe to use - this is part of provisioning 16:00:50 Soumya: let’s pick up on that in a future call 16:01:02 any other comments? [no] 16:01:18 rrsagent, set logs public 16:01:25 rrsagent, make minutes 16:01:25 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/06/10-wot-di-minutes.html dsr 17:26:15 bengo has joined #wot-di 17:28:01 bengo has joined #wot-di 18:54:40 bengo has joined #wot-di 19:11:07 bengo has joined #wot-di 19:56:42 bengo has joined #wot-di 21:28:43 bengo_ has joined #wot-di 22:02:58 bengo has joined #wot-di 23:00:51 bengo has joined #wot-di 23:37:57 bengo has joined #wot-di 23:43:25 bengo has joined #wot-di 23:49:53 bengo has joined #wot-di 23:56:50 bengo has joined #wot-di