22:56:43 RRSAgent has joined #wot-td 22:56:43 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/06/09-wot-td-irc 22:56:45 RRSAgent, make logs public 22:56:45 Zakim has joined #wot-td 22:56:47 Zakim, this will be 22:56:47 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 22:56:48 Meeting: Web of Things Interest Group Teleconference 22:56:48 Date: 09 June 2015 23:01:59 bengo has joined #wot-td 23:07:31 Soumya has joined #wot-td 23:15:30 Soumya has joined #wot-td 23:18:35 Kerry presents the work on Spatial Data on the Web 23:29:09 bengo has joined #wot-td 23:29:39 Kerry: the group will work on OWL-Time ontology, SSN ontology 23:31:30 Kerry: w3c rdf "datacube" too 23:35:08 Kerry: IoT use cases that are mix of spatial and time related data and reasoning about this data 23:58:18 Soumya Kanti Datta presents Sensor Markup Language (SenML) 00:04:03 bengo has joined #wot-td 00:11:08 bengo has joined #wot-td 00:12:36 Darko_Anicic_ has joined #wot-td 00:14:01 smnmyr has joined #wot-td 00:17:06 Pre-conference: Short discussion whether the timezone-hopping is appropriate (Kerry, Darko, Ari). No great solution found though... 00:19:52 Kerry Taylor is now talking about the Spatial Data on the Web WG 00:19:58 Kerry works at CSIRO, chaired the SSN group 00:20:03 She's happy that we're aligning #wot and #sdwwg 00:20:07 SDWWG is awaiting clearance for public working draft at the moment 00:20:09 Kerry shows linked data sample that is used for climate monitoring. Challenges related to measuring stations moving around over time. 00:20:13 New project to be published soon: more dynamic data (15min updates) 00:20:16 Talks about spatial data collaboration between W3C and OGC 00:20:19 Stats on ssdwg group: 64+ people, 37+ orgs WoT People: Look out for the SDWWG at the F2Fs! 00:20:32 SDWWG is working on best practices for spatial data encoding, relation vocabs, geometry, APIs. Generate concrete recommendations from [de-facto] standards. The SDWWG's first public draft will be a use cases and requirements document 00:20:41 SDWWG are also working on a recommendation of an OWL-time standard (that is already widely used, but will see a few changes...) 00:20:43 SDWWG are also working on a recommendation of an OWL-time standard (that is already widely used, but will see a few changes...) 00:20:49 And, of course, the Semantic Sensor Networks ontology ;-) 00:20:54 Her favorite example is that it's being used for satellite configuration and it's widely used in the IoT and environmental sensing 00:20:56 Doesn't think that there's anything "wrong" in SSN, but there is a long wish list. 00:20:59 Remote sensing: Want to have a structure to make 3D (lat/long/time) data available as linked data 00:21:02 Potential in IoT space is huge here: convenience of accessing (especially satellite) data 00:21:05 They're also looking at provenance (PROV ontology) 00:21:10 Several concrete application examples (on her slide) 00:21:13 Recommends "Taylor, Parsons: Where Is Everywhere (IEEE IC 19:2)" as introduction for WoT WG members 00:21:16 Thank you, Kerry! Questions? 00:21:19 Darko: What essential changes/extensions are planned? 00:21:22 Kerry shows the wiki to answer Darko's question: http://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Main_Page 00:21:25 Kerry also shows their draft of the requirements and use cases. Each use case contains links to related deliverables and to related requirements. 00:21:27 SDWWG does not target extending SSN with actuators. But we c/should enable that ;-) 00:21:30 Darko: What level of semantics do you recommend for Web of Things scenarios? SSN is great, but is it too heavy for WoT? 00:21:33 Kerry: They do target modularizing SSN - to tackle heaviness. Modularization planned roughly along the boxes on her title slide. 00:21:35 Kerry: Big requirement is to better tell people how to put their data online. The current published way is not descriptive enough... 00:21:39 Kerry: Regarding the missing actuators, ssn:Device roughly corresponds to a "wot:Thing". But they also have ssn:SensingDevice that inherit from ssn:Device and ssn:Sensor. So if we want actuation, this is where to extend SSN. 00:21:42 Kerry: Will be interesting to see how actuation will be hooked up with sensing. 00:21:45 Thank you, Kerry! :-) 00:21:54 Next up: Soumya Kanti Datta: Introduction to the Sensor Markup Language 00:21:59 The idea here is to tackle the heterogeneity of sensors and their measurements. To do that, SenML defines new media types to carry simple sensor information. 00:22:04 Represent Sensor Measurement + Device Parameters (Name, ID, type, unit, timestamp, etc.) 00:22:08 Implemented in JSON,XML,EXI (e.g., application/senml+json type) 00:22:10 Important: SenML is great for constrained devices *and* for stronger servers since encoding/parsing is very efficient 00:22:12 Slide 5: "base" name is a kind of default name (so you don't need to mention the same name all the time...same for time and units 00:22:15 Slides 6 and 7 show concrete format (for JSON serialization) 00:22:17 Soumya is done. Questions anyone? 00:22:20 Ari: Do you have any comments about how their draft should be improved? 00:22:23 Soumya: It's very conceivable that SenML can be extended for actuators. 00:22:26 Darko: What about location information? There was unit, value, time, etc. but how is the application aware about the location of a measurement? 00:22:30 Soumya: Idea of SenML is to describe measurements and device parameters. They didn't consider location a primary parameter, but: CoRE link has it, so Soumya suggests using the two together. 00:22:32 Darko: What about processing the data? Is that out of scope? 00:22:35 Soumya: One of his colleagues used SenML as input for a semantic reasoner -- SenML as stepping stone for semantics-based processing of the data, since it gives the measured value as well as side information. 00:22:38 Darko: This is still an open question though, due to the gaps between the different technologies... 00:22:40 Any more questions? 00:22:43 Thank you, Soumya! 00:23:24 Thank you, Simon for scribing! 00:23:37 rrsagent, create minutes 00:23:37 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/06/09-wot-td-minutes.html Darko_Anicic 00:26:16 bengo has joined #wot-td 01:01:00 Zakim has left #wot-td 01:26:34 bengo has joined #wot-td