15:01:47 RRSAgent has joined #DPUB 15:01:47 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/06/05-DPUB-irc 15:02:04 zakim, this is DPub_Dpub 15:02:05 ok, clapierre; that matches DPUB_DPUB A1()11:00AM 15:02:07 - +1.415.400.aaaa 15:02:07 DPUB_DPUB A1()11:00AM has ended 15:02:07 Attendees were +1.415.400.aaaa 15:02:27 rrsagent, make logs public 15:02:39 DPUB_DPUB A1()11:00AM has now started 15:02:44 DPUB_DPUB A1()11:00AM has ended 15:02:45 Attendees were 15:03:03 https://mit.webex.com/mit/j.php?MTID=me61494d75b248018777b1bbf0b87dd3b 15:03:42 +1-617-324-0000 15:05:43 present+ 15:06:01 present+ Deborah Kaplan 15:06:02 present+ tzviya siegman 15:06:09 present+ charles lapierre 15:06:14 present+ mia lipner 15:06:37 https://github.com/w3c/dpub-accessibility/blob/gh-pages/index.html 15:08:07 http://w3c.github.io/dpub-accessibility/ 15:10:16 title: DPUB A11y 15:10:21 chair: Charles 15:15:08 We need to reach out to PF to get the scripts so that when WCAG gets updated our Note also get updated for the Appendix dealing with WCAG techniques also gets updated. 15:15:20 Could also reach out to Jean Spellman. 15:16:19 q+ 15:16:33 Charles is working on the Appendix A WCAG Techniques 15:16:59 Deborah is working on the framework of the Note itself. 15:17:22 I have put the meat of the main part of the note in there, but I think it's going to need a *lot* of massaging to make it W3C friendly, 15:17:26 Today's meeting we hope to divide up some of the work so we can get this note completed by January, 2016 15:17:31 should I reach out to Ivan or Jeanne? 15:17:45 yes. 15:18:17 yes 15:18:28 S/Jean/Jeanne 15:19:19 http://www.w3.org/2001/06/manual/ 15:19:24 tzviya, in terms of this note we have a lot of leeway since we are an IG 15:19:42 …, style guide provided above 15:20:21 …, we should probably reach out to Ivan / Jeanne to look this over 15:21:01 …, we should ask them to do a once over, and make sure we are going in the right direction. 15:21:38 …, I am out until Monday the 15th, and will take a look after that. 15:24:25 …, Charles to reach out to Jeanne to ask how to do this Appendix so it looks like the Mobile Note's Appendix. 15:24:55 Charles, mia how do you see yourself helping out with this group? 15:25:21 Mia, I can help out with possible help with the writing and review. 15:28:54 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:28:54 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/06/05-DPUB-minutes.html clapierre 16:08:49 clapierre has left #dpub 17:29:00 Zakim has left #dpub 20:35:47 mihnea_____ has joined #dpub 20:42:06 astearns has joined #dpub 20:57:18 iank has joined #dpub 21:09:13 Karen has joined #dpub 21:18:42 Karen has joined #dpub