14:59:40 RRSAgent has joined #hcls 14:59:40 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/05/26-hcls-irc 14:59:42 RRSAgent, make logs world 14:59:42 Zakim has joined #hcls 14:59:44 Zakim, this will be HCLS 14:59:44 ok, trackbot; I see SW_HCLS()11:00AM scheduled to start in 1 minute 14:59:45 Meeting: Semantic Web Health Care and Life Sciences Interest Group Teleconference 14:59:45 Date: 26 May 2015 15:00:11 SW_HCLS()11:00AM has now started 15:00:15 rhausam has joined #HCLS 15:00:18 +DBooth 15:01:09 +ericP 15:01:56 + +1.801.949.aaaa 15:02:19 zakim, aaaa is rhausam 15:02:19 +rhausam; got it 15:03:06 Lloyd has joined #HCLS 15:03:18 +[IPcaller] 15:03:23 zakim, ipcaller is lloyd 15:03:23 +lloyd; got it 15:05:09 Tony has joined #HCLS 15:05:36 + +1.978.794.aabb 15:05:52 zakim, aabb is Tony 15:05:52 +Tony; got it 15:06:30 Marc_Twagirumukiza has joined #HCLS 15:06:44 +??P6 15:07:13 Zakim, ??P6 is Marc_Twagirumukiza 15:07:13 +Marc_Twagirumukiza; got it 15:11:32 Topic: Side-by-side example of two FHIR RDF approaches (Tony Mallia) 15:14:05 Scribe: Marc_Twagirumukiza 15:14:28 http://wiki.hl7.org/index.php?title=File:FHIR_RDF_Sample_side_by_side_comparisons.pdf 15:14:59 Tony: We had been working on this also in small group 15:15:20 Tony: there are line number which can help in the document 15:15:47 Tony: section 2.1 (see L25-28) 15:16:24 Tony: saw that the github version changed 15:16:46 I had originally done this, the value has no specific domain 15:17:24 Tony: FHIR primitives 15:18:30 s/I had/Tony: I had/ 15:18:31 +[IPcaller] 15:19:00 Rafael has joined #HCLS 15:19:15 Rafael here 15:19:21 zakim, IPcaller is Rafael 15:19:21 +Rafael; got it 15:20:26 dbooth: Line 25 .coding is supposed to be a predicate URI TBD? 15:20:34 Tony: section 1.2 and sub-section 15:22:26 Tony: The original github was wrong... it has been corrected 15:22:44 ericP: That means the algorythm was wrong? 15:23:23 Tony: section 1.2.2 shows it 15:24:38 ... the FHIR sting has a value which is a FHIR primitive 15:24:57 Tony: coding.code.value needs to be an object property, not a datatype property, for extensibility -- to allow other properties to be attached. 15:25:53 ... section 2 line 79 15:26:00 ... and following 15:26:42 ... there is a problem of BN, some inferences work some others not 15:26:56 s/BN/bnodes 15:27:48 ... this the first step L130 15:28:11 Lloyd: can you explain more--- don't understand well 15:29:07 Tony: L115 un-labelled BN and L130 labelled BN 15:30:28 q+ 15:31:33 Lloyd: I can have 2 different codings 15:32:16 -Rafael 15:32:26 Tony: they can have different declarations 15:32:43 Tony: the same singleton URI can have different declarations in different places 15:33:02 q+ 15:33:11 q+ 15:33:26 dbooth: It would help if we differentiate things here 15:33:37 ack dbooth 15:33:43 ack ericP 15:34:24 ericP: if we have a single term and we need to have extension we would not go to the single term 15:34:39 eric: If we attach extra properties to a singleton URI at all, we're saying that they are true everywhere. We'll instead want a node that is *related* to that singleton, so that we can attached extensions to that intermediate node. 15:34:46 ack Lloyd 15:35:11 -lloyd 15:35:13 lloyd: We can have 5,000 instances, each referring to the same code, but each one must independent. 15:35:19 tony: why? 15:35:22 Lloyd: ech term has to be completery different from each other 15:35:27 q+ 15:35:36 +[IPcaller] 15:35:47 Tony: why they need to be separated? 15:36:12 ack dbooth 15:37:10 Lloyd: I think I agree with you 15:37:23 lloyd: why do we need a singleton at all? why not have a class? 15:38:09 ... we could have an inference rule that sees that class. 15:38:14 Tony: L131 15:38:56 ... BN could be a unique URI 15:38:57 http://piratepad.net/hcls2 15:40:55 Tony: the nice thing here the label is attached to the name of the class and the label is propagated to the instances 15:41:07 q+ 15:41:28 .. in SNOMED f.eg is attached to the Class 15:41:52 If you change the name of L135 the label will go 15:42:59 Tony: If you don't declare the individual,.... I dont think you can infer the label 15:43:22 Lloyd: we need to investigate what cause this 15:43:43 dbooth: Would help to separate out the question of punning. It's a convenience that can be used, but doesn't do anything you could not do with separate URIs. 15:44:28 rhausam has joined #HCLS 15:44:53 Tony: property chain seems to work with the reasoner 15:45:34 dbooth: ... named individuals Vs BN 15:46:43 ... we have to figure out if we need unique IRI 15:47:28 correct not IRI but URI 15:48:11 dbooth: How are we going to proceed? 15:48:42 ericP: we need to figure out if we need to something there 15:48:57 dbooth: we need exemples 15:49:21 -> http://piratepad.net/hcls example of BNode differentiation 15:49:25 Tony: Lets' use the exemples we have there 15:50:27 ... We can start with an assumption that the BN works 15:52:08 ericP: Using the exemples I had before 15:52:28 ACTION: David to ask Michel Dumontier about bnode inference problem 15:52:28 'David' is an ambiguous username. Please try a different identifier, such as family name or username (e.g., dbooth, dderour, dhansen2, dnewman, dshotton, dwild). 15:52:36 dbooth: to create an action 15:53:50 Tony: I don't see the direction, I would take it back to BN 15:55:45 ... Concept Binding Internal-- Section 3 15:56:56 dbooth: I don't see the class at L294 15:57:21 ... I was expecting allergy confirmed there L294 15:58:11 Tony: see line 300 is there 15:58:23 ... there is a Class 15:59:33 Lloyd: L299 has to be URI 16:01:29 Tony: am in favour not to use the reasoner for that, it's not scalable 16:04:06 q+ 16:04:18 ack dbooth 16:04:49 q- 16:04:58 ack ericP 16:05:02 - 16:05:10 Scribe: dbooth 16:05:13 -Marc_Twagirumukiza 16:06:10 eric: tony wants a single pass; lloyd wants a clear def of what the RDF is. We could say that the transformation does two things. 16:06:57 lloyd: My understanding of the requirements is that we will not inject any information other than what is in the instance data. Nothing else can use it in round tripping. 16:07:19 tony: It's part of the valueset definition. 16:07:39 lloyd: valueset definitions don't give you URLs for SNOMED concepts. 16:08:42 ... There are no SNOMED concept URIs in the def. 16:09:17 ... When you convert FHIR XML to RDF, you cannot introduce the SNOMED URIs. 16:09:25 q+ 16:11:39 lloyd: Cannot add info except what's in the metadata that is part of the resource definition. 16:12:01 ... The resource defn knows cardinality, etc. but not about SNOMED URIs. 16:12:17 ... Therefore the SNOMED URIs cannot be a part of the round tripping process. 16:12:38 ... But it *can* be introduced later by an ontology, by SPARQL rules, by many other ways. 16:13:37 ... The reference transformations between FHIR XML and FHIR RDF can only use the FHIR XML instance data and resource definitions, but nothing else. 16:14:11 ... We might make an exception for FHIR-maintained code systems, but cannot do it with anything else, because there are so many of them and they're always changing. 16:16:07 -Tony 16:16:10 -DBooth 16:17:03 tony: No standard way to form vocab URIs from the combination of Coding.system URI and Coding.code . 16:17:09 ADJOURNED 16:18:20 http://piratepad.net/hcls2 16:33:03 -[IPcaller] 16:33:08 -ericP 16:38:09 disconnecting the lone participant, rhausam, in SW_HCLS()11:00AM 16:38:11 SW_HCLS()11:00AM has ended 16:38:11 Attendees were DBooth, ericP, +1.801.949.aaaa, rhausam, lloyd, +1.978.794.aabb, Tony, Marc_Twagirumukiza, Rafael, [IPcaller] 17:12:22 Present: David Booth, EricP, Rob Hausam, Lloyd McKenzie, Tony Mallia, Rafael Richards, Marc_Twagirumukiza 17:12:30 Chair: David Booth 17:12:36 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:12:37 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/05/26-hcls-minutes.html dbooth 17:17:46 s/BN/bnode/g 17:17:48 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:17:48 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/05/26-hcls-minutes.html dbooth 17:20:39 s|s/BN/bnode/g|| 17:20:46 s/bnode/blank node/g 17:20:52 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:20:52 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/05/26-hcls-minutes.html dbooth 18:37:15 Zakim has left #hcls