13:59:36 RRSAgent has joined #wot 13:59:36 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/05/13-wot-irc 13:59:38 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:59:38 Zakim has joined #wot 13:59:40 Zakim, this will be 13:59:40 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 13:59:41 Meeting: Web of Things Interest Group Teleconference 13:59:41 Date: 13 May 2015 13:59:43 Darko_Anicic has joined #wot 14:00:41 Hello 14:06:57 jhund has joined #wot 14:08:46 Sebastian: starting a call... 14:09:19 Participants introduction 14:17:03 Sebastian: What's TDL about? What is TDL good for? What are applications targeted by TDL? 14:18:26 Soumya: things have properties, and TDL is about these properties. 14:19:14 Soumya: it is also related to CoRE Link Format (IETF) 14:20:19 Soumya: interoperability is an importnat aspect. 14:20:47 Sebastian: is it about describing data? 14:21:15 Soumya: it not only about data, but about thing's properties, capabilities etc. 14:22:23 Souleiman: sugeestion: JSON as a format 14:22:44 minimal approach when designing the language 14:23:03 Souleiman: extensibility of the language is importnat 14:23:38 Souleiman: RDF should be considered. 14:24:20 Sebastian: What about the data model? RDF model of triple statements. 14:24:56 Souleiman: Yes, RDF is general. 14:27:42 Darko: TDL should consider relationships between things. 14:28:15 Joerg: how to start the structure TDL? 14:29:18 Joerg: What are building blocks of the language? 14:31:09 Joerg: do we describe a virtual object? 14:32:42 Joerg: is TDL a language for describing the basic (indetified) entities, e.g., events, actions etc. 14:33:49 Sebastian has joined #wot 14:34:30 Soumya: Management of things is a part of TDL. 14:36:58 Joerg: possible blocks are: Data Model; Syntax (format); Vocabulary 14:43:55 Souleiman: should we start with the Data Model? 14:46:27 I agree. Data Model should be general enough (e..g, based on RDF) and should provide basic constracts (e.g., events, properties and actions). 14:52:50 Could we have a look at approaches related to TDL? Also related projects? 14:53:42 Sebastian: Souleiman could you prepeare a short presentation about JSON-LD? 14:55:52 Souleiman: yes. SSN is a related work. 14:56:41 I could also say a few words about SSN. 14:58:03 Souleiman: Related projects: SPITFIRE, OpenIoT 14:58:48 Sebastian: we could ask Danh to give an overview about these projects. Other projects? 15:01:16 Soumya: I could give a presentation on CoRE Link. 15:03:37 Joerg: we should make aware the other group participants of our work -> use Wiki 15:04:21 Joerg: organisation w.r.t Webex and different time slots - it should be sorted out. 15:08:34 Souleiman: elements or constructs of the language is a better term than building blocks. 15:08:52 jhund has joined #wot 15:08:54 RRSAgent create minutes 15:08:58 rrsagent, create minutes 15:08:58 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/05/13-wot-minutes.html jhund 16:23:49 Zakim has left #wot