16:31:23 RRSAgent has joined #aria 16:31:23 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/04/30-aria-irc 16:31:25 RRSAgent, make logs member 16:31:25 Zakim has joined #aria 16:31:27 Zakim, this will be WAI_PF 16:31:27 ok, trackbot, I see WAI_PFWG()12:30PM already started 16:31:28 Meeting: Protocols and Formats Working Group Teleconference 16:31:28 Date: 30 April 2015 16:31:32 +[IPcaller] 16:31:45 fesch has joined #aria 16:31:55 zakim, who's here? 16:31:55 On the phone I see Fred_Esch, ??P9, [IPcaller] 16:31:57 On IRC I see fesch, Zakim, RRSAgent, jamesn, newtron, janina, MichaelC, ShaneM, joanie, ed, trackbot 16:31:59 +??P14 16:32:00 rrsagent, make log world 16:32:03 zakim, ??P9 is me 16:32:03 +janina; got it 16:32:09 clown has joined #aria 16:32:10 LJWatson has joined #aria 16:32:20 zakim, IPcaller is Léonie_Watson 16:32:21 +Léonie_Watson; got it 16:32:30 zakim, [IPcaller] is me 16:32:30 sorry, LJWatson, I do not recognize a party named '[IPcaller]' 16:32:43 +[GVoice] 16:32:54 zakim, GVoice is Joseph_Scheuhammer 16:32:54 +Joseph_Scheuhammer; got it 16:33:00 zakim, I am Joseph_Scheuhammer 16:33:00 ok, clown, I now associate you with Joseph_Scheuhammer 16:33:40 +Joanmarie_Diggs 16:35:24 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-pfwg/2015Apr/0283.html 16:35:30 chair: Rich_Schwerdtfeger 16:36:08 scribe: janina 16:36:21 +James_Nurthen 16:38:44 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #aria 16:39:12 +Rich_Schwerdtfeger 16:40:12 topic: Heads Up Items 16:40:36 + +1.650.738.aaaa - is perhaps Bryan_Garaventa 16:41:08 rs: Scheduling DescribedAt conversation? 16:41:12 janina: Anytime 16:41:23 rs: before last week of may or later in June 16:41:46 action-1456? 16:41:46 action-1456 -- Richard Schwerdtfeger to Provide defintions in action 1454 for each of the annotation types -- due 2015-04-23 -- OPEN 16:41:46 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/actions/1456 16:41:57 action-1454? 16:41:57 action-1454 -- Joanmarie Diggs to Add aria-hasannotation attribute with values: comment, footnote, endnote, reference, insertion, deletion, modification, true, false, more where aria-hasannotation has only one value at a time -- due 2014-06-23 -- OPEN 16:41:58 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/actions/1454 16:42:11 +Matt_King 16:43:33 rs: Noting coming annotations ml for ARIA 16:43:38 + +49.322.110.8.aabb 16:43:38 rs: Need to get wider review 16:43:49 mattking has joined #aria 16:43:57 zakim, aaaa is Bryan_Garaventa 16:43:57 sorry, MichaelC, I do not recognize a party named 'aaaa' 16:44:03 topic: Extending Aria -- Isue-709 16:44:10 zakim, aabb is Stefan_Schnabel 16:44:10 +Stefan_Schnabel; got it 16:44:12 issue-709? 16:44:12 issue-709 -- Define an extension mechanism for WAI-ARIA -- open 16:44:12 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/issues/709 16:44:13 rs: Expect discussion next week, please 16:44:16 Stefan has joined #aria 16:44:28 mk: Module types? 16:44:30 rs: yes 16:44:49 bgaraventa1979 has joined #aria 16:45:12 zakim, I am Bryan_Garaventa 16:45:12 ok, bgaraventa1979, I now associate you with Bryan_Garaventa 16:46:10 https://www.w3.org/2015/04/29-pf-minutes#item07 16:46:18 ¨The PFWG accepts splitting the functions so long as the spec review remains a WG function and does not move to the IG¨ 16:49:16 q+ to ask how many people are in both COGA and ARIA TFs? 16:49:57 q+ 16:51:02 q? 16:51:10 ack LJW 16:51:10 LJWatson, you wanted to ask how many people are in both COGA and ARIA TFs? 16:51:16 ack LJWatson 16:51:21 lw: Wonders about overlap between COGA and ARIA 16:51:32 rs: Not a lot, but is very important to IBM 16:51:43 ack me 16:51:44 q? 16:52:20 mc: Judy is planning an updated message to AC and will include a question about spec review participation 16:52:42 mc: Will be looking for satisfactory level of spec review commitments 16:53:03 rs: I will join APA 16:53:29 q+ to ask what APA and IG stand for. 16:53:51 jn: Thought User Context would go to APA 16:54:03 mc: Would need to go to group chartered to develop technology specs 16:54:33 mk: COGA not doing spec? 16:54:40 mc: Gap analysis 16:55:19 mc: When we did gap analysis for ARIA we determined we neede semantics to be added 16:55:48 mc: Still expect active coordination ongoing 16:56:10 q? 16:56:17 rs: Don't care so much about where things go except that we get appropriate people working on them 16:56:36 ack Joseph_Scheuhammer 16:56:36 Joseph_Scheuhammer, you wanted to ask what APA and IG stand for. 16:57:05 mc: APA == Accessible Platform Architectures; IG == Interest Group 16:58:21 topic: Issue-423 16:58:22 issue-423? 16:58:22 issue-423 -- Introduce a table role to be a parent of grid, but non-interactive -- open 16:58:22 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/issues/423 16:59:21 jd: Recalls we were asking whether we need table roles 16:59:28 jd: I can't move forward until we have this answer 16:59:53 mk: We were concerned we don't have table cell 17:00:26 q? 17:00:55 rs: Expect we want to support table functionality vs interactive grid 17:01:03 rs: Couple ways to achieve this 17:01:16 rs: use grid market plus attrib that says "not interactive" 17:01:52 rs: But it's frustrating if people see no difference between how we treat grid vs table 17:02:25 rs: So, we could solve the other way; But let's not have too many elements 17:02:39 mk: Pros and cons discussion now? 17:02:46 rs: sure 17:03:31 mk: Concerned for AT users should we end up with multiple "flavors" of grid -- interactive false, for instance 17:03:41 mk: If exposed as table, the issue goes away 17:04:10 mk: But revealed via APIs as grid, we end up with 3 kinds of grid 17:04:43 q+ 17:04:44 mk: We have years of aclimation to tables 17:05:07 mk: So, what to do if author uses something other than table ml to make a table 17:05:08 q+ To state that it was my assumption that the plan was to indeed to map non-interactive grids to table 17:05:37 http://w3c.github.io/aria/core-aam/core-aam.html#role-map-grid 17:05:43 mk: What does ua do? grid in api then is-interactive? 17:06:15 rs: On ia2 and at-spi puts role of table in doc, but grid cell in object attrib 17:06:31 mk: In ff on win you see grid 17:06:33 http://w3c.github.io/aria/core-aam/core-aam.html#role-map-grid 17:06:53 rs: You "hear" grid, but get role=systemtable 17:07:33 rs: Could drop roles win/linux; similar on mac 17:07:58 jd: Should be mapped, should be to table 17:08:01 q- 17:08:21 mk: So if one made a table using grid, the user would see table 17:08:23 rs: yes 17:08:29 mk: Good. Very important 17:08:36 q? 17:08:42 ack richardschwerdtfeger 17:08:59 clown: if you make a table with divs, what role? 17:09:22 +[Microsoft] 17:09:23 rs: grid; and think interactive=false 17:09:42 rs: So everything is noninteractive unless further overwritten somehow 17:09:57
maps to "table role". 17:10:04 mk: Wonders about the other direction, table and interactive=yes 17:10:08 rs: believe not possible 17:10:25 maps to ? 17:10:42 rs: In AAM we can kill this 17:11:21 mk: Got the idea, see about 2k test cases!! 17:11:47 rs: What approach is preferred 17:11:53 clown: What's easiest for authoring 17:12:43 jcraig has joined #aria 17:13:41 mk: The aria-interactive property drives 17:13:52 mk: affects differently in table vs grid 17:14:24 rs: OK to go with grid and not intro new table roles? 17:14:29 +1 17:14:31 rs: focus on interactive property? 17:14:45 ss: grid only? 17:15:04 +1 to no new table roles 17:15:05 mk: want to have that conversation, but should decide table first 17:15:28 cs: Concerned about not using the word "table" 17:15:55 mk: No, would show up as "table" for users 17:16:05 cs: With headings, scope, etc 17:16:07 mk: yes 17:16:22 rs: not scope, spans ... 17:16:39 rrsagent, make minutes 17:16:39 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/04/30-aria-minutes.html janina 17:17:11 rs: role=grid, aria-interactive=false would be default, and that maps and is presented as "table' 17:17:52 DRAFT RESOLUTION: role=grid, aria-interactive=false would be default, and that maps and is presented as "table" 17:19:42 DRAFT RESOLUTION: Group will not create table, or cell roles, but rahter table will map to role=grid, aria-interactive=false as a default, and that maps and is presented as "table” and TD, inherits container interactivity from container 17:21:31 DRAFT RESOLUTION: Group will not create table, or cell roles, but rahter table will map to role=grid, aria-interactive=false as a default, and that maps and is presented as "table” and TD, inherits container interactivity from container. The default for grid will aria-interactive=“true” 17:21:35 jnurthen has joined #aria 17:21:38 http://w3c.github.io/aria/aria/aria.html#columnheader 17:22:14 "columnheader can be used as a column header in a table or grid" 17:23:03 zakim, who's on the phone? 17:23:03 On the phone I see Fred_Esch, janina, Léonie_Watson, Michael_Cooper (muted), Joseph_Scheuhammer, Joanmarie_Diggs, James_Nurthen, Rich_Schwerdtfeger, Bryan_Garaventa, Matt_King, 17:23:07 ... Stefan_Schnabel, [Microsoft] 17:23:49 zakim, [Micros is Cynthia 17:23:49 +Cynthia; got it 17:24:21 jn: Concerned about purpose of overwriting at cell level 17:24:36 mk: Maybe not necessary 17:25:14 RESOLUTION: Group will not create table, or cell roles, but rahter table will map to role=grid, aria-interactive=false as a default, and that maps and is presented as "table” and TD, inherits container interactivity from container. The default for grid will aria-interactive=“true” 17:26:22 issue-423 17:26:22 issue-423 -- Introduce a table role to be a parent of grid, but non-interactive -- open 17:26:22 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/issues/423 17:26:46 jd: Will review and apply good judgement on disposition ... 17:27:31 RESOLUTION: Close issue 423 17:28:01 jtopic: Issue 620 17:28:11 issue-633? 17:28:11 issue-633 -- listbox and tree may contain only static items; badly need interactive widgets that can contain interactive typed items -- open 17:28:11 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/issues/633 17:28:13 topic: Issue 633 !! 17:28:20 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/issues/633 17:28:24 trackbot, issue-633? 17:28:24 issue-633 -- listbox and tree may contain only static items; badly need interactive widgets that can contain interactive typed items -- open 17:28:24 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/issues/633 17:28:52 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/actions/1505 17:28:54 trackbot, action-535? 17:28:54 action-535 -- James Craig to Split shared CSS into directory structure and email draft to Michael -- due 2010-11-30 -- CLOSED 17:28:54 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/actions/535 17:29:09 action-1505? 17:29:09 action-1505 -- Matthew King to Create proposal for a role and strategy to address issue 633 -- due 2014-10-13 -- OPEN 17:29:09 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/actions/1505 17:30:09 mk: like approach from grid 17:30:19 mk: aria-interactive's effect on mapping 17:30:46 mk: good way to handle list, stac list, -- is the list interactive? 17:31:04 mk: An interactive span, or par 17:31:30 q? 17:31:50 fe: radio buttons out of span? 17:31:54 mk: get radio role 17:32:12 mk: we have structural and also widget branches of aria ontology 17:32:22 mk: widgets are interactive 17:32:39 q? 17:33:09 mk: Believe that interactive marking on structural elements should be limited, with appropriate role mappings 17:33:17 mk: my curent thinking ... 17:33:26 fe: Interactivity determined by the role? 17:33:41 q+ 17:33:44 mk: comb of role and state ... 17:33:57 s/comb/combination/ 17:34:16 which roles would accept interactive? 17:34:40 list, toolbar, img, group? 17:35:09 compare w3c.github.io/aria/core-aam/core-aam.html#role-map-list and http://w3c.github.io/aria/core-aam/core-aam.html#role-map-listbox 17:35:28 region? 17:35:35 rs: We need interactivity for graphics 17:35:52 rs: suggest pick specific roles, apply, and see how that works 17:35:58 mk: yes 17:36:04 q+ 17:36:14 clown: start small 17:36:36 ack richardschwerdtfeger 17:37:46 jn: asking the difference 17:41:19 q? 17:41:26 ack jnurthen 17:41:56 rs: Do we agree to limit roles initially? 17:42:05 rs: Do people agree to aria-interactive? 17:42:14 agree to a new property aria-interactive 17:43:11 RESOLUTION: Create new property called aria-interactive 17:43:26 fe: people will try to dynamically change 17:44:13 need scotch 17:45:09 mk: if we make it a state, we have to support dynamic 17:45:15 mk: if property then static 17:45:27 fe: aria-live 17:45:29 rs: yes 17:47:03 rs: OK with name? 17:47:08 jn: trying to convey ...? 17:47:23 jn: that app is responsible for managing focus for widget 17:47:28 jn: widget, not doc 17:47:52 http://w3c.github.io/aria/aria/aria.html#application 17:48:00 mk: application provides no api mapping of applying it 17:48:13 mk: this could false has effect 17:49:18 -James_Nurthen 17:49:20 -Léonie_Watson 17:49:53 +James_Nurthen 17:50:14 mk: so primary question is is it state or property? 17:50:25 rs: prefer property at this point 17:51:05 jn: want to tie to widget 17:51:56 q? 17:52:33 jamesn has joined #aria 17:52:56 mk: if it affects mapping, it's going to be ok 17:53:08 jn: widget always does 17:53:10 q? 17:53:10 mk: good question 17:53:25 mk interactive chart better than "chart manages focus" 17:54:14 mk: don't see any name other than "author must manage focus" that solves the problem! 17:54:28 mk: author-provided-script==true 17:57:07 RESOLUTION: Create new aria-interactive property for action 1505 17:58:11 topic: aria-has-manage-focuse 17:58:14 action-1362? 17:58:14 action-1362 -- James Nurthen to Patch issue-640: managesfocus -- due 2015-04-02 -- OPEN 17:58:14 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/actions/1362 17:58:14 jn: kill it 17:58:27 issue-640? 17:58:27 issue-640 -- Investigate aria-hasmanagedfocus to indicate whether a region manages focus to enable complex widgets -- open 17:58:27 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/issues/640 17:59:07 RESOLUTION: Close issue-640 and action-1362 18:00:34 -Cynthia 18:00:40 -Joanmarie_Diggs 18:00:40 zakim, bye 18:00:40 Zakim has left #aria 18:00:41 leaving. As of this point the attendees were Fred_Esch, janina, Michael_Cooper, Léonie_Watson, Joseph_Scheuhammer, Joanmarie_Diggs, James_Nurthen, Rich_Schwerdtfeger, 18:00:41 ... +1.650.738.aaaa, Matt_King, +49.322.110.8.aabb, Stefan_Schnabel, [Microsoft], Cynthia 18:00:45 rrsagent, make minutes 18:00:45 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/04/30-aria-minutes.html janina 18:18:40 jnurthen has joined #aria 18:24:07 clown has joined #aria 19:32:19 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #aria 20:03:05 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #aria 20:19:47 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #aria 20:35:45 richardschwerdtfeger has left #aria 20:41:09 clown has left #aria 22:07:54 newtron has joined #aria