16:50:15 RRSAgent has joined #aria 16:50:15 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/04/28-aria-irc 16:50:17 RRSAgent, make logs member 16:50:17 Zakim has joined #aria 16:50:19 Zakim, this will be WAI_PF 16:50:19 ok, trackbot; I see WAI_PF(Text)1:00PM scheduled to start in 10 minutes 16:50:20 Meeting: Protocols and Formats Working Group Teleconference 16:50:20 Date: 28 April 2015 16:50:46 rrsagent, make log public 16:50:54 zakim, who's here? 16:50:54 WAI_PF(Text)1:00PM has not yet started, janina 16:50:56 On IRC I see RRSAgent, jamesn, clown, mgylling, newtron, joanie, MichaelC, janina_, ed, janina, trackbot 16:51:27 zakim, this will be WAI_PF(Text)1:00PM 16:51:27 ok, janina; I see WAI_PF(Text)1:00PM scheduled to start in 9 minutes 16:51:44 zakim, who's here? 16:51:44 WAI_PF(Text)1:00PM has not yet started, janina 16:51:46 On IRC I see RRSAgent, jamesn, clown, mgylling, newtron, joanie, MichaelC, janina_, ed, janina, trackbot 16:52:02 zakim, this will be 92473 16:52:02 ok, janina; I see Team_(aria)17:00Z scheduled to start in 8 minutes 16:52:11 zakim, who's here? 16:52:11 Team_(aria)17:00Z has not yet started, janina 16:52:13 On IRC I see RRSAgent, jamesn, clown, mgylling, newtron, joanie, MichaelC, janina_, ed, janina, trackbot 16:52:34 zakim, this will be Team_(aria)17:00Z 16:52:35 ok, janina, I see Team_(aria)17:00Z already started 16:52:43 zakim, who's here? 16:52:44 On the phone I see ??P0 16:52:45 On IRC I see RRSAgent, jamesn, clown, mgylling, newtron, joanie, MichaelC, janina_, ed, janina, trackbot 16:52:51 zakim, ??P0 is me 16:52:51 +janina; got it 16:53:03 mgarrish has joined #aria 16:55:30 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #aria 16:55:52 Chair: RichS 16:55:57 scribe: janina 16:56:58 tzviya has joined #aria 16:57:36 +Tzviya 16:58:25 ivan has joined #aria 16:58:36 +Fred_Esch 16:58:46 zakim, dial ivan-voip 16:58:46 ok, ivan; the call is being made 16:58:47 +Ivan 16:59:21 +[IPcaller] 16:59:29 zakim, IPcaller is mgarrish 16:59:29 +mgarrish; got it 16:59:39 fesch has joined #aria 17:00:32 +ShaneM 17:00:33 +Rich_Schwerdtfeger 17:00:40 +Joanmarie_Diggs 17:00:50 +Markus 17:00:53 +??P12 17:01:03 zakim, who's on the phone? 17:01:04 On the phone I see janina, Tzviya, Fred_Esch, Ivan, mgarrish, ShaneM, Rich_Schwerdtfeger, Joanmarie_Diggs, Markus, Michael_Cooper (muted) 17:02:14 clown has joined #aria 17:02:24 jcraig has joined #aria 17:02:37 rich: Suggest to start looking at what raised issues not yet resolved 17:02:41 https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/aria/dpub.html 17:03:00 +[GVoice] 17:03:12 zakim, GVoice is Joseph_Scheuhammer 17:03:12 +Joseph_Scheuhammer; got it 17:03:20 zakim, I am Joseph_Scheuhammer 17:03:20 ok, clown, I now associate you with Joseph_Scheuhammer 17:03:38 +[Apple] 17:03:48 Zakim, Apple is jcraig 17:03:48 +jcraig; got it 17:03:51 ts: Spent time preparing for this call, prefix is issue 17:04:15 ShaneM has joined #aria 17:04:22 ts: Concerned to understand what an ARIA "module" actually is 17:04:37 rs: Situations like role "part" will be a problem 17:04:47 tz: But not resolved before FPWD? 17:04:58 rs: Don't think so, but others may have other view. 17:05:10 q? 17:05:13 https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/aria/dpub.html#co-evolution 17:06:21 janina: Noting that early 1.0 implementations burned our spec development -- People are now careful from that experience 17:06:30 q+ to say FPWD is first opportunity to implement. Reluctance to change implemented values was a major drawback. 17:06:44 rs: We have a different situation here, but it does explain the careful approach 17:06:47 ack me 17:06:47 jcraig, you wanted to say FPWD is first opportunity to implement. Reluctance to change implemented values was a major drawback. 17:07:21 jc: Yes, early adoption of properties and role values that weren't best choice, but we were later reluctant to improve because of existing implementations 17:08:04 +1 to put a note in the document 17:08:15 jc: Even if it stays for FPWD, issues with known problems should be well labeled to avoid implementations 17:08:25 +1 to put notes in the document for all props with issues 17:08:43 ts: Certainly OK with adding notes, but have a proposal ... 17:09:02 mg: Started with Shane's email comments ... 17:10:10 q+ 17:10:18 mg: Struck by RDFA comments, lack of same flexibility, i.e. global 17:10:34 Note that the Role Attribute Recommendation ALREADY supports @vocab as a way of changing the default vocabulary for @role 17:10:42 mg: Seems rdfa considered multiiple vocabs 17:10:45 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-wai-pf/2015AprJun/0031.html 17:11:00 ARIA doesn't necessarily embrace this presently 17:11:04 mg: The rdfa approach would be very helpful for us 17:11:39 q+ 17:11:49 mg: q becomes is it a good idea to pack things into a single vocab 17:12:04 mg: concerned with maintanance 17:12:12 q+ 17:12:14 q+ 17:12:16 q+ to say that potentially solves parsing confusion, but not author confusion. 17:12:31 ack richardschwerdtfeger 17:12:58 rs: Unfortunately, will be pulling semantics for tests, drawings, etc., etc., and all that will end up in books 17:13:20 rs: And we have no way to switch vocabs on the fly 17:13:39 rs: What happens to an svg drawing in the middle of a book? Etc. 17:14:35 mg: This an age-old problem now ... 17:15:10 mg: But declaring a default then using the available mechanism to declare additional should help 17:15:40 q? 17:15:50 mg: If PF will expand and involve other content domains, can there really be one list? 17:15:54 ack tzviya 17:16:00 q? 17:16:38 ts: Just want to note that we believe there are existing roles that we believe will be more generally useful -- without prefix, 17:16:47 ack ShaneM 17:16:49 q? 17:17:20 sm: Don't believe any AT's support vocab switch, but the spec does support 17:17:36 http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/role-attribute/ 17:17:49 sm: Vocab is not the solution, vocab is good to use, but the switch won't solve the problem 17:18:15 sm: Please remember we're trying to expose meaningful semantics for a11y 17:18:21 ack ivan 17:19:18 ivan: Noting how it works in rdfa, vocab attrib on anything, so ... 17:19:26 ivan: think it should be different for aria 17:19:40 ivan: we think there are values that should be global 17:20:03 ivan: suggest working out what's global and what's local to a particular doc 17:20:10 q? 17:20:21 ivan: Don't understand why rdfa switch isn't a solution, even if it's not the best solution 17:21:07 sm: Syntax is well defined, but not for additional name spaces 17:21:39 ack me 17:21:39 jcraig, you wanted to say that potentially solves parsing confusion, but not author confusion. 17:21:44 ack jcraig 17:21:49 sm: Don't know how to say XX is an ARIA term, not a generic 17:22:04 jc: My main concern is author confusion 17:22:19 jc: Unlikely a definitve source of values 17:22:27 s/definite/definitive/ 17:22:51 jc: Agree we will find globally useful terms 17:23:09 http://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-1.1/#text 17:23:20 As with any ARIA 1.1 role, authors may provide a fallback ARIA 1.0 role. 17:23:45 jc: Future of ARIA was set up to have chain of roles 17:24:02

I ♥︎ New York.

17:24:22 From an ontology perspective, if we are creating independent vocabularies, it would be MUCH better to use dpub:foo than dpub-foo. Then then semantics are well understood 17:25:14 jc: Best path is to start with prefix, and wait for review and adoption to promote some to generic 17:25:30 jc: no risk of name trampling this way 17:25:37 note that @prefix is part of HTML 5 and allows definition of the mappings from a prefix to a URI 17:25:56 so follow your nose interpretation of terms comes for free 17:26:05 q? 17:26:11 q+ 17:26:41 q+ shaneM to explain @prefix is part of HTML 5 and allows definition of the mappings from a prefix to a URI 17:26:42 rs: Q: Won't the mark up for epub be auto-generated? by author tools? not by hand? 17:26:46 q+ 17:27:17 mg: Tried over the past years, but hasn't succeeded so far 17:27:23 jc: Can you explain the concern? 17:27:38 mg: People do still hand code 17:28:24 mg: It's a hard sell in the epub world, these are people who probably care more than anyone about semantics--that's historic to publishing 17:29:26 mg: Concerned that starting with prefix, but after sometime transitioning to a generic role would be a problem as well 17:29:35 mg: We would be stuck actually 17:29:42 fallback role set up to support="chapter pub-chapter" 17:29:42 q? 17:29:53 role="chapter pub-chapter" 17:30:32 note that role="chapter pub:chapter" is also supported 17:30:42 :-P 17:30:44 jc: At least in webkit, adding prefixes is trivial, so not as concerned about prefix petrification 17:31:40 and prefix="pub: http://www.example.org/myvocab#" 17:31:45 q? 17:31:48 jc: notes that role=none for role=presentation was one line of code in webkit 17:31:53 ack tzviya 17:31:53 ack tzviya 17:32:25 ts: hyphen is valid? 17:32:33 rs: yes 17:33:06 ts: our goal is wide adoption, we had problem with takeup in epub 17:33:34 role="pub-abstract summary" 17:34:06 rs: Noting we're considering a draft .... 17:34:23 rs: What if we put the prefix in for fpwd, add a note, then go discuss with pubs 17:34:48 rs: This would actually lock in semantics, no one could take them elsewhere 17:35:14 q+ to mention that the role parsing in UAs is a flat list, so the dpub roles could be used outside the epub context... just in regular web apps 17:35:43 ts: Noting current participants are pub representatives, that's why we're here 17:36:05 rs: Still trying to understand why it's a problem 17:36:21 rs: Recall the concern for validation, but we can achieve that 17:36:28 q? 17:36:32 ack shaneM 17:36:32 shaneM, you wanted to explain @prefix is part of HTML 5 and allows definition of the mappings from a prefix to a URI 17:36:40 ack shaneM 17:38:04 rs: Noting our history arguing with HTML over the delimiter -- half a year over hyphen vs colon 17:38:41 sm: Noting again that machine understanding for semantics is well defined by rdfa 17:39:11 q? 17:39:17 q+ 17:39:46 ack ivan 17:40:27 ivan: Skeptical that people will use only authoring tools, it hasn't yet happened, still have to go into code from time to time 17:40:40 ivan: If someone can pull this off for HTML, o0utstanding 17:41:03 q+ to say especially hand coding the javascript: el.setAttribute("role", "bagel"); 17:41:13 q- 17:41:41 q+ to talk about why using @vocab is not the solution 17:41:52 ivan: Our problem is that publishers would have difficulty using prefix 17:42:23 ack Sh 17:42:23 ShaneM, you wanted to talk about why using @vocab is not the solution 17:43:04 sm: Today ARIA spec doesn't indicate that vocab controls -- a substantial problem because we already have many implementations 17:43:33 ivan: which is why I don't like vocab, it's not the same as rdfa 17:43:52 q+ 17:43:59 so its @role-vocab? 17:44:12 ivan: believe we're offering roles that will work for many communities 17:44:56 defines the URI prefix for naked terms used in attribute values 17:45:01 ivan: role vocab would define a dom subtree, where we could use terms without prefix 17:45:10 q? 17:45:30 ack jcraig 17:45:30 jcraig, you wanted to mention that the role parsing in UAs is a flat list, so the dpub roles could be used outside the epub context... just in regular web apps and to say 17:45:33 ... especially hand coding the javascript: el.setAttribute("role", "bagel"); 17:46:02 jc: Don't want to digress but understand xh+rdfa complaint was runtime access to on line 17:46:05 ivan: not the case here 17:46:09 XHTML2 never required that sort of external resource retrieval... but whatever 17:46:32 q? 17:46:37 ivan: I want to keep away from rdfa 17:46:55 q+ to ask what happens to references to core roles? 17:47:02 ian: we're defining a module that makes the author's life simpler 17:47:31 q? 17:47:37 rs: so if we put vocab at beginning, start role=chapter, then mid point we put an svg drawing 17:47:40 rs: what happens? 17:47:41 AND what gets passed to the AT 17:48:03 rs: Note we're also talking attribs, not just roles 17:48:18 q+ to mention that the role parsing in UAs is a flat list, so the dpub roles could be used outside the epub context... just in regular web apps  17:48:38 q+ to say especially hand coding the javascript: el.setAttribute("role", "bagel"); 17:48:46 remember that a role name is not just a string of characters. it conveys rich semantic information that influences the current element and its children? 17:48:49 q+ ShaneM later 17:48:56 s/children?/children!/ 17:48:57 ivan: is it much more complex for the author to make those switches? 17:49:10 q later ShaneM 17:49:20 ivan: we know we don't have a 100% solution, we're deciding among suboptimal solutions 17:49:25 q+ later ShaneM 17:49:45 ack me 17:49:45 jcraig, you wanted to mention that the role parsing in UAs is a flat list, so the dpub roles could be used outside the epub context... just in regular web apps  and to say 17:49:48 ... especially hand coding the javascript: el.setAttribute("role", "bagel"); 17:49:50 ack richardschwerdtfeger 17:50:40 q? 17:51:06 jc: noting that javascript is often hand coded 17:51:42 jc: all roles are parsed as in a flat list, anyone can use any role in any context 17:51:55 q+ 17:52:21 q+ 17:52:31 technically role="main" today should be passed to the AT as http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/vocab#main 17:52:42 I know that it is not... but it should have been. 17:52:58 ack me 17:52:58 ShaneM, you wanted to ask what happens to references to core roles? and to and to ask what happens to references to core roles? and to and to 17:53:02 ack ShaneM 17:53:02 ack later 17:53:03 later, you wanted to ask what happens to references to core roles? and to and to 17:53:04 ack ShaneM 17:54:13 sm: implication that nonvocab specific generic terms will still be available ?? 17:54:42 sm: role=baegel main 17:54:54 sm: need at that knows "this is the main content" 17:55:08 sm: just don't understand how it mapps out 17:55:12 q+ 17:55:13 q? 17:55:53 ack janina 17:56:43 +1 17:56:43 q? 17:56:51 ack tzviya 17:57:02 URIs are SUCH a good way of disambiguating terms 17:57:04 q+ 17:57:10 janina: suggesting we're pushing user agents to be smarter with domain specific semantics 17:57:43 q+ 17:57:49 q- 17:57:57 rs: Clearly we have more discussion, but what gets us to an fpwd? 17:58:06 prefix placeholder is the only suggestions I've heard that will satisfy me for a FPWD 17:58:40 q? 17:58:42 ack in 17:58:42 ack ivan 17:58:51 +1 to adding notes about role values that are of concern 17:59:18 ivan: Make the situation clear, publish as is but note the prefix concern in a global way 17:59:30 ivan: add both solutions discussed, and ask for comments 18:00:04 ivan: clearly note this needs solution before the document can progress 18:00:16 q+ if you publish without profixes, you need a clear RFC-2119 "User Agents MUST NOT implement this FPWD" 18:00:20 sorry _ uave to leave 18:00:21 q? 18:00:28 ack joanie 18:00:31 q+ to say if you publish without profixes, you need a clear RFC-2119 "User Agents MUST NOT implement this FPWD" 18:00:33 -ShaneM 18:01:15 jd: like most of the proposed roles, suggest putting a subset of these as fpwd 18:02:20 ivan: yes because i believe mosttterms are indeed generic, but no because we need to vet the problem terms and approaches 18:02:56 ack me 18:02:56 jcraig, you wanted to say if you publish without profixes, you need a clear RFC-2119 "User Agents MUST NOT implement this FPWD" 18:02:57 q+ to say that we particularly want input on the problem parts 18:02:57 q? 18:03:17 jc: suggest a clear rfc2119 "MUST NOT" implement 18:03:30 q+ 18:03:41 jc: Could also take the generally agreed ones directly into aria-1.1 18:04:33 we are looking to get into cr later this year 18:04:38 ts: gets fpwd, but what to do with the problem terms isn't vetted 18:04:42 toward year end 18:05:11 rs: also discussion in pf of how modules work 18:05:36 jc: don't understand why publishing is waiting on this? 18:05:49 ts: not everything is epub 18:06:08 -jcraig 18:07:20 rs: the role attrib will validate, which helps pub 18:07:44 aria-value= 18:07:47 “pub” 18:08:10 ivan: likes rs's idea -- we're trying to get proposals 18:10:47 -Rich_Schwerdtfeger 18:10:48 -Ivan 18:10:48 -Fred_Esch 18:10:49 ack me 18:10:49 -mgarrish 18:10:49 -Joanmarie_Diggs 18:10:51 -Markus 18:10:51 -Joseph_Scheuhammer 18:10:53 -Tzviya 18:11:29 -Michael_Cooper 18:11:31 zakim, bye 18:11:31 leaving. As of this point the attendees were janina, Tzviya, Fred_Esch, Ivan, mgarrish, ShaneM, Rich_Schwerdtfeger, Joanmarie_Diggs, Markus, Michael_Cooper, Joseph_Scheuhammer, 18:11:31 Zakim has left #aria 18:11:34 ... jcraig 18:11:36 rrsagent, make minutes 18:11:36 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/04/28-aria-minutes.html janina 18:53:28 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #aria 20:10:58 clown has joined #aria 20:40:05 clown has left #aria 20:56:21 janina has changed the topic to: ARIA Teleconference; Thursday 30 April at 16:30Z; Zakim 2742# 21:46:46 MichaelC_ has joined #aria 22:15:50 rrsagent, make log world 22:15:54 rrsagent, make minutes 22:15:54 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/04/28-aria-minutes.html MichaelC_ 22:16:42 rrsagent, bye 22:16:42 I see no action items