14:55:16 RRSAgent has joined #socialig 14:55:16 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/04/22-socialig-irc 14:55:18 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:55:18 Zakim has joined #socialig 14:55:20 Zakim, this will be 76244 14:55:21 Meeting: Social Interest Group Teleconference 14:55:21 Date: 22 April 2015 14:55:22 ok, trackbot; I see T&S_SOCIG()11:00AM scheduled to start in 5 minutes 14:55:35 AdamB has joined #socialig 14:56:08 guangyuan has joined #socialig 14:56:39 harry, oops! i used wrong channel :( 14:56:46 *sniff* 14:57:13 johnbreslin has joined #socialig 14:57:32 hi guangyuan 14:57:38 hi JHaag 14:57:47 rhiaro will you join us today? 14:57:57 hi johnbreslin 14:58:04 Hi there elf 14:58:14 will you join telecon 14:58:36 T&S_SOCIG()11:00AM has now started 14:58:38 T&S_SOCIG()11:00AM has ended 14:58:38 Yes, just booting up my Avaya phone (Application starting…) 14:58:40 Attendees were 14:58:46 hi 14:58:57 Hi Guangyuan 14:59:02 harry? ^ 14:59:10 Hi john 14:59:28 trackbot, start meeting 14:59:30 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:59:32 Zakim, this will be 76244 14:59:32 ok, trackbot; I see T&S_SOCIG()11:00AM scheduled to start in 1 minute 14:59:33 Meeting: Social Interest Group Teleconference 14:59:33 Date: 22 April 2015 15:00:01 T&S_SOCIG()11:00AM has now started 15:00:06 +??P6 15:00:07 +[IPcaller] 15:01:15 AnnB has joined #socialig 15:01:18 + +3539149aaaa 15:01:41 ok, it appears dial-in works 15:01:50 harry yes, thanks! 15:01:57 +??P19 15:01:57 sorry for the issues with Zakim last time, it was some sort of system-wide bug 15:02:06 + +1.314.705.aabb 15:02:10 agenda: https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialig/2015-04-22 15:02:17 Zakim, .aabb is me 15:02:18 sorry, AdamB, I do not recognize a party named '.aabb' 15:02:46 Zakim, aabb is me 15:02:46 sorry, AdamB, I do not recognize a party named 'aabb' 15:02:58 +Ann 15:03:07 harry ^ ? 15:03:28 +??P20 15:03:55 i'll have to drop early, sorry 15:04:11 Zakim, ??P19 is me 15:04:11 +guangyuan; got it 15:04:48 Been a while since I did some IRC waving, better than being slapped with a trout I guess! 15:04:50 ok, thanks 15:05:08 TOPIC: Introducing Jason Haag 15:05:41 scribe: AnnB 15:05:46 AnnB++ 15:05:48 AnnB has 23 karma 15:05:51 Jason Haag intros self 15:06:26 glad to hear that Jason is going to be able to share some paint points they are experiencing with Activity Streams 15:06:27 just started study group for RDF / Linked Data for ' 15:06:44 -elf-pavlik 15:06:44 White Paper Jason referred to: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zBPKryuF1tXHTI-AYjXd0ctdWoq4o4P-Uq9SAhJfus0/edit?pli=1 15:06:51 ... lots of vocab work 15:07:02 ... overlap with Social Web IG 15:07:26 ... Advanced Distributed Learning Initiative / USA Dept of Defense research activity 15:07:32 +[IPcaller] 15:07:34 .... created SCORM years ago 15:07:55 ... standard for e-learning software 15:08:14 http://www.adlnet.gov/ 15:08:22 ... ADL research org focused on education and training 15:08:37 dromasca has joined #socialIG 15:08:41 ... their boss at Pentagon is head of training and readiness for all of US military 15:09:26 +dromasca 15:10:00 welcomes Dan Romascanu 15:10:13 ... usually has conflict at this time 15:10:19 .... works for Avaya 15:10:41 ... works in business services; connecting social networking interfaces 15:11:08 John Breslin intros 15:11:32 I muted myself now 15:11:38 i muted 15:11:43 ... at former DERI 15:11:51 ... now Insight Centre for Analytics 15:11:58 ... Univ Ireland, Galway 15:12:27 http://sioc-project.org/ 15:12:27 ... involved for long time with Semantic Web / Linked Data 15:12:46 ... 10-15 years ago set up discussion forum for "social" 15:13:00 .... saw the need for social vocabulary .. thus started SIOC 15:13:14 ... been working on it ~10 years 15:13:24 ... W3C submission in ~2007 15:13:34 ... still being discussed 15:14:26 Guangyuan introduces self 15:14:55 ... PhD student with John Breslin 15:14:56 Some problems with your audio Guangyuan 15:15:23 15:15:34 could you please type a few lines about your interests, into IRC? 15:15:54 I’m phd student in John’s group and interested in social vocab and social web user modeling 15:16:09 https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialig/2015-04-22#Social_Vocabulary 15:16:19 thanks guangyuan! looking forward to meeting (without echo!) in Paris 15:16:39 elf-pavlik: now, meeting of Vocabulary TF 15:16:55 ... schema.org and microformats are "living" standards 15:17:09 -guangyuan 15:17:10 ... thus hard to establish dependencies 15:17:48 ... diagrams: activities to 15:18:19 ... calls on rhiaro to talk about mapping to microformats 15:18:25 https://github.com/rhiaro/mf2rdf 15:18:49 rhiaro describes her work 15:19:01 ... 15:19:01 +??P13 15:19:16 Sorry AnnB 15:19:19 Zakim, ??P13 is me 15:19:19 +guangyuan; got it 15:19:21 I'll post a link to a blog post 15:19:26 ok, thanks 15:19:30 sounds interesting 15:19:30 (which needs publishing) 15:19:52 http://rhiaro.co.uk/2015/04/post-and-activity-types 15:20:04 I've had more thoughts on that since ^ 15:20:08 have had some good responses 15:20:16 cool .. interested to hear 15:20:19 will be posting a follow up post soon 15:20:41 elf-pavlik: how do activities relate to sioc items to 15:20:49 https://github.com/w3c-social/social-vocab 15:21:43 https://github.com/w3c-social/social-vocab/tree/master/activity/Follow 15:21:46 ... classes: activity, qualified-relation 15:22:32 ... in "Follow" link, elf diagrams terms and concepts 15:22:46 ... invites others to explore this visualizing technique 15:22:54 https://github.com/w3c-social/social-vocab/tree/master/activity/Join 15:23:24 ... another example, exploring vocabularies related to "joining" 15:24:14 are you looking for additional "sub activity" types? 15:24:27 ... when he has diagrams of "containers" that will show relationships between activities 15:24:38 15:24:43 + +1.541.410.aacc 15:25:55 - +1.541.410.aacc 15:26:01 +[IPcaller] 15:26:13 zakim, mute all 15:26:14 sorry, AdamB, I do not know which phone connection belongs to all 15:26:25 + +1.541.410.aadd 15:26:52 -johnbreslin 15:26:54 Zakim, +[IPcaller] is me 15:26:54 sorry, johnbreslin, I do not recognize a party named '+[IPcaller]' 15:27:18 Zakim, +IPcaller is me 15:27:18 sorry, johnbreslin, I do not recognize a party named '+IPcaller' 15:27:31 third time lucky ;-) ta elf-pavlik 15:28:20 via rhiaro: since elf-pavlik has used http*s*://rhiaro.co.uk in all the diagrams, I should probably get an ssl cert for rhiaro.co.uk 15:28:39 thanks johnbreslin 15:28:40 yes, I was saying that your /me comment about elf won't go into minutes 15:28:43 bye Adam 15:28:47 -AdamB 15:29:07 ok johnbreslin ... noted you won't see IRC 15:29:38 jhaag: could you give more detail about the purpose of qualified relation 15:30:08 https://github.com/w3c-social/social-vocab/blob/master/property/follows 15:30:21 https://github.com/w3c-social/social-vocab/tree/master/qualified-relation/Following 15:30:35 Lloyd_Fassett has joined #Socialig 15:31:02 https://github.com/w3c-social/social-vocab/blob/master/activity/Follow 15:31:38 elf-pavlik: "follows" is a dead-end, whereas "follow" has many options 15:31:41 ... one is an edge 15:32:07 https://github.com/w3c-social/social-vocab 15:32:29 ... read the "read me" in that link 15:32:50 ... will try same pattern for containers 15:33:07 https://github.com/jasnell/w3c-socialwg-activitystreams/issues/99 15:33:34 ... example from James Snell (IBM), in Social Working Group 15:33:55 rrsagent, make minutes 15:33:55 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/04/22-socialig-minutes.html AnnB 15:34:27 ... trying to look at existing vocabs, and take common patterns 15:34:27 -guangyuan 15:34:44 ... some vocabs are simple, others more complicated 15:34:53 jhaag: I like the diagrams; very helpful 15:35:37 elf-pavlik: I want to show the "state" of graph before and after an action or API call 15:35:44 ... and what changes resulted 15:37:01 really like the visualization to go with it elf! 15:37:04 AnnB: curious to hear from John Breslin how this relates to his work with SIOC 15:37:09 https://github.com/w3c-social/social-vocab/tree/master/activity/Travel 15:37:09 15:37:15 what tool did you use to model it? 15:37:33 elf-pavlik: early work on "travel" 15:39:01 ... if you just look at json or turtle, you might miss that some things don't make sense 15:39:09 -johnbreslin 15:39:17 ... was really helpful to do this diagram 15:39:24 http://vowl.visualdataweb.org/webvowl/index.html 15:39:29 ... use google drawing, but plan to switch to another tool 15:39:43 AnnB suggests somethign that puts out SVG 15:39:56 s/json/json-ld/ 15:40:22 ... next steps: first I plan to make diagrams for all the data modeling I use on my own home page 15:41:11 ... then I'll look at web credentials for one's accomplishments (e.g., university degrees, achievements..) 15:41:20 ... more real-world use cases 15:41:48 AnnB: how much relationship is there between the various vocabularies? 15:42:02 not much 15:42:07 https://www.w3.org/wiki/Sicialig/Vocabulary_TF/Mapping_API_User_Stories_to_Vocabulary_terms 15:42:10 there is little overlap 15:42:22 some basic things like title, description, etc. 15:42:51 some overlap with FOAF and dublin core metadata 15:43:40 elf-pavlik: that's why I was trying to map between vocabulary "systems" 15:43:49 https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/Collection_Comparison 15:45:04 ... collection comparison: that's trying to summarize the overlaps 15:47:45 ... aiming at 2 containers: people I follow and people who follow me 15:48:08 ... purpose of diagrams is to better understand and make it easier to exlain 15:48:16 s/exlain/explain/ 15:49:25 ... unfortunately Lynn Foster couldn't attend today; she uses a lot of diagrams 15:49:36 ... in Open Value Network 15:50:14 AnnB: how can people help? 15:50:26 elf-pavlik: go look at the repos 15:50:52 ... make "Issues" to ask questions, or comments, such as "this doesn't make sense" 15:51:23 ... all the people working on modeling, can contribute from their point-of-view 15:51:40 ... also to explain how they do in their own model 15:52:07 ... or to ask questions about differences between vocabularies or models 15:53:03 AnnB: thanks so much to elf-pavlik for doing all this work; for establishing such a good foundation 15:53:07 elf-pavlik, my immediate reaction is why do we need qualified relations *and* activities? the start and end dates etc could be attached to the activity, right? since activity is an object. Maybe I just haven't looked at enough examples yet, and also I can't hear properly. Also also I have to go now. I'll follow up on github after I've had a more thorough look at all of the diagrams. 15:53:27 ok, thanks rhiaro 15:54:05 but the original folllow activity still exists? 15:54:08 and a new unfollow activity 15:54:13 (for new folks... "rhiaro" is Amy Guy, a PhD student in Edinburgh) 15:55:06 elf-pavlik: okay cool, I'll think about it some more 15:55:11 I'll also start making some data available 15:55:28 really have to run now, catch you later! 15:55:36 -rhiaro 15:55:39 ok, ciao 15:56:02 ciao rhiaro o/ 15:56:03 +? 15:56:33 +q 15:56:36 -q 15:56:38 q+ 15:56:40 q- 15:56:43 AnnB: there will be a lot of vocabulary specialists in Paris .. should be an agenda item 15:57:15 Lloyd: wonders about qualified relationships 15:57:25 .... we have multiple types of relationships 15:57:32 ... how to define 15:58:00 elf-pavlik: I'm going to try to explore that using the relations I've got on my own web site 15:58:11 ... going to diagram those this week 15:59:30 Lloyd: Amy's question prompted my thinking on that 15:59:45 ... will be interesting to see your work on this 15:59:54 ... seems like she's trying to get at "context" 16:00:11 tantek has joined #socialig 16:02:10 elf-pavlik: seeking ways to discuss this, rather than define "ONE" way 16:03:38 Lloyd: 16:05:07 I think we're drilling in how actors can relate to each other and domain specific 'nouns'. I expect that our 'vocabulary' is different by type, which is a good thing. 16:05:13 -JHaag 16:05:21 16:05:41 elf-pavlik: would really like help with feedback on github 16:06:01 -dromasca 16:06:03 -Lloyd 16:06:03 trackbot, end meeting 16:06:03 Zakim, list attendees 16:06:04 As of this point the attendees have been elf-pavlik, JHaag, +3539149aaaa, johnbreslin, +1.314.705.aabb, AdamB, Ann, rhiaro, guangyuan, dromasca, +1.541.410.aacc, +1.541.410.aadd, 16:06:04 AnnB++ 16:06:06 AnnB has 24 karma 16:06:07 ... Lloyd 16:06:12 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 16:06:12 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/04/22-socialig-minutes.html trackbot 16:06:13 RRSAgent, bye 16:06:13 I see no action items