14:05:15 RRSAgent has joined #annotation 14:05:15 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/04/15-annotation-irc 14:05:17 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:05:17 Zakim has joined #annotation 14:05:19 Zakim, this will be 2666 14:05:19 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 14:05:20 Meeting: Web Annotation Working Group Teleconference 14:05:21 Date: 15 April 2015 14:40:35 azaroth has joined #annotation 14:43:44 azaroth has changed the topic to: Zakim code 2666# ; agenda https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2015Apr/0072.html 14:43:52 zakim, who is here? 14:43:52 sorry, azaroth, I don't know what conference this is 14:43:54 On IRC I see azaroth, Zakim, RRSAgent, renoirb, Mitar, ivan, trackbot, shepazu, oshepherd, KevinMarks, bret, rhiaro, dwhly, JakeHart, bigbluehat, stain, csillag 14:44:31 renoirb has left #annotation 14:47:58 paoloC has joined #annotation 14:52:20 hi 14:52:21 fjh has joined #annotation 14:52:22 Morning Paolo :) 14:52:31 Morning Frederick :) 14:52:52 trackbot, start telecon 14:52:54 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:52:56 Zakim, this will be 2666 14:52:56 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 14:52:57 Meeting: Web Annotation Working Group Teleconference 14:52:57 Date: 15 April 2015 14:53:15 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2015Apr/0072.html 14:54:05 Chair: Frederick_Hirsch, Rob_Sanderson 14:54:10 Present+ Frederick_Hirsch, Rob_Sanderson 14:54:19 zakim, this will be annotation 14:54:19 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, fjh 14:55:10 Regrets+ Kyrce_Swenson, Bill_Kasdorf 14:56:50 RayD has joined #annotation 14:59:25 Present+ Doug_Schepers 15:00:12 present+ Ray_Denenberg 15:00:52 present+ Kristof_Csillag 15:01:16 Present+ Paolo_Ciccarese 15:01:23 MattBookPro has joined #annotation 15:01:50 Present+ Matt_Haas (MattBookPro) 15:02:12 TimCole has joined #annotation 15:02:15 Ha! Sorry… User name remained default. 15:02:39 tbdinesh has joined #annotation 15:02:40 s/Ha! Sorry… User name remained default.// 15:03:03 Present +TB_Dinesh 15:03:36 zakim, ipcaller is me 15:03:36 sorry, tbdinesh, I do not recognize a party named 'ipcaller' 15:03:40 Jacob has joined #annotation 15:03:42 Present+ Tim_Cole 15:03:51 present+ Jacob_Jett 15:04:20 bjdmeest has joined #annotation 15:04:41 ScribeNick: Jacob 15:05:00 Topic: Agenda Review, Scribe Selection, Announcements 15:05:32 fjh: getting started; will go through protocol doc and discuss where that is after the usual administratives (miniutes approval etc.) 15:05:47 ... then some open discussion; other topics from the group? annonucements? 15:05:51 Topic: Minutes Approval 15:05:59 proposed RESOLUTION: minutes from 8 April 2015 approved, see http://www.w3.org/2015/04/08-annotation-minutes.html 15:06:08 Present: Ivan_Herman 15:06:18 RESOLUTION: minutes from 8 April 2015 approved, see http://www.w3.org/2015/04/08-annotation-minutes.html 15:06:19 Topic: Protocol 15:06:20 approved 15:06:28 see http://w3c.github.io/web-annotation/protocol/wd/ 15:06:59 Rob: will take questions as we discuss 15:07:40 ... not many changes have been made, just fixed issues 15:07:57 ... will walk through and discuss issues as they come up 15:08:06 ... [in section 3] 15:08:12 Present+ Ben_De_Meester 15:08:18 Present+ Dan_Whaley 15:08:36 ... removed some of the focus on multiple containers as we are only worrying about one container 15:09:35 ... annotation graph now within a single container, document discusses support for POST, GET (for description of container), & OPTIONS 15:10:00 ... some additional requirements (carry over from previous version) come from the LPD spec 15:10:55 ... target uri can be static and can be referenced 15:11:27 ... LDP group doesn't mention requirement for ... [missed it] ... as it was mentioned elsewhere 15:11:44 q? 15:11:58 ... 3.1.2 container retrieval requirements 15:12:20 ... must say what kind of container (LDP basic container) 15:12:23 davis_salisbury has joined #annotation 15:12:45 ... recommend adding a label so that if a user agent needs to show something to a human it has something to display 15:13:20 ... fleshed out the large containers section; omit annotation uris, container size caps, & paging responses 15:14:05 ... e.g., can set a header on the request that will omit the triples describing the container 15:14:40 present+ davis_salisbury 15:15:12 ... preferred method is to add pages to the response; LDP specifies three different ways for this but only one is useful to us, the maximum member count 15:16:07 ... walking through the examples, ask for a container with no more than 2 annos 15:17:03 ... client gets the first page, drops off the prefer header, and then pages through until it comes to canonical annotation forms 15:17:22 q+ 15:17:26 ... has a different type, i.e., page and not container 15:18:22 ... the page header links through the various pages, allowing the client to link back and forth among the pages, allowing for automated walking through the pages 15:18:25 ack TimCole 15:18:52 Tim: understand the page return, what is the case for the container size caps; why do we need to support it? 15:19:09 ... is it separate from the paging responses? 15:19:59 Rob: Size cap and paging are separate options, size cap lets one bypass the paging response altogether 15:20:09 q+ 15:20:36 ... allows folks to decide which, could drop the size caps if it is not needed 15:21:14 ... if no dynamic response is needed vis a vis paging, then could just link between the containers rather than the headers 15:21:24 q? 15:21:43 ... use the size cap to prevent additional annos to be added to full containers 15:22:03 ack rayd 15:22:19 Tim: should think about this, could use a platform that doesn't employ LDP at all for folks that don't want to use LDP 15:23:03 Ray: Could clarify by noting that the three strategies in the document are "strategies" by adding such text to the headings in the doc 15:23:12 q+ 15:23:16 q+ 15:23:24 ack paoloC 15:24:17 Paolo: was imagining when one or the other was used; if want to browse the annos in the container, can usually use paging but if I want the latest annos then might not want to use pagination 15:24:31 ... how is the criteria for the annos dictated? 15:25:15 Rob: container contains a list of annos; i.e. container contains anno1, contains anno2, etc. 15:26:27 ... if there are only a certian number of annos that target a specific target uri, then we need a way to constrain the response so only the pertinent annos in the container are returned 15:26:35 q? 15:26:58 q+ 15:27:09 q+ 15:27:15 ... if we had some method for filtering / searching that would also service this use case but that section of the doc is TBD 15:27:52 Paolo: would expect to use a mechanism like this one where an ordering criteria could be added 15:28:09 Rob: use case: ordering the response 15:28:17 ack fjh 15:28:36 Paolo: response with unordered set [of annos] not useful for all use cases 15:28:58 q+ 15:29:17 ack shepazu 15:29:23 fjh: under the impression that we would pick one of the methods to support 15:30:00 Ray: optional features a concern because they are a barricade to interoperability 15:30:01 zakim, mute me 15:30:01 sorry, ivan, I don't know what conference this is 15:30:29 I think we will need filtering/search based on target domain, and/or target domain + partial path; will we ilmit the options, think we should, presume paging being a note not an issue 15:30:30 ... wondering if these are features of the protocol or more like strategies of how to employ the protocol? 15:30:52 can still have normative language in protocol spec, but we should check if this works 15:30:53 q? 15:31:17 ... are they user guides, if yes then should be broken out into a user doc along with all of the specs that users need to employ them 15:31:22 uskudarli has joined #annotation 15:31:42 Rob: can add another normative segment that says that the container must be supported 15:31:58 ... use case: want to see all of the annos in the container 15:32:17 present+ suzan_uskudarli 15:32:33 ... can make paging mandatory but is it too high of a barricade to entry / uptake? 15:32:56 to clarify, is doug suggesting paging be in a different/later spec? 15:33:54 I submit this hypothesis - if filtering is available, paging might not be necessary if we get the filtering right 15:34:01 q+ 15:34:31 Doug: Can we put it into a later doc, i.e., version 1 that everyone supports, version/level 2 that weren't sure were necessary for version 1, i.e., a formally iterative approach to spec development to garner a round of feedback to determine when things we think might be necessary are necessary 15:35:05 Rob: agree that we should leave out things that are known to be required but are hard is a good strategy 15:35:13 what would be error case if paging were not supported and there was no cap? large page? 15:35:21 ... can leave out things like paging to version 2 15:36:08 I dissagree 15:36:17 ... will need paging regardless 15:36:59 s/dissagree/disagree with doug that optional features are a problem, for example a cap/ 15:37:09 q? 15:37:37 Ray: disagree that mentioning these in the spec will cause any interop problems 15:38:06 s/agree that we/disagree that we/ 15:38:48 q+ 15:38:56 ... mention that paging / filtering can be solved by developing a protocol for SRU, can come up with a simple profile that will save some work 15:39:00 ack RayD 15:39:09 ack fjh 15:39:22 http://www.loc.gov/standards/sru/ 15:39:24 q+ 15:39:28 q+ 15:39:31 fjh: seems that if filtering is done correctly then maybe paging isn't necessary 15:39:51 ... don't understand why it is necessary server side 15:40:42 Rob: imagine a large container full of lots of annos, would still need paging to go through the 10s of thousands of annos 15:40:56 q+ 15:40:57 ... still need paging with filtering 15:41:08 q? 15:41:13 ack shepazu 15:41:13 ack shepazu 15:42:01 Doug: to what extent are these docs meant to solve particular use cases and to what extent is the doc specifying features 15:42:20 Rob: paging a feature 15:43:09 ack azaroth 15:43:10 ... omit anno a feature and container size cap a developer use case 15:43:26 ack TimCole 15:43:27 ack TimCole 15:43:50 Tim: agree that options can be problematic for interoperability 15:44:05 +1 to limiting optional features 15:44:13 ... but, some kind of way to deal with containers that get to big is a necessity for the protocol 15:44:28 ... e.g., OAI-PMH faced this issue 15:45:30 ... in that case as the repositories grew the clients that harvested metadata didn't, so there was a lag between implementation of features that aided with scaling up 15:45:46 q? 15:45:46 q? 15:45:48 ... would like to see a single solution for this rather than three, would prefer paging to the others 15:45:56 ack paoloC 15:46:20 Paolo: would prefer both containers and paging so that it is possible to just peek in the container 15:46:29 ...ok with just having one solution as a start though 15:47:25 ... e.g., text mining use case, produces tons of data, so paging is very helpful to manage the data 15:47:58 Rob: proposal: remove the container size cap, and require both omit anno uris and paging 15:48:44 q? 15:49:39 q+ 15:49:53 Paolo: if I only want 10 annos, on page 1, and there are other pages but the server still gives back multiple pages and so need to get 'page 1' 15:50:57 ... another q, if search is implemented, generating perfect pagination details might not be possible, because cannot always tell what the last page is going to be 15:51:34 ... counters will not always reflect actual numbers, because they are imperfect 15:51:59 Rob: next would always have to be true, first would have to be known but last can be unknown 15:52:15 q? 15:52:24 ack paoloC 15:52:30 q+ 15:52:51 ... can we drill into the optional features, should they be specified? 15:52:59 ack RayD 15:53:03 ... answer will impact the documents 15:53:31 Ray: want to add something to agenda for next week? 15:54:10 Topic: F2F Agenda 15:54:11 https://www.w3.org/annotation/wiki/Meetings/f2f/SF_Q1_2015 15:55:41 fjh: determining the best way to make use of the time; can work through issues that we have stuff for on the calls so should focus on more ambiguous things like robust anchoring, possibly protocol, fpwd (for same), etc 15:56:02 ... possibly using a use case like foot notes 15:56:25 ... may be an unconference type of meeting where various issues get worked through 15:57:03 q? 15:57:08 ... can get additional topics from Hypothes.is, Rob, Doug, Ivan, others, waiting for some feedback from list 15:57:12 same here 15:57:42 ... would help to know ahead of time, what folks want to focus on so time can be allocated 15:58:36 Any proposals are welcome! 15:58:42 Ray: would like to know if there is interest in search requirements and an approach for it; may or may not be useful 15:59:06 +1 15:59:08 fjh: good topic, would be helpful and appropriate 15:59:26 ... anything else for f2f agenda? 16:01:16 Topic: Adjourn 16:01:41 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:01:41 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/04/15-annotation-minutes.html ivan 16:02:41 tantek has joined #annotation 17:00:18 tilgovi has joined #annotation 17:01:59 bengo has joined #annotation 18:03:22 Zakim has left #annotation 18:27:14 bengo has joined #annotation 18:29:32 bengo has joined #annotation 18:44:05 renoirb has joined #annotation 20:18:06 tilgovi has joined #annotation 22:20:32 tilgovi has joined #annotation