13:58:04 RRSAgent has joined #w3process 13:58:04 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/03/31-w3process-irc 13:58:06 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:58:06 Zakim has joined #w3process 13:58:08 Zakim, this will be Process 13:58:08 ok, trackbot; I see AB_(PROCESS)10:00AM scheduled to start in 2 minutes 13:58:09 Meeting: Revising W3C Process Community Group Teleconference 13:58:09 Date: 31 March 2015 13:59:31 AB_(PROCESS)10:00AM has now started 13:59:38 +SteveZ 14:01:58 +Mike_Champion 14:02:49 +??P0 14:04:17 -??P0 14:04:53 Zakim,who is on phone? 14:04:53 I don't understand your question, SteveZ. 14:06:24 -SteveZ 14:06:58 SteveZ has joined #w3process 14:07:04 +SteveZ 14:08:27 jeff has joined #w3process 14:08:38 +Jeff 14:08:39 Zakim, who is making noise? 14:08:54 SteveZ, listening for 14 seconds I heard sound from the following: SteveZ (57%), Jeff (14%) 14:11:30 +??P2 14:11:35 Zakim, ??p2 is me 14:11:35 +timeless; got it 14:11:48 Zakim, mute me 14:11:48 timeless should now be muted 14:11:51 scribe: timeless 14:12:20 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3process/2015Mar/0138.html 14:12:49 Topic: Plan for next steps 14:13:13 jeff: i thought chaals was going to formally object to... 14:13:24 SteveZ: he was going to formally object to changing the rules for TAG 14:13:47 ... he put out a proposal for the TAG that he would support 14:13:59 ... but it was a way bigger change than what we were trying to do in this time 14:14:12 ... his proposal was expanding the TAG w/ an extra three members, and some other things 14:14:22 ... ArtB supported it 14:14:39 jeff: do we have a formal questionnaire that's open? 14:14:46 SteveZ: no, we just asked for email comments 14:14:58 jeff: so maybe his comments are a formal objection 14:15:09 mike: it might be useful to talk to the Director whomever this might be 14:15:23 ... to get a sense of whether a Formal Objection would block this new process from becoming official 14:15:36 jeff: as a Content or Process Question? 14:15:48 mike: a Process question 14:16:02 ... for how we'd handle what amounts to an attempt for a formal objection 14:16:10 ... we could ask the Director if this FO would be upheld 14:16:17 ... i'd hope the answer would be no 14:16:28 jeff: i'm pretty sure the answer would be that he wouldn't know until he looks 14:16:39 ... usually if there's a FO, they ask people to try to work it out 14:16:52 ... failing that, he'd rule on the FO 14:16:57 mike: ok, that makes sense 14:17:18 ... so this is chaals putting an idea on the table 14:17:28 jeff: i guess it'd be useful if we could look at the thread 14:18:22 SteveZ: i believe the thread was on process 14:20:46 jeff: some review comments from Mark Nottingham 14:21:12 jeff: his comments wouldn't block 14:21:29 ... an AB/TAG -- chair resign request -- too much power 14:21:41 ... some conflict between two mostly unused sections of voting 14:21:44 ... and editorial 14:22:12 SteveZ: i think we could probably accept the second one 14:22:17 Zakim, unmute me 14:22:17 timeless should no longer be muted 14:23:18 Some Chaals comments --> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3process/2015Mar/att-0101/00-part 14:25:45 jeff: i think we need chaals to know if there's another proposal he'd accept 14:25:54 mike: no member has indicated support for his proposal 14:26:14 SteveZ: but per jeff's note, we should ask him if he'd accept other proposals 14:26:19 s/jeff:/SteveZ:/ 14:26:27 jeff: we should decide what we want to do 14:26:48 ... unless he can come up w/ a suggested compromise, it sounds like we have a consensus to go forward w/ the current text 14:26:52 mike: I agree with that 14:26:57 SteveZ: i do too 14:27:25 jeff: on wayne's stuff, there was a lot of agreement to take on the Appeals issue in Process 2016 14:27:35 +dsinger 14:27:36 ... but i feel like there was no consensus to take it on in 2015 14:27:52 SteveZ: there were a bunch of editorial things, which i think chaals has accepted 14:28:14 ... we're talking about next steps, as the comment period is about to expire tomorrow 14:28:22 dsinger: have we gotten comments 14:28:42 SteveZ: we've gotten comments from Wayne, Mark Nottingham, Chaals, 14:28:59 dsinger: it'd be useful to put together a note for the AC of what comments we've gotten 14:29:13 s/dsinger/jeff/ 14:29:22 jeff: it'd be good for the chair to write a Disposition of Comments 14:29:53 mike: you can send it to the w3process list, and someone can send it to the AC list 14:30:16 RRSAgent, draft minutes 14:30:16 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/03/31-w3process-minutes.html timeless 14:30:37 SteveZ: the issue of whether the TAG should be changed in a broader sense is still open 14:31:00 mike: but it isn't a question for this year 14:31:10 jeff: the deadline is today, it's already tomorrow in Japan 14:31:21 mike: it's an informal deadline 14:32:16 RRSAgent, make logs world 14:32:21 RRSAgent, draft minutes 14:32:21 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/03/31-w3process-minutes.html timeless 14:32:26 chair: SteveZ 14:32:49 topic: Identifying out of date specifications 14:33:02 SteveZ: there was a discussion 14:33:12 ... a proposal that we change the style sheets for out of date specifications 14:33:21 ... to put up a notice to say that this specification is out of date 14:33:26 ... (using CSS) 14:33:37 ... indicating to check the current specification link to find the up to date copy 14:33:40 ... it seems like this is now in the team's hands 14:33:49 SteveZ: it seems like this is now in the team's hands 14:34:01 SteveZ: it seems like this is now in the TEAM's hands 14:34:15 SteveZ: it seems like this is now in ... hands 14:34:32 jeff: is there a concrete proposal? 14:34:39 RRSAgent, draft minutes 14:34:39 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/03/31-w3process-minutes.html timeless 14:35:15 dsinger: the proposal is that if the head of the document is different from the published document 14:35:24 ... or if there's a major rev change 14:35:35 jeff: why is this a sys team thing instead of the WG? 14:35:54 mike: historical documents, someone has to do it, the WGs don't necessarily exist 14:36:01 jeff: we need a procedure going forward 14:36:09 ... and we need a one time effort to catch up on history 14:36:11 mike: i agree 14:36:16 jeff: that makes sense to me 14:36:20 s/ ... it seems like this is now in ... hands// 14:36:25 s/ ... it seems like this is now in the TEAM's hands// 14:36:31 s/... it seems like this is now in ... hands// 14:36:34 s/... it seems like this is now in the TEAM's hands// 14:36:46 s/... it seems like this is now in the team's hands// 14:37:02 jeff: do we want to put into the Process that WGs should do tihs? 14:37:06 s/tihs/this/ 14:37:12 mike: isn't it more of a Pub Rules things? 14:37:27 Dsinger_ has joined #w3process 14:37:30 jeff: Team owns Pub Rules, but WGs own their interaction w/ Pub Rules 14:37:41 ... i'd hope action is done where there's knowledge to do the work 14:38:10 ... "following these new proposed Pub Rules", they'd send both their new document for Director Approval, and their doctoring of the old document 14:38:19 Dsinger_: i thought the header of the document was autogenerated 14:38:40 ... if we make the stylesheet change, i think the WGs will be quite keen to do whatever it takes to trigger it 14:38:49 SteveZ: only the Team can update historical document stylesheets 14:38:56 ... right now, the WG can't do it per process 14:39:08 jeff: ok, then i need this new procedure to have the WG inform the team when it should happen 14:39:29 ... i don't want to be in a position to have someone in Sys Team figure out that a WG obsoleted something 14:39:44 ... the WG should inform Sys Team that we need to update the header on the now obsoleted document 14:39:45 Someone works that out today. This is not process, can we take it offline? 14:39:55 SteveZ: when they publish a new version, it obsoletes an old version 14:40:04 ... so pushing the publish button would be the notification 14:40:11 ... i don't know that's the only time 14:40:17 s/.../jeff:/ 14:40:29 mike: this isn't a change to W3C Process 14:40:34 ... it's a detail of W3 Team 14:40:48 ... that's why i wanted someone from Team to weigh in on the easiest way for them to address this 14:40:51 jeff: i agree with you 14:40:57 ... let's have someone write up the proposal 14:41:03 ... so i can take it to the Sys Team 14:41:04 Volunteers 14:41:11 Q+ 14:41:15 ... my proposal is that included in the proposal shouldn't only be the new style sheet 14:41:22 http://www.w3.org/2011/tracking-protection/drafts/tracking-dnt.html 14:41:26 ... but also the triggers that would cause the need for the style sheet 14:42:05 SteveZ: it seems useful to take the vague process to Sys Team and ask them "what information would you like from a WG to decide to be able to implement that" 14:42:15 ... we can make suggestions of how it should be done, but they may have a better idea 14:42:22 Dsinger_: if you have a look at the DNT document 14:42:44 This version: 14:42:44 Latest published version: 14:42:44 Latest editor's draft: 14:42:44 Editors: 14:42:52 Dsinger_: i didn't write these lines 14:43:07 ... it'd make sense for something to be able to automatically adjust lines like them 14:43:15 Dsinger_: i'll write this up 14:43:20 RRSAgent, draft minutes 14:43:20 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/03/31-w3process-minutes.html timeless 14:43:39 s|s/ //|| 14:43:41 s|s/ //|| 14:43:56 topic: Summarize status of Wayne Carr's Comment 9 14:44:13 Which was Wayne #9? 14:44:14 SteveZ: i believe Wayne agreed that this wasn't a simple thing to fix 14:44:35 i|was|-> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3process/2015Mar/0106.html Wayne's comment 9| 14:45:11 jeff: i thought it was a good job of identifying inconsistency 14:45:24 ... i thought it would be interesting if we had a conversation of the problem we're trying to solve 14:45:28 RRSAgent, draft minutes 14:45:28 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/03/31-w3process-minutes.html timeless 14:45:43 Yes, it is not a fire and there are alligators potentially lurking in the swamp 14:46:36 topic: Continue review Wayne Carr's Comments on the Process 2015 draft out for Review 14:46:43 SteveZ: on Wayne's other comments 14:46:53 i|on|-> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3process/2015Mar/0023.html Wayne's other comments| 14:47:33 SteveZ: on AC's something on something 14:47:39 ... i think we decided in the minutes 14:47:55 ... the Errata discussion hasn't produced any discussion 14:48:02 ... we're still left in the air w/ the issue of whether 14:48:09 ... we can do changes w/o requiring an AC review 14:48:20 ... are there any things that are truly editorial 14:48:31 ... Wayne listed some of those 14:48:45 ... i'm not sure how to get useful discussion beyond the AC meeting itself 14:48:59 jeff: we agree that purely editorial discussions don't require AC review 14:49:09 ... we just don't agree whether editorial changes is the empty set 14:49:17 ... it seems the language we have is fine 14:49:41 ... if it turns out that there is no such thing as an editorial change, then the clause will never be utilized 14:49:58 SteveZ: the document today says even editorial changes require AC review 14:50:09 ... i'm willing to draft a proposed resolution 14:50:28 jeff: changing "MAY" to "may" could be editorial 14:50:34 ... perhaps that's an existence proof 14:50:40 SteveZ: Wayne had some examples 14:50:45 ... i believe the set is not empty 14:51:07 jeff: does anyone object to fantasai's proposal that purely editorial changes don't require AC review? 14:51:13 SteveZ: that would resolve the issue 14:51:21 ... let me write that up and send it out as our proposed resolution 14:51:27 RRSAgent, draft minutes 14:51:27 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/03/31-w3process-minutes.html timeless 14:52:00 dsinger: tricky, question is, what if a WG decides something is purely editorial, and AC disagrees? 14:52:02 Dsinger_ has joined #w3process 14:52:10 jeff: i think that's a reasonable question 14:52:22 ... i think it could go out to the AC w/ a 4 week window 14:52:34 Dsinger_: but as chaals pointed out, you might as well put it up for AC review 14:52:43 ... because it's the same amount of time 14:52:51 jeff: so, how does someone object given time? 14:53:00 Dsinger_: i think we should leave it as a hanging question and move on 14:53:12 jeff: chaals's point 14:53:30 jeff: well, a number of decisions, an Announcement of a Memorandum of Understanding w/ another Organization 14:53:47 ... it goes out for a 4 week comment, which can be appealed, and if no one comments, then after 4 weeks, it's approved 14:53:54 ... using that process, no one has to ballot the changes 14:54:02 ... so i'm not sure i agree w/ chaals that it's the same thing 14:54:25 Dsinger_: i think the WG members are the only people who could know they believe it's editorial 14:54:38 jeff: they could have already left W3C 14:54:58 Dsinger_: so we could require no dissent instead of consensus 14:55:16 jeff: it may broaden their commitment instead of 14:55:26 Dsinger_: then it will go to court, and they'll win 14:55:41 SteveZ: they're only on the hook for the last draft as a member 14:55:52 +1 to Dave 14:55:52 [ Scribe note: not precisely, but close enough ] 14:56:09 Dsinger_: i think the only AC Members who could object would be ACs who are members of the WGs 14:56:27 SteveZ: your point is that the decision to make an editorial change should be Without Opposition in the WG 14:56:31 ... that makes sense to me 14:56:34 timeless: +1 14:56:42 Ie better than consensus, no opposition 14:56:54 Topic: Next 14:57:00 -Mike_Champion 14:57:02 SteveZ: i need to develop a Disposition of Comments 14:57:22 ... comment period officially closes today, but any comments received this week will be considered 14:57:40 timeless: Passover next week, I'll be on vacation 14:58:04 s/... it seems like this is now in ... hands// 14:58:11 SteveZ: thanks everyone 14:58:16 ... we'll talk next week 14:58:19 [ Adjourned ] 14:58:22 RRSAgent, draft minutes 14:58:22 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/03/31-w3process-minutes.html timeless 14:58:22 -dsinger 14:58:24 -Jeff 14:58:37 -SteveZ 14:58:38 Dsinger_ has left #w3process 14:58:58 s|s/... it seems like this is now in ... hands//|| 14:59:15 s/SteveZ: it seems like this is now in ... hands// 14:59:22 s/SteveZ: it seems like this is now in the TEAM's hands// 14:59:28 s/SteveZ: it seems like this is now in the team's hands// 14:59:31 RRSAgent, draft minutes 14:59:31 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/03/31-w3process-minutes.html timeless 15:00:28 s/link to find the up to date copy/link to find the up to date copy ... it seems like this is now in the team's hands/ 15:00:30 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:00:30 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/03/31-w3process-minutes.html timeless 15:00:54 s/Editors:/ Editors:/ 15:00:56 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:00:56 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/03/31-w3process-minutes.html timeless 15:01:22 s/ Editors:/> Editors:/ 15:01:26 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:01:26 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/03/31-w3process-minutes.html timeless 15:01:49 s/Latest editor's draft:/> Latest editor's draft:/ 15:01:56 s/Latest published version:/> Latest published version:/ 15:02:02 s/This version:/> This version:/ 15:02:05 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:02:05 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/03/31-w3process-minutes.html timeless 15:02:43 s/Dsinger_/Dsinger/g 15:02:46 s/dsinger/Dsinger/g 15:02:49 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:02:49 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/03/31-w3process-minutes.html timeless 15:03:20 RRSAgent, make minutes 15:03:20 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/03/31-w3process-minutes.html timeless 15:03:29 trackbot, end meeting 15:03:29 Zakim, list attendees 15:03:30 As of this point the attendees have been SteveZ, Mike_Champion, Jeff, timeless, dsinger 15:03:37 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 15:03:37 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/03/31-w3process-minutes.html trackbot 15:03:38 RRSAgent, bye 15:03:38 I see no action items 15:03:39 -timeless 15:03:39 AB_(PROCESS)10:00AM has ended