16:58:36 RRSAgent has joined #aria-apg 16:58:36 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/03/30-aria-apg-irc 16:58:38 RRSAgent, make logs member 16:58:38 Zakim has joined #aria-apg 16:58:40 Zakim, this will be WAI_PF 16:58:40 ok, trackbot; I see WAI_PFWG(ARIA)1:00PM scheduled to start in 2 minutes 16:58:41 Meeting: Protocols and Formats Working Group Teleconference 16:58:41 Date: 30 March 2015 16:58:56 WAI_PFWG(ARIA)1:00PM has now started 16:59:04 +Jon_Gunderson 16:59:07 s/Meeting: Protocols and Formats Working Group Teleconference/Meeting: ARIA Authoring Practices Task Force 16:59:28 rrsagent, make log world 17:00:03 +Matt_King 17:00:33 +James_Nurthen 17:00:47 + +1.512.459.aaaa 17:01:16 annabbott has joined #aria-apg 17:01:17 Agenda+ John's Spin button example http://jongund.github.io/aria-examples/slider/slider-1.html 17:01:17 Agenda+ Example coding practices 17:01:17 Agenda+ Planning for next public wor 17:01:25 + +1.217.244.aabb 17:02:00 zakim, aaaa is Ann Abbott 17:02:00 I don't understand 'aaaa is Ann Abbott', annabbott 17:02:21 zakim, aaaa is AnnAbbott 17:02:22 +AnnAbbott; got it 17:02:32 jemma has joined #aria-apg 17:02:44 zakim, aabb is Jemma 17:02:45 +Jemma; got it 17:02:57 agenda? 17:06:44 +[IPcaller] 17:06:59 scribe: Mmatt_king 17:07:09 zakim, IPcaller is LJWatson 17:07:09 +LJWatson; got it 17:07:28 scribe:mattking 17:07:34 zakim, next item 17:07:34 agendum 1. "John's Spin button example http://jongund.github.io/aria-examples/slider/slider-1.html" taken up [from jamesn] 17:07:58 +Bryan_Garaventa 17:10:03 JN: nit... headingsabove tables should be captions 17:10:20 jg: should you be able to use aria-labelledby to set captions 17:10:44 JN: yes; guess need to update my checking tool 17:11:03 jg: seems to be3 common pattern; preferred by devs over caption 17:11:27 jg: OAA also checks for these 17:11:44 jg: aria-described should map to summary? 17:11:45 JN: yes 17:12:12 jg: summary attribute is depricated in html5 17:13:43 mk: I think the question of what to do with aria-describedby on table needs to be raised with ARIA WG 17:14:01 AA: Why is it required on these tables? 17:14:13 JN: that is just what the tool we use requires 17:16:01 MK: I want to discuss keyboard behaviors 17:16:25 MK: is orientation specified 17:16:33 bgaraventa1979 has joined #aria-apg 17:16:34 jg: required? 17:16:47 jn: not for a horizontal; it is the default 17:17:10 zakim, I am Bryan_Garaventa 17:17:10 ok, bgaraventa1979, I now associate you with Bryan_Garaventa 17:17:28 scribeNick:jamesn 17:18:01 MK: left decreases, right increases. I would expect down to increase and up to decrease but the opposite is happening 17:18:43 MK: down is moving further ahead in a document so would increase the value. I would have though right, down and pagedown and end would all move in the same direction 17:19:03 jongund has joined #aria-apg 17:19:04 BG: that follows the paradigm I have used in the past 17:19:30 AA: That is exactly the opposite of what we have in the current authoring practices 17:20:29 JN: if we honeslty believe it is wrong I would like to get wider input 17:21:28 BG: if you have a vertical slider then down arrow moves the slider down. but if you have a horizontal slider 17:21:32 BG: it moves it opposite 17:21:35 q+ 17:21:51 MK: certain keys move you forward, and others move you backwards 17:22:15 MK: think of it in document context. Down and right move you later, up and left move you earlier 17:22:35 MK: what i am most concerned about is that those groups of keys are all alligned with each other 17:23:14 mk: I don't want to associate a direction with an increase of decrease 17:23:18 -LJWatson 17:23:30 q? 17:25:46 jn: leads to a potential conflict with spinbutton 17:25:49 q+ 17:26:07 q+ to ask what does type=range do in the browsers 17:27:10 17:30:07 jn: what does input type=range 17:33:16 scribe: matt_king 17:33:59 JN: fre fox and chrome: up arrow moves right page up moves right; down arrow and page down move left 17:35:24 jn: up moves right; page up not implemented 17:36:12 jn: in IE, home goes to left and end to right 17:38:06 jn: windows slider for fonts, opposite of browsers: in win 8.1 17:38:26 jn: win 8.1 up moving left and down moving right 17:38:59 jn: sound slider is opposite of the font, up moves it right 17:40:11 mk: with all the current implementation, changing current practice to get consistency is probably not worthwhile battle 17:41:22 -James_Nurthen 17:41:55 +James_Nurthen 17:46:52 jn: Add a note to the effect that real world example exist where pgup/pgdn/up/down are opposite of recommendation and there agood reasons for this in some circumstances 17:48:07 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=28376 17:49:30 jn: are we comfortable putting this in apg even though it doesn't work in IOS? 17:49:50 jn: role=slider is completely broken in ios; input type=range works 17:50:07 mk: Yes, I think we should put in the guide; it is IOS bug 17:50:34 jn: I am in process of creating ios bug 17:50:51 zakim, next topic 17:50:51 I don't understand 'next topic', mattking 17:51:00 zakim, next item 17:51:00 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, mattking 17:51:32 q? 17:52:05 ack me 17:52:05 jamesn, you wanted to ask what does type=range do in the browsers 17:52:16 zakim, next item 17:52:16 agendum 2. "Example coding practices" taken up [from jamesn] 17:53:20 jg: AT testing results is advisory. I think this is useful. A lot of developers do not have much AT experience 17:53:32 AA: maintenance night mare, perhaps 17:53:43 jg: we do not have to change it as AT changes 17:54:13 aa: if you call out problem with certain combo, you should date it 17:55:15 mmk: I don't think we should call out AT problems 17:55:28 jg: maybe we just log observed behaviors 17:56:34 mk: Maybe we just put in info about observed behaviors for AT that work 17:56:49 mk: not sure we should put in any issues like bugs 18:00:33 mk: if we are going to do this, i think it should be consistent across all examples. 18:00:58 jg: this info could be in json objects so it is reusable 18:02:18 mk: not sure if that is worthwhile at this time; nice idea but not sure if the AT info would be relavant without the attached example 18:02:39 jg: could help us with our own maintenance of the examples 18:03:28 jg: I will next work on a vertical slider, e.g., thermostat 18:09:35 mk: can we put role/property/state in one column 18:09:46 AA: still lot of people do not know which is which 18:09:57 jemma: i like sepaate column 18:10:51 mk: could put something like slider (role) in a combined column 18:12:59 mk: we should provide links to the spec for the roles, states, and properties 18:16:19 mk: there is duplication with the guide itself 18:16:44 jn: however every example does not implement all features so this helps people understand what is implemented 18:17:08 bg: or in cases where there is more than one way, to use or not to use active descendant 18:17:21 jn: really like the example and the supporting info 18:18:03 jg: should we put the source in the page? 18:18:23 jn: could you just link to it in github 18:19:02 mk: if you link to it in github, then you get the whole page vs just the widget 18:22:14 rrsagent, make minutes 18:22:14 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/03/30-aria-apg-minutes.html mattking 18:22:40 -Jon_Gunderson 18:23:21 rrsagent, make log public 18:24:36 -James_Nurthen 18:25:21 -AnnAbbott 18:25:50 -Jemma 18:26:10 -Bryan_Garaventa 18:26:11 -Matt_King 18:26:13 WAI_PFWG(ARIA)1:00PM has ended 18:26:13 Attendees were Jon_Gunderson, Matt_King, James_Nurthen, +1.512.459.aaaa, +1.217.244.aabb, AnnAbbott, Jemma, LJWatson, Bryan_Garaventa 18:26:23 zakim, bye 18:26:23 Zakim has left #aria-apg 18:26:39 rrsagent, make minutes 18:26:39 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/03/30-aria-apg-minutes.html mattking