12:53:06 RRSAgent has joined #svg-a11y 12:53:06 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/03/13-svg-a11y-irc 12:53:34 zakim, this will be 2742 12:53:34 ok, LJWatson; I see WAI_SVGTF()9:00AM scheduled to start in 7 minutes 12:53:46 Meeting: SVG A11y TF telecon 12:54:33 agenda+ Feedback from CSUN 12:56:01 agenda+ Requirements and use cases 12:56:12 rrsagent, set logs world-visible 12:56:22 rrsagent, make minutes 12:56:22 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/03/13-svg-a11y-minutes.html LJWatson 12:57:27 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #svg-a11y 12:57:28 WAI_SVGTF()9:00AM has now started 12:57:35 +fesch 12:57:57 +Rich_Schwerdtfeger 13:00:44 + +1.512.238.aaaa 13:00:52 +[IPcaller] 13:01:06 zakim, who is on the phone? 13:01:06 On the phone I see fesch, Rich_Schwerdtfeger, +1.512.238.aaaa, [IPcaller] 13:01:20 zakim, [IPcaller] is me 13:01:20 +LJWatson; got it 13:01:57 fesch has joined #svg-a11y 13:02:09 chair: fesch 13:03:57 +Doug_Schepers 13:04:02 + +1.609.759.aabb 13:05:31 AmeliaBR has joined #svg-a11y 13:05:52 chaals has joined #svg-a11y 13:06:45 +[IPcaller] 13:07:35 +??P29 13:07:43 zakim, [ip is me 13:07:43 +chaals; got it 13:07:58 zakim, ??P29 is me 13:07:58 +AmeliaBR; got it 13:08:19 [+1 to Doug - in general people think we are on the right path] 13:09:21 scribenick: LJWatson 13:09:27 zakim, take up item 1 13:09:27 agendum 1. "Feedback from CSUN" taken up [from LJWatson] 13:09:52 DS: We had lots of good feedback. People think we're on the right path. 13:11:16 JW: Interesting work in similar areas being done, like web components and data representation. 13:11:27 DS: Also with haptics. 13:12:23 DS: Think the haptics stuff could end up in CSS. Also chart.ml was interesting - a format neutral chart framework for different media. 13:12:57 cpandhi has joined #svg-a11y 13:13:21 http://www.onsaito.com/csdv/doc/ChartML.pdf 13:13:35 DS: We should co-ordinate to make sure what we're doing here doesn't conflict. 13:13:48 zakim, next item 13:13:48 agendum 2. "Requirements and use cases" taken up [from LJWatson] 13:13:56 q+ 13:14:29 ack chaals 13:14:32 zakim, take up item 1 13:14:32 agendum 1. "Feedback from CSUN" taken up [from LJWatson] 13:15:04 CMN: Increasing awareness of cognitive accessibility, and note this is an area where we can do a lot of good or a lot of harm, so we should track. 13:15:46 RS: CSUN is a much larger gathering of people with disabilities, than blind/low vision people. 13:16:47 DS: We should include cognitive requirements in the documentation we provide. Should co-ordinate with the Cognitive TF. 13:17:29 FE: Tried to reach out to James Jackson. PhD candidate doing research into Dyslexia. 13:18:37 zakim, take up item 2 13:18:37 agendum 2. "Requirements and use cases" taken up [from LJWatson] 13:19:02 FE: Let's walk through the requirements to see whether we have enough. 13:19:17 ABR: Need to make sure we haven't missed anything. 13:19:18 shepazu has joined #svg-a11y 13:19:23 https://www.w3.org/wiki/SVG_Accessibility#Color_blind_users 13:19:30 rrsagent, make minutes 13:19:30 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/03/13-svg-a11y-minutes.html LJWatson 13:20:27 FE reads through requirements for blind people. 13:21:43 FE: No requirement to visit items that represent data and get values? 13:22:10 DS: Should add it in. 13:22:26 FE reads requirements for colour-blind people. 13:22:55 ACTION: Léonie to add requirement for data values to requirements. 13:22:56 Created ACTION-1594 - Add requirement for data values to requirements. [on Léonie Watson - due 2015-03-20]. 13:23:43 DS: Going back to requirements for blind people... do we need a requirement for finding the styling of elements/geometry of elements? 13:24:28 JW: To understand how something is represented and/or for communicating with others, it's useful to query. Written description is only useful if information is included. 13:24:31 [+1 to being able to access style/geometry info of an object… ] 13:24:57 q+ 13:25:36 q- 13:25:53 ABR: Good idea for a requirement. 13:26:29 q+ 13:26:44 JW: Restricted to elements with semantic value. 13:27:23 ACTION: Léonie to add requirement for querying style/geometry information, for blind and colour-blind people. 13:27:23 Created ACTION-1595 - Add requirement for querying style/geometry information, for blind and colour-blind people. [on Léonie Watson - due 2015-03-20]. 13:28:23 CMN: Use case colour blind user trying to follow a non-colour-blind user's instruction to choose the red button. 13:28:52 rrsagent, make minutes 13:28:52 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/03/13-svg-a11y-minutes.html LJWatson 13:31:29 ABR: We can give author's advice, but also need browser support for querying information. 13:31:36 CMN: Editing the wiki now. 13:32:01 JW: Could be a browser extension to pull out colour information. 13:32:09 RS: YOu want that, or authoring advice? 13:32:12 JW: Both. 13:32:51 q+ 13:33:13 DS: An authoring requirement that says people should describe colours seems unlikely. Should be a UA requirement if anything. 13:33:23 q- 13:33:58 There are color-finding plugins for design purposes, e.g.: http://www.colorzilla.com/ 13:34:57 RS: We need to include personalisation. 13:35:18 RS: Have a proposal for schema.org integration relating to personalisation. 13:35:43 JW: Should co-ordinate with IndieUI. 13:36:29 FE reads through requirements for low vision people who don't use an AT. 13:36:46 RS: Pan and zoom capability would be good. 13:37:23 [+1 - pan and zoom is really important] 13:37:26 DS: Might also be a useful requirement for cognitive disabilities, zoom in to remove extraneous information from view. 13:37:47 JW: With tactile graphics also might want to limit the amount of information presented. 13:38:46 DS: A snapshot feature is being discussed for SVG. Possible we could define print requirements, so only the content in the viewport is printed. 13:39:34 ABR: Zoom/pan is currently dependent on browser capability, and the entire content would be printed regardless of current zoom level. 13:39:57 DS: Also a rotate feature. 13:40:00 [+1 to rotate…] 13:41:40 DS: When Firefox and other UA were introducing SVG support, there was resistance to interface behaviours being defined. 13:42:01 ABR: Things have changed in 10 years, might be worth looking at this again. 13:42:19 FE: We can ask. 13:42:32 DS: We don't want non-interoperability. 13:43:26 s/in 10 years,/in 10 years, for example video and audio elements require browsers to add user interface controls;/ 13:43:26 DS: Without consistency, people won't know how to interact with SVG from one example to another. 13:43:37 rrsagent, make minutes 13:43:37 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/03/13-svg-a11y-minutes.html LJWatson 13:44:19 FE: THink pan/zoom/rotate should be a general requirement? 13:44:30 ABR: As long as it's in there somewhere. 13:45:02 ACTION: Léonie to add zoom/pan/rotate requirement to wiki. 13:45:02 Created ACTION-1596 - Add zoom/pan/rotate requirement to wiki. [on Léonie Watson - due 2015-03-20]. 13:45:41 FE: Should there be a requirement for playing well with high-contrast mode? 13:45:57 ABR: "Should play well" is a good broad requirement. 13:46:04 +1 to playing well with HCM. 13:46:58 RS: Are aural style sheets dead? 13:47:14 DS: Pretty much, yes. 13:48:03 q+ to suggest that controls can be positioned and adjusted independently of zoom/pan… (as we do for things like maps already, because it's necessary) 13:48:04 DS: Haptic style sheets, audio style sheets (not aural) with things like the Web Audio API, might revive the idea. 13:48:33 RS: We think in single modality/visual. Need to think differently - about alternative modalities. 13:49:28 ABR: There is also cross-over - smart phone tools that read pages are not AT. 13:49:51 RS: So either audio style sheets, or programmatic access to speech? 13:50:03 DS: Would need a champion within CSS. 13:50:11 ABR: Plus implementation support. 13:50:21 FE: What does an audio style sheet do? 13:50:45 CMN: It lets you adapt speech output, switch accents, alter volume etc. 13:52:01 close action-1596 13:52:01 Closed action-1596. 13:52:12 FE: Do we need a category for low vision people who do use AT? 13:52:48 DS: Should we list different kinds of low vision users? 13:53:08 [I am going to go ahead and scribble in the wiki about this, so we can look at it next week too] 13:53:16 DS: For example someone who has narrow scope of vision will have different requirements from someone who has poor colour differentiation. 13:54:58 FE: We don't have time to look at requirements for cognitive disabilities today. There are visual requirements that will be important for them though. 13:55:22 ABR: This is an argument for browser/personalisation. 13:55:49 FE: Yes. Like the GPII thing for example. 13:56:23 s/them though./them though, such as avoiding high-contrast black and white./ 13:56:29 rrsagent, make minutes 13:56:29 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/03/13-svg-a11y-minutes.html LJWatson 13:57:06 s/personalisation/personalisation, because some user requirements are conflicting (high or low contrast)/ 13:57:45 FE: Need more requirements for people with mobility disabilities. For example they don't get tooltips. 13:57:55 ABR: That's an issue on touch devices too. 13:58:43 zakim, list participants 13:58:43 As of this point the attendees have been fesch, Rich_Schwerdtfeger, +1.512.238.aaaa, LJWatson, Doug_Schepers, +1.609.759.aabb, [IPcaller], chaals, AmeliaBR 13:59:09 rrsagent, make minutes 13:59:09 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/03/13-svg-a11y-minutes.html LJWatson 13:59:33 -LJWatson 13:59:34 -Rich_Schwerdtfeger 13:59:34 -chaals 13:59:36 -Doug_Schepers 13:59:36 - +1.512.238.aaaa 13:59:38 -fesch 13:59:41 - +1.609.759.aabb 13:59:44 -AmeliaBR 13:59:45 cpandhi has left #svg-a11y 13:59:45 WAI_SVGTF()9:00AM has ended 13:59:45 Attendees were fesch, Rich_Schwerdtfeger, +1.512.238.aaaa, LJWatson, Doug_Schepers, +1.609.759.aabb, [IPcaller], chaals, AmeliaBR 14:00:01 zakim, please part 14:00:01 Zakim has left #svg-a11y 14:00:09 rrsagent, please part 14:00:09 I see 3 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2015/03/13-svg-a11y-actions.rdf : 14:00:09 ACTION: Léonie to add requirement for data values to requirements. [1] 14:00:09 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2015/03/13-svg-a11y-irc#T13-22-55 14:00:09 ACTION: Léonie to add requirement for querying style/geometry information, for blind and colour-blind people. [2] 14:00:09 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2015/03/13-svg-a11y-irc#T13-27-23 14:00:09 ACTION: Léonie to add zoom/pan/rotate requirement to wiki. [3] 14:00:09 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2015/03/13-svg-a11y-irc#T13-45-02 14:00:13 Thanks for scribing again, Leonie